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Everything posted by FOFreak

  1. Yeah, they laugh because thier so gitty with my attractiveness! Plus thier debating on who's going to give me thier number first.
  2. How about the group of girls that go around laughing for no apparent reason all day long! I once stood in line with 4 of those types right behind me on BLSC!
  3. Is it just me or did the area of the concrete (used to be) square where the station will be get bigger?
  4. King Cobra was on an island as I have been told, not on any magic mountain... FOFreak, who just HAD too...
  5. It is raining? I can't tell! EDIT: Nevermind, it looks a little noticeable when you pay close attention to detail. EDIT II: Wow, I fell really stupid now! I see puddles and mud! Don't even read this post, in embarasment of my stupidity....
  6. I find that map confusing! I hope Kings Island doesn't take that path.
  7. Kind of how Top Thrill Dragster looks on Cedar Point's Map?
  8. All new members must learn at one point. View the "Terms Of Service" please!
  9. Oh well, on second thought, from the way you have explained the process, it may not take as long as had predicted!
  10. I doubt it will be done by Friday considering it took nearly two weeks to top off the lift hill. Maybe on Wednesday... How long till' we see the station completed with all the bells and whistles?
  11. Can someone post some pictures from the webcam? I can't watch it on my IPod.
  12. Is Diamondback her sister? FOFreak, who just HAD too!
  13. Yeah, bad Terpy. Everyone knows that I thought of it!
  14. What an incentive to get an 09' Platinum Pass!
  15. No, disrespect at all! I was actually trying to agree with Beaver, on the fact that I would rather ride Son of Beast. A night ride on SOB is a great ride for the people that have low pain tolerence!
  16. LOL! Right, when I read that Dew spewed out of my nose, because I was drinking out a bottle of Dew!
  17. LOL! Beaver, you spelled "do" wrong!
  18. Well, I'm gonna' be really envious come April/May, for my first of two visits is not till' Mid-June.
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