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Everything posted by pyrocoasterkid

  1. Wow, this topic hasnt gotten nowhere! haha.... As it has been said, its headed for CP... They already have track laying about up there... but its sure not enough for a full coaster yet...
  2. B&B? Boomerang and Bay? Sorry, i was like wtf when I saw that....
  3. I have to disagree... while this pic shows nothing but blue tarps, this is after a series of previous pictures, that showed RED, TRACK, underneath. These pix quickly disappeared of the net.... But this was seen by more than a few people... People claim it to be Intamin
  4. I would give the link to the Sandusky Register page, but you have to be a member to login and read the article, so I found the article elsewhere. Anyway, while most parks, PKI included, are jacking up prices everywhere, CP is dropping them, even on food. Some of the prices have been cut in half! Read the article for specifics: CP drops prices everywhere But wow, what an ingenious plan. This is along side of their cheaper admissions. I think PKI should consider lowering their prices too, because some of it is just getting out of hand. I'm almost jealous looking at the prices and the cuts of the food at CP! What do you all think?
  5. Since when does Delerium make 4 full swings? I always thought it was just 3? Has something changed, or have I always been missing something?
  6. Wow.... just wow.... there's nothing else that can even be said here..
  7. Yea I was wondering the same thing... I noticed a few days ago on my way home from OSU that all of the Winterfest billboards refer to it as Kings Island, not Paramounts Kings Island, as all of their usual billboards of past have said. As far as I could tell, there was no Paramount reference on the sign at all.
  8. I was just looking through some pix of Hypersonic XLC, and I thought of something I've never thought about before. Does this ride and the similar ride in Japan have roll backs? And how does it stop if it does roll back? Like the rocketcoasters? Also, what about coasters like Mr. Freeze and even the FoF coasters? How do they stop if they don't make the first inversion?
  9. I personally love Wings diner. There is a reason it seems like the restaurant time forgot: it is supposed to have a retro feel. The food is a nice variety of chicken, ribs, etc. I just love the feel of the restaurant....
  10. I have to agree with all of you that said atmosphere. Everywhere you go in the park, you get a different atmosphere and feeling. I like the festhaus, Action Zone, and the whole beast, TRTR are and especially Wings diner. I like every section of the park, but these edge the others out... The fountain entrance is awesome too.
  11. Lol this topic is almost 2 years old...
  12. So do you all think itd be best to apply online? or in person(which is a 20 minute drive)?
  13. Hey all, Well I am going off to college, so I will be going on a "school leave of absense" at my current job. The only problem is is that I am really starting to dislike my current. I know, life's a b****. Anyway, Obviously the only real time I will be back here in Cincy is the holidays and summer. This got me thinking.... what about a job at PKI for winterfest? Since this is my longest break (december 8th- jan 4th). Anyway, a few questions. And I'm sure similar questions have been asked 1001 times before.... 1. Is online a good way to apply? 2. Is there a good chance of getting a Winterfest job just for those dates that I am here on winter break? 3. I see there is three winterfest jobs available... do I apply for all 3? or just one application? Thanks all
  14. ^ Well that took me a whole 5 seconds to find on yahoo... hmmmm Danger Zone Lyrics Anyway, yea i was wondering what you all were talking about... The sign just switched sides of the queue....
  15. heck, the website location map doesnt even mention the one at PKI....
  16. Yea didnt waste my money in 2003 on the coaster. But Big Shot made me almost poop in my pants.... When u get that high, you cant see the tower below and makes it feel like youre waaaaay up there and going the whooole way down... it was a huge rush... Unfortunately the new rides weren't there yet...
  17. FOF was ALOT worse w/ OTSR's... The headbanging was awful....not much fun at all... With the new harnesses, the ride feels totally different...For the better..
  18. Yea, TRTR opened in 2002, because Delerium opened in 2003.... so in other words, TRT construction started in 2001 sometime...
  19. lol...thank god someone came up with the word: CENTRIFUGAL!.... I tried my best w/ limited knowledge...
  20. Its the wrong kind of cars. There is a difference between suspended cars and inverted cars. Suspended cars can swing freely from side to side, while inverted cars are rigid and can't swing side to side. If a suspended car went into a loop, it would flop sideways at the top of the loop and probably hit the track. The only way to prevent it from going sideways there is to have such a high speed into the loop that the force keeps it straight. This force would probably knock out all on board, but hey, LETS DO IT!.... Difference in cars: Inverted Suspended I hope i made some sense...lol
  21. I love the wings diner... Its always been my favorite place to eat, tho I tend to be cheap and go for some cheaper food. Thats the only down side, is the price. But the food more than makes up for it in my book... I like the old hollywood feel it gives you...
  22. Maybe I missed something here, and I probably did, but I thought that sign was a fake. It seemed like someone photoshopped it.. Help me?
  23. Six Flags Great America has Joker's Jinx: Jokers Jinx I believe there is a movie on this site that shows the ride running with FOF's lights on... quite awesome actually
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