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Everything posted by LongliveKingsCobra

  1. Some of us remember a time when there was no Massive Wooden Beast lingering over near AZ...
  2. So what you're saying is that they are putting up Corn Stalker stuff just for a diversion? Yeah.....I don't think that's the case....
  3. You mean, it was the lead paint of the coaster that led to it's demise? TROLOLOLOLOLOL
  4. Didn't The Bat have more swings? I mean The Bat did not feature banked turns, which made the trains swing even higher....right? Oops. You already said it, lawls. I can't read to good. or is it well? Eh...
  5. No no no no: The Beast Vortex (If it were still open SOB) but really: Invertigo Flight of Fear. Those are my four fearsome babies! EDIT: WOW. How could I forget Diamondback? Fail lol
  6. Shows what thy knows! FD did have fog effects in it's station when it first opened as Top Gun!
  7. Those lights used to play for the 40th Anniversary "show". If i remember correctly, music would play and some Beast sounds and then the lights would flash and move for a moment then go off...I didn't know they still used them so that's good!
  8. I kill them. There was one time I threw a shoe at one, and it disappeared!!THOSE ARE THE SCARIEST TIMES OF MY LIFE. Also at NYLT one year I got into my tent the first night to set up my stuff cause I was on staff. A HUGE. I mean HUGE black scary spider was chilling on the inside of the rear flap. So what did I do? Got a bowling pin (cause that's what we used to drive the stakes for out tents) and threw it at the darn thing. Well I hit it once, and it once again, disappeared...
  9. haha Show me snakes, snails, evil people. Show me a spider, I freak. darn creatures... They are only good for keeping mosquitoes and other pests away but even then...*shudders*
  10. You almost made me punch my computer screen...thank you. Thank you very much...
  11. Awkward moment when you don't have that sort of power and the posts go on.. Oh look what I did
  12. That's not all that weird. That's really the feel it has.
  13. The Vets come out during construction, mostly. Can anyone name the movie where I twisted the quote a little bit? Anyone?
  14. Which seems to be the problem with most of our older members. Then they disappear and well...these other "fine" individuals show up!
  15. Well I haven't seen you in a while I don't think!
  16. Send in the MODS there ought to be MODS! ...or something like that...
  17. So you admit, you know nothing? Final Bows people, final bows.
  18. Yes. Cobra being Terpy! Muahahahaha
  19. Minus the whole fact that we really don't know if you are actually working (INTERNING) there. And after some further searching, the only available Internships with Cedar Fair are Internal Audit. Which I doubt they would tell you their future plans.
  20. Ok just wait for 2014. We have a new Ice Fire bird here. And many other posters that said such things. I know for a fact they are exPanding the park with a new area. Basically everyone in office knows the plans. I'm interning with them this fall quarter and spring out of UC but one thing they won't tell anyone but the higher ups is what is actually going into the area specifically. The only people who don't know about it are ride ops an the other staff members that deal with the public. You'll all see soon, as well as myself, what the specific plans for the area are. How dost thee sound like members past. Ghosts, phantoms, echos!! Ghastly words repeating thrice upon the page! DOUBLE DOUBLE TOIL AND TROUBLE!!!
  21. Then why say KI isn't even worrying about it right now, and that it's two years away?
  22. Exactly. It wasn't like just last year CP decided to build Gatekeeper. That was planed years in advance. It was most likely a Kinzel Project.
  23. Actually I wouldn't be so sure. Theme Parks think years in advance I bet.
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