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Everything posted by LongliveKingsCobra

  1. Or you go into a tunnel...
  2. I thought Tennessee Tornado was themed to a...well...tornado?
  3. Yeah, but in those instances the rides fit very well with the names of the movies.
  4. Or even more so, add a locker option to your season pass, for maybe 45-50 bucks more you can add free locker use all year.. Sounds reasonable to me.
  5. I see no problem with using the 5 dollar wristband to get one for everyone... (waiting for the backlash)
  6. Danny Phantom comes to mind. The show had been off air for at least two years after the ride came out. However, I did like the theme to the rides even if they did diminish after a while.
  7. Paramount often let their rides be awesome possum on media day, and even maybe the first week of full operation, but alas after that things started to fade out and further just die off. Stair effect from IJ:ST anyone?
  8. Hmm...True. Very well played. You win this round....
  9. Oh that sucks! But it's happened to people on here too! Keep everything of value in your car or a locker!
  10. Benred, please tell us how you really feel, don't be so coy.
  11. Everyone knows that it is going to be torn down, and a 300 foot tall roller coaster will be put in it's place...or will Cedar Point not be happy about that?
  12. ...I agree Effel Tower, although that could get cold!
  13. No. The Pink and Yellow looked tacky. The new Verti looks so nice!
  14. and then for a very short time wasn't there either a Tomb Raider Live Action Show, or was it a James Bond Live Action Show? It wasn't very long engaged, but it was there.
  15. That's a good one too, I'd love a giant Ferris wheel!
  16. I believe someone once said that as well, having it fly over the midway, however what would happen with DB?
  17. I'd love a screaming swing. What other flats could work?
  18. I just checked and rechecked, I don't get this channel, but Fioptics online lists it as a channel... EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. Just wasn't the channel the website said. For all other Fioptic users, the channel is 531!
  19. ...you actually like that 3 point challenge game....? Woww...I guess it does depend on who you are...
  20. But really is it that you are made of wood? Or is it that both of you have been "fixed" **badum bum chinnggggggggg* Huh? Huh? Anybody? Anybody? No? wow...tough room...
  21. ....So...you're saying you are a wooden roller coaster? Da fuq....?
  22. Oh I know, that would be OH SO VERY COOL! I was thinking of something like Dragon Challenge down yonder in Orlando!
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