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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. ^They forgot the last "L" in Thrill!
  2. Cedar Fair is Not, by any means, just saying, "Remove all things Paramount." If so, they wouldn't have given The Racer a new logo, the would have given the Bilboard sign a new design, ect. ect.
  3. If I can get my Amusement-Park-Allergic Parents to get my pass processed I'll bring back pictures.
  4. Oh, really? That's why it is still there, of course. And calling other users stupid is violation of the Terms of Service. You and I are on two completely different pages. . . I said "Six Flags Over Cincinnati WOULD BE stupid. . . . Also Sea World Ohio Closed in 2001. . . .Why did you say it's still there?
  5. Over Cincinnati Stupid. . . . So is a Sea World in Cleveland, yet that made tons of money. . . .
  6. Doesn't it take a LOT of fuel to power one coaster? And If so could the riseing gas prices affect our amusement park experience?
  7. SoB is a completely enjoyable coaster, and I would look forward to it anyday. . . .
  8. Nahh, Kings Island is a load of baloney, there's no reason to be looking forward to it. Not.
  9. ^So, they drew graffiti on the walls to add to the themeing, but when people started doing actual graffiti, they took it off.
  10. What is happening to the rollercoasters there? I heared most of them are in storage. . . .
  11. ^Sorry, I thought you thought I was serious. (Wait....O.K.! lol) A girl who moved from St. Louis (Whose, of course, home park is Six Flags St. Louis) told me that Six Flags is looking at buying options for a new Six Flags Over _______!
  12. ^They do the graffiti on the Batman the Rides to simulate Gotham City. . . .
  13. ^It's the "Funniest Rumor You've Ever Heared" topic!
  14. After 14 years in the buisness I doubt there coming back to theme parks. . . . But Six Flags is looking to buy. . . . . .
  15. I try to look at the positive side of each change, even when it's removing a ride. (When a Theme Park removes a ride I often hope for a new better one to replace it.) And I mean all of you who think it's terrible, You gotta admit AT LEAST it's better than what we had last year, with absolutely no logo at all. . .
  16. Ohh, not mosquitoes. Mosquitoes to me are snakes to Indiana Jones.
  17. To hard to keep clean, refill, whatnot.
  18. I doubt that It says "Club Blood" in SoB's cage. The LAST thing CF would do is cover up the sign of one of the biggest rides in the park for an attraction that isn't even open.
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