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Coney Islander

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Everything posted by Coney Islander

  1. I'm sure Cedar Fair could get Chance, Huss, or some other company to design higher capacity versions of anything. If the price is right, that is. And who knows! Maybe some of the Linder/ CBS flat ride removals are in storage, somewhere in the park. Most of these rides did disappear off the face of the Earth... You'd think some park would've wanted them.
  2. A normal sized Giant Slide would be very inexpensive, but with its horrible capacity, Kings Island would want a larger version. These larger versions can be quite pricey, and I don't believe any are currently in production. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) The only way I could see this happening is if Kings Island still has Flying Carpet/ Scrappy's Slide in storage. (Doubtful.)
  3. Welcome to KICentral! I suppose I'm pretty late. Ah, well.

  4. I, too am going to Holiday World for the first time, but at a much closer date. (Monday the 9th.) Does anyone have advice on where to eat, where to stay, and what not to miss?
  5. Great photo collection! Snoopy Rocks On Ice looks great.
  6. Times were much different, back then. Though 'gray areas' were in abundance, human rights was not one of them. Much of Family Guy's satire comes from certain boundaries people have, over the years, placed on society. Now Family Guy tramples all of these boundaries, thus hurting the feelings of people who believe these boundaries need to be honored, while still leaving with a positive closing message. Now compare Family Guy to Woodstock, of a previous era. A lot of people's feelings were hurt, because they did not approve of the boundaries being pushed, BUT Woodstock ended with a mixed message. Woodstock actually destroyed the lives of many. (Peace, law breaking, and drug addiction...) Kings Island, with last year's publicity stunt, brought back very unpleasant memories to the families and friends of Steve McNair and Heath Ledger. In my honest opinion, this is far worse than any trampled boundary.
  7. Its generally a lose- lose situation. Either the prize is pretty much worthless, or the game is rigged. Oftentimes both. Anyone see that game, 'Super Stacker?' Many people fork over hundreds of dollars on that game, insisting that they've won once and will be able to win again. The game is rigged. I've never played before, but from countless 'watches', I know. Oftentimes, the game skips, on the top level.
  8. Earlier this summer, I took a visit to Six Flags Magic Mountain. Amazing park! The managers, at the end of the day, do a great job in getting people to come back. They lead people away from thinking the Amusement Park as an operation run by fat cat businessmen, and toward thinking as an organization run by friends and neighbors.
  9. Me? Islander. Park Enthusiast? Dark Ride Enthusiast? Yes. Industry Enthusiast? Yes. Roller Coaster Enthusiast? By no means.
  10. Interesting... Does Kings Island still have Son of Beast's old trains, in storage?
  11. But Diamondback did see the removal of swan lake... Ask yourself this question. Where has Rivertown's theme gone, since the spring of 08'?
  12. If Coney Island wants a small looping coaster, here it is.
  13. See:Beach Waterpark Interactive Map I'm sure it won't just be a paint job, because neither the Cliff nor Riptide were ever marked as 'Under Construction.' ______ Hidden Rapids would be my favorite. Certainly not all that thrilling, but very fun, and the only slide I would ever go on to say 'interactive.' Yes, you will bump into other riders, maybe causing you to make an unexpected turn. Fun for the whole family! Aztec Adventure is very exciting. It has the same kind of air time you experience on Diamondback, the same out of control feel you get from The Beast, and the same tree- top feel given by Kenton Cove's Keelboat Canal.
  14. ^ http://www.idexter.c...ntis_index.html / Charming trip report! Never before realized how beautiful a park Dorney is.
  15. Kings Island sure has changed a lot in the past 15 years. Proof, see Kings Island's 1997 website. (here) A few things to note- 1. Some of the rides we have come to know and love haven't ben built, yet. While others have been defunct for quite some time. 2. Green slime was a huge theme. 11 slime attractions... From my memory, I can only recollect the slime tower, and the slime show. (I got called from the audience to be in the show... Had a sponge tied to my butt, and was told to transfer water from one bucket to the next. Very memorable! I was about 6 or 7 years old, at the time.) 3. The food options were much more varied back then... Also, this was before Panda Express took up residence in Festhaus. Seems there used to be german food. _ And, for grins, I looked up the old PKI forums. Fun stuff! PKI Unlimited.com :: The ultimate guide to Paramount's Kings Island
  16. I dunno. Whenever I pick up a pencil, I get carried away. On-Board stereo systems are really that complex? I'd think they'd be able to set it up like a car stereo system... I guess the most complex thing would be synchronization. Normal stereos do not have that capability. ^ Edit- Ride it a few times in a row, and its easier to sink in all the detail. Not only theming, but the many trees and thick foliage make the area seem forbidden. Even more so, during the Son of Beast flyby.
  17. A couple of weeks ago, I took notebook in hand and wrote down a list of things that could be done to bring Adventure Express to Disney quality 'Matterhorn' or 'Expedition Everest' type... The list wasn't long. Adventure Express is a great ride, already. The notes: 1. Onboard stereo system... Give the ride a story, with an expedition team, and a number of voice characters (Base people and maybe your own expedition team) who commentate on the ride, and tell you what to do. This stereo system may also be used in making the sound effects easier to hear. 2. Pre-Show video/ area explaining exactly what kind of 'expedition' you will be trekking. 3. Expedition tools and food rations scattered throughout. Theme the station like Disney's Expedition Everest. 4. Fix the moving spears, and make the 'Volcano Eruption' scene more noticeable. 5. Light up the final tunnel a little more, and make it more temple- like... And artificial flames would be great.
  18. Am I the only one who's going to hurry up and buy this documentary? A few weeks, it might be gone. Edit: Just now realized the DVD is not for sale.
  19. Snowy River Rapids is an awesome slide, for sure my favorite at Kings Island, and has been since my first visit to Water Works, back in 2002. (Though, The Beach does have a few that are even better.)
  20. Dang... That's freaky! Let the speculation begin- New Giga Coaster for 2011!
  21. Sure is a weird day to have an eagle project...
  22. My mother found this 'daily deal' option on the Coney Island website. Check it out! New in 2010! Coney Island's Deal of the Day!
  23. Interesting... Wonder wether or not very many parks will be interested in this type of ride.
  24. ^ I actually don't know what you're talking about... You mean the water play area? I know the wave pool can be 'splashed' in, but the shallow area isn't all that big. I've always seen Kings Island's wave pool as hectic, and far too busy. Coney has around an acre of shallow water, so this is (normally) not a problem.
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