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Everything posted by dakota2112

  1. I don't know, but it looks like the Adventure Express lift chain gets lubricated with plenty of grease, as indicated by the massive pile of "excess" that has fallen off of it. Look over your left shoulder when going up the first lift hill (I think) and you'll see what I mean, unless they've cleaned it up recently. (this would probably make that a pile of grease that has fallen off of the second lift hill)
  2. What would be really cool icing-on-the-cake is if they could tell us which part of the ride our respective keepsakes came from. (Or is that being too greedy? )
  3. More info about the other pieces, as told to me by the phone operator: The bolt is a 13" bolt, weighs approx 5 lbs, will not be on a plaque and will not have any sort of nameplate on it. The wood is a 6"x9" support post, cut to between 18" and 24" long, with a Son of Beast nameplate on it.
  4. Imagine the mess they would have to clean up if the entire Son of Beast roller coaster was literally demolished with a wrecking ball. I'm not in the industry, but it seems dismantling it would be both safer and easier. Dismantling in an orderly fashion vs knocking the structure down into splinters and nails and bolts to go recover. Maybe someone who actually knows will chime in, because I'd like to find out actually
  5. Yes - well, my son and I... a few years ago we had Vortex all to ourselves at night. We had ridden roller coasters before by ourselves, but I fully agree there is something unique about riding Vortex at night by yourself that adds a bit of psychological thrill to it.
  6. Hopefully this link works... http://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&cp=qjrmmq7zct2p&lvl=18&dir=180&sty=b&where1=Kings%20Mills%2C%20OH&form=LMLTCC
  7. If this is the same building I'm thinking of, I don't think it's on KI property, and it isn't anywhere near Beast. It's northeast of the park, on the other side of the Little Miami River, on Grandin Road. (maybe sorta kinda "behind" Son of Beast?) You can see the tops of the factory's brick tower and smokestack from the Eiffel Tower.
  8. I'd bet large sums of money that the train + people weighs a LOT more than 3000 lbs... was that a typo?
  9. I am watching Vortex trains going up the lift hill right now. An employee standing guard at The Vortex line said it should open today they just don't know when.
  10. Not sure how long this has been there, but there are a couple big coils of chain on pallets or something at the bottom of The Vortex lift hill, and some wood boards laid out inline with the lift hill... with chain lying on it, feeding up onto the hill itself it looked like. I saw this from WindSeeker earlier tonight.
  11. I think I heard the theme from Apollo 13 on WindSeeker last night.
  12. I'm interested in hearing from people who have camped at or near Cedar Point. We've never been there, but we're planning to go this summer. We have a pop-up camper, and we generally prefer state parks vs private campgrounds, but I'm open to suggestions. I've heard bad things about East Harbor State Park (small campsites) and the Cedar Point campground ("no campfires", and the campsites jam-packed in together... not my kind of camping... although the convenience of being onsite is attractive). Kelley's Island State Park sounds interesting, being on an island in Lake Erie, although I wonder if dealing with a ferry to/from every day is too much of a hassle? So... anyone have any experience with a camping/Cedar Point vacation? Thanks! (and for what it's worth, I did post this on a Cedar Point forum as well... but I thought it can't hurt to ask here too)
  13. I agree with EVERYTHING you've said here. I truly think some people are wired differently when it comes to primal survival instincts. I value my life dearly (not to say others don't... ) and I'm one of those people who needs to see that redundant safety belt snapped into place to truly feel safe. I've overcome this on DB, but I don't think I could ride Drop Tower without the safety belts. Ditto for Invertigo. I'm also one of the people who drive a SAFE and COMFORTABLE (but not unreasonable) speed on snow-and-ice-covered roads, with people inevitably ending up fighting with each other trying to get around me. I must be the only person in Warren County without AWD or something. Yet in my own defense, more often than not, guess what vehicles I see spun out or upside-down when it's icy out. Yep, those AWD crossovers and SUV's that just couldn't wait to get around me. But I digress...
  14. I've heard rumblings from a few different sources that 2012 especially will be a good year to have a Dollywood pass. Hopefully that will continue to be the case.
  15. I'll second that. Saturday night was probably the most crowded that I've ever seen KI. The parking lot was full all the way to the extreme north end. The DB line reached almost to the entrance of the Wings Diner (or whatever it's called now). Even the LaRosa's lines stretched all the way across the midway.
  16. My son is 9, and I've taken him to KI during Haunt for the past several years now. We've never had any problems, and I don't think I'm using poor judgment in the least. But then again, we go EXCLUSIVELY to enjoy riding the rides after dark. The fact that Haunt is going on is almost irrelevent; that's not what we're there for. The occasional roving monster will pay us a visit every once in a while, and I do get a chuckle when they sneak up and startle him (or me). It's all in good fun. Then it's on to the next coaster
  17. You are correct... in addition... Originally, the exotic bird show was in a similar ampitheatre near the location of Timberwolf. The bird show was tucked away in the corner where the Invertigo Plaza now exists. Here's a pic: Shaggy So, is that the entirety of the Adventure Village area? From the things people here had said (real parakeets in the trees, waterfalls, jungle music, etc) I imagined it being similar to Kings Dominion's current Congo area (forested, jungle drum soundtrack, dark, well-landscaped, secluded)... The area in that photo looks rather devoid of trees, theme, and... well... beauty. Is that photo of the adventure area in its prime? Am I missing something? GYK, who always blindly agreed with those who said Adventure Village was much nicer than Action Zone simply based on the theme, but who, upon seeing this photo, is thinking he may have been wrong... Nope, that's the area sometime around it's 2nd or 3rd season ('75 or '76)... Here's a pic (albeit fa fuzzy one...) of it in it's prime: WOW what an amazing picture!! I can't get a visual reference of what direction this pic was taken. If I'm on the E.T. which direction is this? and what is there now? Is that the tram that's at Jungle Jim's now in the background? Thanks for reminiscing everyone, this is all new to me!!! Very Cool!!! I think that's looking in a northerly direction, towards what is now the Action Zone area.
  18. You're not alone. I remember thinking the same thing when I saw the dolphin show. And likewise, I never even liked going to the zoo as a kid (or as an adult). I hate seeing the cats pace endlessly around the perimeter of their enclosure, or witnessing the primates being gawked at all day by onlookers. I'm not an animal activist, I just don't see the joy in watching animals in captivity like that. (ok, end of diversion! )
  19. That is truly incredible. And borderline insane.
  20. Are you saying people jumped out of the train as it approached the top of a hill, push the train over the crest, and get back in while it's starting to accelerate down the hill? I'm not saying you're lying, but I'd have to see that to believe it!
  21. I doubt that they're actually trying to get that much. That's the way these things work. The lawyers go in with guns blazing, asking for an incredible amount, and hope to settle for less.
  22. I'm sickened by how sue-happy society has gotten as well, but if this injury was caused by SOB, and required surgery, then I think they deserve more than just medical bill compensation. Surgery is a significant life interruption. Don't be so quick to call people money hungry... you might have a different outlook if you were the one on the operating table. Just sayin'...
  23. I actually have ducked...3 of the 4 times I've encountered the Helix on Beast. PS: I also, very strictly, follow the "keep your hands in the car" warnings on every coaster I have ever ridden. I don't want to take the chance of losing my hands/arms/etc. ...Kings Island actually promotes riding with your arms all the way up, at least on Diamondback - remember that commercial shot from the front of the train looking back? Everyone had their arms all the way up...
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