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Everything posted by JacksonPKI

  1. It's For Behemoth. "I'm Just Guessing" Did it happen to look like This?
  2. Which coaster has the most inversions? In the world?
  3. Well, apperently the "Supposed" Name for the ride at Dollywood is "Thunder Road". Besides, you could just license it under the name of "Thunder Road @ Kings Island"
  4. Ohh, It caught me off gaurd today. Just think how off gaurd we're going to be when we say, "Hey, guys, who wants to ride, Hollywood Thrill Ride?"
  5. I think some change every once in a while is good.
  6. Yea. Clueless people entertain me. I was once in line with a guy that was talking about how simaler X-Flight and Firehawk were.
  7. I think the old Paramount sign was more creative, But Hey, At Least It will stop from having to sit next to kids saying, "Hey, What rides did you ride at PKI?" UGH!
  8. God that is just about the greatest waiting movie of all time. Unfortionately I didn't have time to watch it at KI because the ride was a walk-on! I think that MOST of the Paramount stuff will be rethemed over the next year. SOME rides will not be rethemed because it takes money. Money, That Cedar Fair doesn't have.
  9. I want to be a member BAD, but I'm Like 13!
  10. Anyway Getting back on topic: (Again) It proves that Tomb Raider is obviously not going to get removed. Apperently the Problems with the motherbored are getting better. So, NEW NAME IDEAS? I was thinking about an abandond mine. That would tie into the old west Rivertown Theme.
  11. If we were to get a Ferris Wheel, I would want a normal Sized one. Besides, do we need a ferris wheel? I mean, if someone wants a good veiw of ki, they can just go to the top of the Eiffil Tower.
  12. How old do You have to be to be an ACE Coaster Member?
  13. I remember 9-11. I was a smaller boy then, and my memory is fuzzy. I woke up, Got breakfast, and turned on some cartoons. I remember flipping channels and on one I saw A building on fire. With my natural atraction to violance, I stayed on the channel. When I reliezed what was happening, It was devistating. It was crazy. You guys are right. Things can change VERY quickly. Who Remembers When Geauga Lake Closed? I do. I walked into my grandmas house (i'm a Teen,) in Cleveland, And she handed me a newspaper. It all happend so fast.
  14. OMG, Don't show me a pic of KI now, I Have Problems Adjusting to the Offseason. If you look closely, you'll see Face/Off sits in an Area of grass NEAR the parking lot.
  15. Yes, People here are not general Public. Yes, Pepole at my School Are. Yes, They Crack me up. Hanging around with me alot has taught them to keep up with KI, but if I were to choose a random kid out in the halls he would say, "Whats Son of Beast?" And then they'd say, "Ohh, yea, that big looping one."
  16. If you Visited the Park NOW, the only hint would be the Missing sign and Cedar Fair Trash Cans. $20 says Next year half the rides will have new names.
  17. It's Funny How the Creulest of Jokes can start such a huge Fuss.
  18. ANYWAY, GETTING BACK ON TOPIC: Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "Reliable". Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "Easy on the Body". Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "A Popular Ride" Tomb Raider is not one of the rides you'd consider "A Ride that will Stay".
  19. The Vortex has MINIMISED Head Banging Compared to other Arrows. There is some between the first drop and the first loop. After That, Smooth. I am Dead Serious: I would KILL for Lap Bars on Vortex
  20. Aren't their some SLC's with the same paint job and the name "Mind Eraser" I recal that somewhere. I hated Thunderhawk's paint job. Serial Thrillers paint is cooler.
  21. Wow, that Park's coming along fantasticly. Excelent themeing, You can ecspect that from Universal.
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