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Coney Islander

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Everything posted by Coney Islander

  1. ^Very few members are offended by the show itself. If you don't understand what points certain members have been trying to make, I'd suggest you reread this topic's discussion.
  2. Then, how exactly did I misinterpret your post? I mean this in the nicest possible way... But upon further review I haven't been able to understand that post in any different way.
  3. ^^ And how are you so certain that these tombstones are just props, having no message? Enthusiasts can be very amusing playthings... At least from any management's point of view!
  4. Whoops! Nevermind. Islander, quite clueless occasionally
  5. I vie for that. From my own experience, Kings Island's Halloween Haunt certainly has crowd issues... And bloody wrestling certainly won't make the crowd problem any lesser, no matter wether or not you consider unruly guests a problem. Kings Island's rides are just about the safest you can get them. Most of them, there's literally no way to slide out of your restraints, no matter how hard you might try. Kings Island, to an extent, understands that when they promote reckless behavior there's a good chance they will get reckless behavior. Many of Coney Island's rides you could easily break loose from the restraints, if you were to try. But Coney generally doesn't bring the people who would actually try for that sort of thing. Now, how is Coney Island marketed?
  6. Here's for a coaster battle of sorts... Which Holiday World coaster is your favorite? What's your favorite element on that coaster?
  7. Given the nature of Evil Kneivel, the jump had absolutely no effect towards the number of Kings Island belligerents. The jump was marketed towards families... As much more of what Kings Island offers should be.
  8. ^^ There's a very good chance that Wolf Pack will improve within the next few weeks. Being a new Haunt as it is, all of the actors have to get used to the werewolf theme, learn effective ways to scare people, etc.
  9. I predict Halloween Haunt to have record attendance numbers. More people coming to the park means more people paying for the admission and very likely whatever else Kings Island has to offer. Is my posting really that unclear? If so, I'll take any friendly criticism.
  10. He does have a valid argument, there... Is anyone here planning on getting front row tickets?
  11. Upcharge attractions aren't the only way to make money... If this show is as marketable as I believe it will be, Kings Island's Halloween Haunt will have record attendance. The main thing we disagree on are the risks of something dangerous happening in the park... And thats all right. Snowman, don't forget that Browntggrr and I were both 50/50 contributers towards the "argument," each using our own respectable viewpoints... The same viewpoints that have KICentral split, as it appears, half and half. Now, anyone can read why some people have a different opinion than their own, thus receiving a "deeper understanding" of the issue. Edit: Also, I really love that quote. Thank you!
  12. Are fighting midgets not extremely marketable?
  13. You don't have to be intoxicated to fight, but people who are intoxicated often do not make the best of decisions. Keep in mind that Kings Island visitors won't be spending the whole night with The Brawlers. My main concern is that something might happen in one of the less supervised areas of the park... Like Trail of Terror. Some people will get riled up by the Half Pint Brawlers show. Some people will get intoxicated from Kings Island's alcohol. Kings Island is taking a chance towards making a quick buck... How much of a chance this will be is your own opinion. Probably, nothing will happen. But I still don't like the odds.
  14. It only only takes one intoxicated person to assault another guest... Two intoxicated guests for a fight to begin. And the articles, I found as partial support toward my previous claims. Fights are actually quite common at sporting events, but are normally subdued before anything news worthy comes along. Have you gone to a professional sports game without hundreds of security guards and constant supervision? Kings Island has neither the resources nor the ability to supervise every Kings Island visitor during every hour of Haunt... Especially on Trail of Terror...
  15. There's also an extensive book on The Haunted Castle Fire for anyone who wants to read it. This book includes many pictures and explores this tragic event in even more detail then the documentary. Ten years in the making. http://www.popartpet...le_high_res.pdf
  16. Yeah, you've got me there. Browsing, I've found an article that partially supports my theory. http://www.wikihow.c...ive-a-Bar-Fight Over the years, I've heard many stories of sporting event brawls all over the world... Here's but one. http://news.bbc.co.u...ope/6510735.stm
  17. Out of the two, USS Nightmare and The Dent Schoolhouse, I much prefer Dent. Here's a review I gave in an earlier topic... When I went to USS Nightmare last season I wasn't overly impressed, either. Sure, it was fun, but since I've ridden Dent I've never looked at any other scare- based haunted house the same way. Rather than Halloween's Haunt "shock" scare tactic, much of the fear in Dent comes from this attraction's extreme authenticity and truly creepy atmosphere. Everything in there matches the elementary school theme. There are no dead spots, and as of last season, the attraction's single anti-climatic "Prom Night" scene is improved to the point in which it is one of the more intense scenes. (Last season, the actor in that room did an especially great job in making the scene great!) Every actor I've run into does a wonderful job. As a final plus, Dent has the very best chase out ending of any walk- through I've ever experienced. Stand by the exit... Every group I've ever seen runs out the door, many people sprinting, even.
  18. Kings Island is not promoting fighting on park grounds as this is a staged event. Did the park promote daredevil stunts when Robbie Knievel did his event? What would have happened if RK would have made a mistake and crashed? His event was much more real than this one will ever be- blood or no blood. Are you referring to one drink or multiple drinks as alcohol is being served in the park everyday. Let me rephrase this in cause and effect format... Kings Island is promoting the Half Pint Brawlers. The Half Pint Brawlers are characterized by their bar- styled fighting. Any competition, wether its football, soccer, backyard wrestling or any other kind of sport, can and will get spectators riled up. Alcohol is served at Kings Island. Most bar fights that occur, the participants are both riled up and under the influence. I myself have never intentionally tasted alcohol, so I have no idea to how Kings Island regulates alcohol consumption, if at all. An absence of alcohol regulation paired with show- fighting, in my eyes, is a recipe for disaster.
  19. I got the first R.L. Stine "The Beast" at a garage sale, abound 8 years ago. Its a well-written book with an intriguing story line. Most of the book takes place in old Coney Island in/ around the 1930s, but with a few minor changes. First off, R.L. Stine named the park "Firelight Park." Second of all, Firelight park is said to have been destroyed by a giant fire, started by a tornado which toppled over many of the torches that lit up the park... Besides that, the differences between "Firelight Park" and old Coney Island are just about nonexistent... R.L. Stine doubtlessly based much of the book on Coney Island's history and final undoing.
  20. TombRaiderFTW, I totally understand what you're saying and agree with a large part of it, but this show is very, very likely to have real blood... And quite a bit of it. See: The blood on televised wrestling is in fact real. The performers cut themselves above the hairline. It's called juicing and they've been doing it for years. Here's a fuller explanation: http://en.wikipedia....al_wrestling%29 Also, if you're referring to "pro wrestling" as in WWE, don't forget that they repackaged their product as a TVPG rating, which is more kid-friendly. The stuff they did in the late 90s was very similar to this, and is also what put them on the map (and was likely what saved their company from bankruptcy). They have more "hard core" style wrestling around the world, especially in Japan. Wrestling, although scripted, is in many cases far more real than fake. You can fake stapling someone's head in front of a live crowd. This may not be the lifestyle that everyone chooses, but it's their chosen life. Most of the people here seem not to be offended by the idea of "Half Pint Brawlers," rather worried how park visitors will behave as a result to this type of attraction... Blood or no blood, Kings Island is promoting fighting within the park grounds. Also keep in mind that the park serves alcohol during Haunt... And we all know what alcohol can do to a person's reasoning.
  21. My first point: Its not all right for anyone to break Kings Island's rules. It just seems odd to be having bloody fighting in a park in which fighting is obviously not allowed... Keep in mind, this is the same park that has had problems with unruly guests in previous years. (Not entirely too different than Cedar Point's selling of clothes that break the dress code...) And, for your question, teenagers are Cedar Fair's largest source of income. Most of Kings Island's advertising is aimed toward them. Designing the park toward being appealing to teenagers and then refusing their entry would be perplexing, to say the least. Thats not to say guests that have had problems before should be allowed in... They absolutely should not. My second point: Cedar Fair has the ability to do whatever it wants with Kings Island. Kings Island is a private property. They don't have to even consider anything KICentral members have to say about the park. That being said, Half Pint Brawlers will likely be a big hit at the park and cause big jumps in short term attendance. BUT, in my opinion, the park seems to have incorrectly weighed the possibility of certain things the Half Pint Brawlers might cause. What affect would a big fight have on Kings Island's future? Both insurance rates and attendance figures have the chance of being drastically different by the end of the Haunt season... In my final opinion, Kings Island is taking far too great a risk to be worth the result. Edit: I sure hope I've clarified my thoughts on the topic. Sometimes my posting doesn't seem to make any sense.
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