Get loopy!
Up next, another one of my favorites.
As in Extra Base: For rides that don't fit in. (I'm still waiting for Time Warp!)
I love Kings Island.
Prepare, for FUN!
After Zephyr someone handed us this!
I will get to ride Drop Tower after all!
It can get pretty intimidating,
But I love it!
We rode the Dodgems next, which seem to get worse and worse each time. I hate to say it, but they have now been downgraded to LAME!
I miss the Eagles. (Someone from the Q&A: "Did you get any bad stuff for removing the Eagles and can we have them back?")
Kings Island is proud of Diamondback. They should be, according to Jeff Gramke they've been trying to get a B&M for years!
It's a brake, let's all go nuts.
What kind of people just leave stuff laying all over? Someone could trip, and fall on the support beam!
Let's save this picture and compare it to a picture taken in the same spot 1 year from now.
Brake Shed is almost complete!
Quick Transitions, rough Banking, it's an Arrow. But I still love it.