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Everything posted by JacksonPKI

  1. if you look at all other Arrow mine rides, none of them end right after the second chain. Arrow doesn't end mine rides like that.
  2. Yea! YEA! And we can Remove IJST to make room for it!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. What are you talking about? It woulnd't cut down on capacity because there are normally no lines! Besides, if some average family was walking down Coney Mall, do you think it would be more apealing if the ride was running 2 trains or 1? Think about it.
  4. Flats, Maybe Coasters, No.
  5. If I could I would spend my life on a roller coaster. The Dissapointment in my heart when I see the station ahead is just undescribable. That's why the AE ending is a let-down to most people, And I'm pretty sure that there were plans for more. I've took the liberty of circleing some likely areas where it could be lengthend.
  6. ^ O.K., You take ALL the fun out of rumors.
  7. The park website said 2:30, which is decent. But the rumor says more feet of track, so yea, who knows. I was wondering if the "shortened Track" was somthing on Arrow's end. It was made in 1991, and by then their demise had started. Look at Top Gun! IT was made by Arrow in '93, and it's as short as all get out!
  8. In 1991, Kings Island Built the Adventure Express with the help of Arrow Dynamics, as we all know. But the rumor is, Arrow Dynamics had plans for it to be longer, with more drops and turns, but, Kings Island had budget Cuts, and was forced to have it end right after the Second Chain. Is there Any Truth to This? (This topic may also be used as a topic for all AE rumors)
  9. Ohh yea, when my mom rides the rides, she says it gets harder and harder each time. She refuses to ride Vortex now, and says The Racer is a huge ordeal.
  10. Coney Island was such a wonderful park in it's hayday, and holds so many memories and legends, such a historic site. I would hate to see it slip away, and Bloomburg better know what he's doing.
  11. Awesome, I loved the Nick Parade so when I was a kid, I always watched it after I rode The Beastie. Memories..... WHAT!!! how do you know about the backward racer is not going to be backwards no more? Because of the possible "new" trains right? I would Guess so. You have to do SOMETHING with the GL Trains! But, If they Put G-Trains on The Racer, and Villain on The Beast, I will be P*SSD, God I love the PTC ones.
  12. I smell something else, (And I'm sure it's not day-old cheese)
  13. There's something we haven't heard in a while.
  14. New Paint Jobs, New Names, New Resturaunts, New Flat Rides, Nick Upgrades,
  15. This time last year we were still getting used to CF. Besides, with Cedar Fair, You never know (that you do know)!
  16. I know, I saw it on the news, That was terrible. It is cruel to keep animals locked up like that and when they get out we treat it like they've gone Loco!
  17. What does this have to do with rumors? Besides, it's official now, Halloween Haunt will be pay seperate. ()
  18. Ahh, exactly. Now again, I saw big Dipper for sale up there so I don't know, but, The Big Dipper is the oldest roller Coaster in Ohio, and the 11th oldest in the world, Don't you think Cedar Fair would want to keep a coaster like that? But it's also great value, so from an economic standpoint, it would be great to sell it, So It Comes down to does CF want money that could turn into customers or customers that could turn into money? (I could have my own Point-Counterpoint show!)
  19. So what your saying is, is that it's easier to Buy new that relocated old, and Cedar Fair took advantege?
  20. oh, sorry, that was the day old cheese I smelt. Your right, Interp, I looked that over. Parks can buy there own trains.
  21. I noticed the Villain and RWBs, and there trains have put at KI, Could this be a sign of one of them coming to KI? Why would they sell it to SFNE (for example,) and have the trains at KI? I smell something big!
  22. Terrible. Maverick will be a pile of junk in three years. But, Cedar Fair has a three year plan, and I assume Maverick will be part of it. Which is why Cedar Fair Knows what will happen at KI in 2009. When they say, thats a mystery,
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