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Everything posted by skaterboy22101

  1. im hopeing we can still work out a deal for the podcast. haha. even better. i could become your co-host. haha.

  2. ok i know you guys dont want to hear this but Diamondback is only like 15 feet taler than SoB and the first drop is almost the same Yes but the skyline compares it to Vortex. And it just shows how big of a monstor Diamondback is. Plus, Diamondback will be a ton smoother and have a ton more airtime. Plus, it's a B&M for heavens sake! KI has needed a B&M forever! Ok. Well let me say this. Are you sure it will be smother? Call me crazy but i am pretty sure that Diamondback isn finshed. And since it isnt finshed i am pretty sure you havent ridden it. Mabye you have ridden other B&M coasters that may of been smooth but you dont know about Diamondback
  3. ok i know you guys dont want to hear this but Diamondback is only like 15 feet taler than SoB and the first drop is almost the same Yes but the skyline compares it to Vortex. And it just shows how big of a monstor Diamondback is. Plus, Diamondback will be a ton smoother and have a ton more airtime. Plus, it's a B&M for heavens sake! KI has needed a B&M forever! Ok. Well let me say this. Are you sure it will be smother? Call me crazy but i am pretty sure that Diamondback isn finshed. And since it isnt finshed i am pretty sure you havent ridden it. Mabye you have ridden other B&M coasters that may of been smooth but you dont know about Diamondback
  4. ok i know you guys dont want to hear this but Diamondback is only like 15 feet taler than SoB and the first drop is almost the same
  5. had an arguement at school. kid" Vortex is bein taken out! "uh no there not" "yea huh" "where did you hear this at?" "KICentral" "o. and who tould you this?" "some guy named the pretender" "i think you mean the interperter" "yeah! thats him" "well if he said it then it must be true"
  6. and if it really doesnt then we all must be smoking the same stuff
  7. If you hit all zeros, won't you be at KI? It will be awesome to finally ride this thing, after watching it sprout up. ok seriousaly e covered that. now we all want to ride Diamondback so back on topic i wonder what will be done today.
  8. really good one. i love that song Strangers waiting, up and down the boulevard Their shadows searching in the night Streetlight people, living just to find emotion Hiding, somewhere in the night
  9. just a small town girl livin in a lonely world she took the midnight train goin anywhere just a city boy born and raised in south detroit he took the midnight train goin anywhere
  10. i think there will be a new B&M Hyper theamed like a snake at KI. o wait
  11. What does that mean? haha on a previous post i put pki
  12. What kind of a jerk would blow up Diamondback!? the aliens. ypu pesky aelins, we cought on to your conspircy! *shakes his fist wildly into the air*
  13. you might be a ki!!!!(see no P terpy!!)if you remeber beastfan26 Diamondback construction song. Guilty
  14. i drean biut Diamondback and just ki almost every night
  15. wow wow wow wow your 12. you shouldnt know what that is
  16. maybe it's not the camera, but insted tower jonny. tower johny why yould he do that? and by the way tat is from the sun reflecting off the metal where exactly is there metal in the spashdown? how the light reflects of the track pieces back to the camera making that effect
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