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Everything posted by markhudson17

  1. I have a question about the restraints on Diamondback. Since I have never been on a B&M hyper before, I'm wondering how forgiving the restraints are in terms of rider size. I know last year, there wasn't a ride I couldn't ride, including MF and TDD at CP. But I hate to say I've packed on a couple inches during the winter. I'm working right now to slim down back to where I was last yeat. Currently I have a waist size of 38. Will this be a problem on DB or should I not worry?
  2. This might be a dumb question, but where about in this picture do you guys think the actual entrance will be?
  3. I was wondering if there is any kind of record for the most rides on The Beast in one day. If not, what is your personal record. At the moment, mine is only 4 but I'm planning on increasing that dramatically this summer.
  4. I have a question that has always been bugging me. Last year I had a gold pass and I knew it had the ERT benefits, but I didn't know where to go to do this. I've searched the forums but I have found nothing. Do you just push to the front of the crowd or do you have to do something special?
  5. Firehawk has given me two completely different ride experiences. First was on August 8th, 2007. As we were heading up the lift hill, they let off the fireworks. Not only was that amazing my first ever experience of flight in almost complete darkness. Completely spectacular. The second was on Friday, July 13th 2008 at around 2 PM. Completely scared the scap out of me. I guess I couldn't see the ground before. Its still a fun ride but is really enjoyable at night.
  6. Just wondering. I haven't had an image for about 45 minutes now
  7. does anyone know whats going on right now and what they're doing?
  8. webcam hasn't worked for me at all in the last 20 minutes
  9. I can't wait to see the trains. They're gonna be a work of art.
  10. This might be a dumb question but it's bugging the heck out of me. In this picture: http://www.KICentral.com/photos/displayima...m=278&pos=2 the track piece is connected to another dark red piece before attaching to the support. I thought the track bolted directly to the support. Does anyone know what the reason for this is. Its really bothering me.
  11. AHHH. I'm allergic...Can u believe it... the coaster must be pretty small or that is one huge bee. lol
  12. I'm trying to get some pictures together of the ride signs at C.P. I'm havin a hard time finding them so can anyone help me out
  13. I just purchased a gold pass and with it you get free parking. I don't own a vehicle so I won't be driving myself to the park. My question is if I'm riding with a friend or family member can I still get the free parking even if i'm not driving, or do I have to be the driver?
  14. The rides near closing are always good...especially without that brake before the helix...a few years ago I was on the last train of the night...and they didn't apply any brakes...it was awesome but it hurt alot
  15. thanks everyone...at least i have an explanation...btw...the ride was awesome...I always love a night ride
  16. Last night me and my friend were in line for The Beast...we got all the way up to the lines in the actual station...then the fireworks started going off...The stopped the ride...but afterwards they did not immediatley open the ride...it was a good 40-50min wait after the fireworks that it started back up..everyone was going nuts and alot of people left...was anyone else there when this happened and does anyone know what was going on
  17. thanks, its nice to know that I won't have to wait too long...I wanna ride as much as I can
  18. I'm purchasing my gold pass today or tomorrow at meijers and I'm having it processed saturday when I visit the park...How long is the wait typically at the processing on a Saturday...I've heard from people that it can get up to a hour or two..Is this true??
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