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Coney Islander

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Everything posted by Coney Islander

  1. So are you saying that FD is having the same metal fatigue issues that led to the removal of KC? Whatever plans Cedar Fair has for the future of Flight Deck are prone to change. Kinzel and friends might want Flight Deck to stay in operation for many more years. FUN might, too... Or not. We'll have to wait and see what change FUN intends on Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, if any change at all.
  2. Disney is known to be a very opportunistic company, so their purchase of Great Wolf Resorts would not surprise me in the least bit. And, Disney has for a long time been known for suing whoever uses its name (without proper copyright). I'd guess the booking system is to a certain extent automated. In other words, the computer noticed a few key words and put the deal into a category, just so happening to be Disney. Before anyone asks, this is pure speculation. (Isn't it fun?)
  3. Yes... Two sets, each with six flags, above Pepsi Python's turns. I found it the most interesting... I also must point out, to the people who say a paint job proves Flight Deck will not be removed in the near future, King Cobra received its final paint job but two years before its ultimate removal. Especially with the FUN times in Sandusky, changes in plans are just as likely as, say, Kinzel leaving Cedar Fair at (or by) the date his current contract expires.
  4. Also, see the first comment: Thank you for posting this, The Interpreter!
  5. Success in the Amusement Industry has a direct connotation to how progressive you tend to be. People love to experience what's new! What's exciting! What's merry- making! Smaller Amusement Parks have (in recent years) done an amazing job at this. The two largest US chain companies have both become rather stagnant. Roller Coasters were originally the bees-knees in Amusement Park entertainment, but you've got to admit they've lost quite a bit of luster, due largely to over- use. Every few years, the park gets a new "best" coaster. Same old, same old... Does Coney Island publicly release attendance figures? I'd love to know what effect The Wallenda Family Stunt Show may or may not have had on attendance, in- park spending, etc. (I myself was a little disappointed by the marketing aspect of this. I hoped television and radio advertisements would be in more abundance... Still, attendance appeared better than ever.) I also must chime in that the "Deal of the Day" was a wonderful idea. My mother made sure to it she visited the Coney Island website, the first time she heard the radio advertisement. Many are like that, about saving money... And with website clicks, come visitors.
  6. Cedar Fair, with the purchase of Kings Island got a bad situation. There is no easy fix... And every positive fix has some very negative side effects, so to say. In all honesty, I couldn't think of anything better than just leaving Son of Beast standing but not operating until the funds become available to do something lacking in negative effect. Yes, its putting the problem aside for later, but hopefully Cedar Fair will come out of its debt strong and ready to deal with such mess... Eventually...
  7. Certain people believe Son of Beast's revival would be a very poor decision. All of the money it would take... While Cedar Fair Entertainment Company is still deep in the red. There are many more debt conscious ideas for new attractions. Some of which, *I* find more marketable than Son of Beast will ever be. See the WindSeekers... Or Planet Snoopy... (Edit: Both, close to the marketability of Son of Beast, but not quite there. Certain attractions in that very same price range would be even more marketable, at least by my observation.)
  8. This is a capitalistic society. If Mr. Couch decided to close down LeSourdsville Lake, he had the authority to do so. Since 2002, Jerry has had a few different ideas on what to do with the park, but (for whatever reason) none of the projects have got completed. Benred23's observation is but one of Jerry Couch's ideas to make a profit. This brings up a question for me... If Americana truly was profitable, then why did Park River Corporation close it down (before Mr. Couch came into its possession)? From what I've heard, the people from Coney Island had some great plans for that place.
  9. I see it like this... With either a landscaping or a general maintenance position at Coney Island, I'll be able to stroll around beautiful Coney Island, enjoy the park's natural landscape, and try my hand at making Coney even more appealing. In addition to that, either one of these positions (I'd expect) would teach you an especial amount about the upkeep and operations of an Amusement Park. Considering this is the industry I'd most like to form my career around, such knowledge is indispensable. Though, and on second thought: I probably will end up doing ride operation. The more hours I work, the more money I'll have to spend on an extensive college education. Besides, I've always loved "the ride rides..."
  10. I've heard that when Kings Island first opened, there was not enclosing fence around the International Street fountain. I'm not sure this is true... If it is, I wonder how much time after opening day until the fence was finally put up.
  11. I haven't entirely decided... I believe I will talk to park managers about the landscaping department, just in the case there is an opening, but my application will most likely have ride operation as my number one choice. After all, I've been talking about rides ever since I began to speak in full sentences. At one point in time, I began every morning with the question, "Are we going to the ride rides today?" Unfortunately, there's something we call the offseason.
  12. Thank you for all that! Since the 1970s, most of my family (on my father's side) has worked at Coney, so I'm off to continue the tradition. All I have left to do... Leave my excitement to build until the day when interviews finally begin.
  13. I wouldn't necessarily call such a turn unsafe, but certainly not the most enjoyable of experiences.
  14. While there are certain individuals who occasionally enter the Flight of Fear queue, watch the pre- show video, and leave. Islander, a fan of marketing, especially the clever kind.
  15. Next summer, I am planning on applying for a job at Coney Island. Before this time comes, I'd like to get some of these questions answered. 1. What is the earliest time I'll be able to apply? 2. Will I get an opportunity to choose what position I take? 3. I'm thinking about suggesting for myself a landscaping position. If whatever I choose doesn't have any position open, will I be put into one of the less desirable positions (ie. parking lot duty)? 4. I've finished all but one requirement for the Boy Scouts of America Eagle rank, including the community service project. (But, since school has been so demanding, I haven't made any progress since August.) How much of a help will it be to finish this before my job interview? 5. Is there anything I'll need to do in preparation for the job interview? Thank you.
  16. *Sarcasm.* I should of used one of these... () But, I could actually see Six Flags doing that sort of thing. Something about a "hybrid" Son of Beast.
  17. They should paint Flight Deck Son of Beast's color scheme.
  18. From what I've heard, Screechin' Eagle was quite the coaster. I suppose its still standing but not operating?
  19. http://www.nbclosang...-105897123.html This can only mean one thing... Extra-Terrestrials love Cedar Fair!
  20. What will the large amphitheater be used for? Note especially the underutilization of Timberwolf and of the large arenas in many Six Flags parks...It was not always thus. Terp, student of marketing and parks, and ever curious My idea was to bring in a worldwide famous musician to produce a massive amphitheater show, what I've described will be "the most utterly amazing spectacle you've ever seen." This show will be themed upon the ideas of unity, love, and world peace, with just about every theatrical element possible. (Terp, you remember the celebration idea I sent you a few months ago? This, I've thought up as a staple to the event.) I have thrown a few ideas at the wall, musicians *I* would chose to produce such an event. The Black Eyed Peas stuck in my mind, as they work tirelessly for the peace among people, and have created some epic good music supporting such values. Listen to the song, Where is the Love?... It really does make you think. For all of you who believe hip hop is generally pretty bad (including me), I'd still strongly suggest you listen to this. Its like nothing you've ever heard. The song One Tribe has a very similar theme, but is portrayed in a much different way. That will go over well... I hardly think many people will see removing a steel coaster and replacing it with benches and art as an upgrade. Now that you mention it, I actually did decide against this "idea", during school today. To be honest, this "modern art park" was designed as filler space, and was never effectively thought out. I've since developed a much better idea... Once that would be (rather) inexpensive, would be able to keep people occupied for hours, and would be incredibly marketable not only to Cincinnatians, but tourists as well. (Also, I must stress that my plans, as a whole, change the entire marketing base of Kings Island. In other words, you couldn't just look at any one year and expect it to be successful. Each change builds on the previous.) I don't believe I'll go into any further detail. If certain Orlando amusement park operators were to need ideas, I'd want them to go directly to me. Edit: My ideas might be a little far out, but just remember one thing. When Gary Wachs first developed the idea for a massive Cincinnati- area theme park, Coney Island higher ups dismissed that very idea as outlandish, if not downright preposterous.
  21. I feel I must chime in on this... For the last few months I've been working on a plan for Kings Island's future. This plan consists of very cost efficient changes to the park that I could virtually guarantee to very much increase attendance. Even though The Antique Cars were fun, as is Backlot Stunt Coaster, this area is prime real estate, so to speak. A part of my plan includes removing Backlot Stunt Coaster in/ around 7 years, for a large amphitheater, and an expanse of garden space, along with a few intriguing pieces of modern art, some of the original living sculptures, and a large number of comfortable benches. (Before you say anything about this not being in Kings Island's marketing base, it quite easily could be. This is the seventh year of my plan. Many changes precede this.)
  22. So Kinzel and friends, in a sense, form an oligarchy over the entire Cedar Fair Entertainment Company? In that case, an eventual coup d'état must be imminent. Popcorn, ready!
  23. I've decided to bump this topic with a few questions I've had in mind. I know Mr. Kinzel considers himself an "operations guy," but do his supporters still own a majority of the company stock? Does Mr. Kinzel still have overwhelming control of the company operations? I'd think, with all the turmoil within Cedar Fair, others would be trying desperately to gain overall control, maybe wanting to change the way Cedar Fair deals. (With debt, marketing, capital improvements, etc...) If unit owners are really that dissatisfied with Mr. Kinzel's performance, why are they keeping him as CEO?
  24. No surprise here, Cedar Fair has done an exceptionally good job this year in making the Halloween events extremely marketable... And profitable! Lets hope some of this money actually goes towards debt reduction.
  25. Let me know if I'm getting this right. Q Funding is a holding company, owned entirely by Mr. Raynor?
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