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Go Browns

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Everything posted by Go Browns

  1. I know this is not exactly what you are looking for but I always recommend packing lunch at amusement parks. Lunch meat sandwiches, pretzels, chopped carrots, maybe an apple, and something like a yogurt, and water or diet pop is perfect. I'd look into which ones have picnic areas around the park. At CP I usually sit on the beach or in the grass under a tree outside of Gemini. It is by far the cheapest, healthiest way to eat at the parks. Inside most parks all you will find is deep fried, sugary, fattening, over priced garbage. That is all for my rant of the day, carry on.
  2. Article in ECC First Drop, same place that the first DB layout was released.
  3. Suggesting that very similar to the Ferrari ride just because the track looks similar is a bit of a stretch. Wicked Twister, Maverick, Top Thrill Dragster, and Millennium Force all have pretty similar track too. I really don't think we will see another speed record broken at a Cedar Fair park any time soon. Also I agree that the track at KD is the same as the track on the new Ferrari coaster but I have yet to come across anything stating that either are in fact Premier. However, I have come across some talk of Intamin having a new style of more rigid track coming out and some suggest that this is it. *Diamondback FOF beat me to it.
  4. I had Nike Shox one summer and they completely fell apart, especially where that plate under the shox meets the front sole. Out of curiosity I cut through one of the shox to see what was in it and guess what I found... Nothing its jut a hollow hunk of rubber no springs or any other fancy technology. I think these are a marketing gimmick and wouldn't recommend them to anyone. Of course that was just my experience. Hope you enjoy yours TTD 120 420.
  5. Usually flip flops but if I'm going for comfort nothing beats nike running shoes with zoom air soles. Shox and air pocket nikes last a few months and then completely fall apart. Zoom air soles last years and never stop being comfortable. I still run about 20 miles a week (most weeks ) in my pair that I used to train and run the flying pig in 07! I keep thinking I want a new pair then I go for a run and realize they are still in great shape.
  6. MilF is running right now! http://www.funcoast.com/funcam
  7. Yowza that doesn't look good. Almost looks like the catch car released the train then the cable snapped somewhere on the lift allowing the catchcar's momentum to carry it over the lift hill with nothing to hold it back. At best just a snapped cable. At worse snapped cable, damage to the catchcar, damage to the trough the catchcar rides in and maybe more.
  8. Cool PTR, looks like a lot of fun and wow you have a lot of friends that work at CP! Stalkerchick I can completely relate. When I lived up there I would go to CP 20 time a summer. Then I moved to Columbus to go to OSU and still live here. I usually go once in the summer and once for Halloweekends, but last year for the first time in my life I didn't make it even once. I'm so ashamed...
  9. Great PTR I love Chicago. Nothing makes me feel more American then sitting in Wrigley Field drinking an Old Style and watching the Cubies lose. I hope that when you were at the Sears Tower you did the thing from Ferris Bueller's Day Off where you lean forward with your forhead on the glass. Did you see what they are planning to add like a glass balcony you can walk out on and look straight down? That looks awesome! There are plenty of ways to get to Chicago have you ever heard of Mega Bus? Its super cheap and only takes about 5 hrs from Cinci. Also you can take the Amtrak from Cinci to Chicago which I've never done but I bet its a cool experience.
  10. There is reply from Paula who rights the blog on Holiday World's website (I'm not too familiar with her and don't know her actual position) over at Coasterbuzz where she states that they decided to go with a smaller boat then was originally planned. The smaller boat has resulted in the smaller disappointing wave.
  11. Nice PTR looks like you guys had a lot of fun. It would be really cool to go to an event like this for a new ride.
  12. Not sure if any of you visit coasterbuzz.com, if not here is some very cool footage from the webmaster Jeff. Anyone else notice how much the lift hill shakes when the train goes down. I thought I was looking at an Intamin for a second. *make darn sure you click the HD button. It takes longer to load but its well worth it.
  13. How did it run today? Was there much down time any e-stops? Sounds like most people only waited around 2 hrs. How long was the wait after you go under the sign?
  14. Full POV and reverse POV Too bad there is no sound
  15. Raw Video: Kristina Cruise Rides Diamondback Kinda lame but its something to look at.
  16. I don't think it will look so out of place after the grass comes in. In fact I think it will look fantastic and I can not wait to see it in person.
  17. Looks like some lucky employees are having a bit of fun on this rainy day...
  18. Yeah I started a thread about it here http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17003 The reason it's pretty buried now is that the deadline was 4/11
  19. In my experience lights have never detracted from my ride experience. I think B&M could care less what a park decided to do with the lights. If there are lights on DB then it will be because KI put them there and not B&M. I think we will see something very similar to that picture Racerrider posted and the splashdown will definitely be lit up. You don't want the centerpiece to be in the dark. You are close on Raptor. When the train gets to the cobra roll the lights that highlight the track turn off but then a bunch of strobe lights start flashing as the train rolls through. At least that what it used to do, CP has had issues changing light bulbs in the past.
  20. Just in case anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about
  21. Yeah it looks like they are having some real issues getting this ride up. If you look over at johnny upsidedown there are some pics that show a missing support about 3/4 the hill after that first non-inverting loop thing. The support was there then gone and I think its back again now but it has some black around the bottom where you tell it was 'adjusted'. Over at TPR someone posted a pic of the support cut in half with a torch. Also I here that the track goes through an old firehouse but that they are having clearance issues and may have to remove the track in order to adjust the facade of the building. can you spot the missing support? New and Improved support Firehouse section I think this ride has some amazing transitions and I can't wait to hear what that first loop element is like. But I think the supports are the ugliest thing since the Chiller. They look like cheap scaffolding. As far as supports go I think less is better as in Diamondback and Millennium Force.
  22. There is a new blog entry today that talks about the Starlight Experience among other things. I have to say the more I learn about this the more I think it sounds a little corny and a detraction from my favorite area of the park. Who knows maybe it will be considered a huge hit by everyone... even me
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