Lets see, we get:
1. New Ride names
2. Red Racer technacly isn't "New", but it's an experince lost since 1982
3. Crypt New program
4. And we all get to Hunt out the new coaster (If, of course, we do get one)
Delerium opened in 2003, the 2002 map even says "New Ride 2003" or something like that.
In the previous spot of King Cobra
And in 2004 You can see Slingshot AND Delerium
Seeing as how much trouble it is to unbuild and rebuild the trains, redo the "Backwards" signs, then call a press release saying which way it will go, I'd say it's here to stay.
Changes I can Spot:
1. Face/Off Now Invertigo
2. Top Gun now Flight Deck
3. Son of Beast has new Blue + Red trains
4. Drop Zone now Drop Tower
5. Days of Thunder now Thunder Alley
6. Italian Job Stunt Track now Backlot Stunt Coaster
7. Tomb Raider the Ride now the Crypt
8. "New for 2007-Firehawk" thing is now "Thank You" thing
9. Swan Lake is Green
10. Path between BLSC and the land formally known as Swan Lake is Green
I don't see why they would advertise the new 2009 coaster, then again I don't see why they shouldn't!
I always thought that the FX Theatre would make a great B&M Floorless station but, if I must, then I must.
I think Twister would be a cool one. . . .