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KI Kevin

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Everything posted by KI Kevin

  1. Holiday World without Voyage would still be a great place. So much great theming, and Raven and Legend are both very good.
  2. It is (or was) in front of the Kings Island Theater, after being removed from Action Tower.
  3. KI Kevin

    New Coaster?

    That's true. But I was just thinking, because on the lifthill is has track and down the drop it looks like it does.
  4. KI Kevin

    New Coaster?

    Oh my bad. Speaking of Shoot the Rapids, will it count towards CP's coaster count?
  5. KI Kevin

    New Coaster?

    When I catch the meaning there, I will say.
  6. KI Kevin

    New Coaster?

    You mean Shoot the Rapids? http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/park/ride...oot_the_rapids/ That's been announced for a while...
  7. Try to tell that to those Snoopy haters.
  8. I've ridden it in rain. But I was still planning on it.
  9. I was planning on getting my 100th Diamondback ride .
  10. The lazy river would make a far better CornStalkers than the current one...
  11. Since you're about 12, you're well qualified to judge since you've seen all the shows in the history of the park. Are you thinking of Beast1979, who is 13? THINK before you post. No need to be rude. EDIT: Woops people beat me to it. Sorry.
  12. Skip: Cemetary Drive CornStalkers Tombstone Terrortory Do: CarnEVIL (my personal favorite) Trail of Terror Club Blood Massacre Manor Death Row (if you have time, not a priority) Those are the ones I've been in this year.
  13. Anyone else noticed how the water screen spells out words? I think I saw "Spooky" and "Boo".
  14. Theme parks. It just adds to the experience so much more. Busch Gardens and Holiday World are two of the best parks I've been to.
  15. If they own Merlin (who owns Alton and Thorpe, two parks with great reviews), and Universal Orlando, I trust them to take good care of the Busch parks.
  16. Dang. I was planning on getting my 100th ride tonight but I guess that's not happening.
  17. Shucks, well I guess I should have ridden Georgia Cyclone back seat instead of front....
  18. Anyone know what this will mean for the said B&M Dive Machine Contract with Busch?
  19. Even before I ride a coaster, I watch POV's. So usually I know what's coming up. But if I had to pick, I'd say the best part about roller coasters is riding new ones.
  20. The Voyage is NOT as good as they say it is. It's BETTER. 'Nuff said. Unless you're talking about Terpy. Why don't you enjoy Voyage as much, Terpy? I think it has pretty good laterals.
  21. I went last year and enjoyed it. I plan on going next weekend.
  22. If someone says that CP is the best park cause they have the most coasters, I agree. That's a horrible way to judge a park. That statement is why CP is not my favorite park. Thanks for pointing that out.
  23. Hmm, I plan on getting an ACE membership, but I'm not sure which one I'll go to. This year I went to CP 7 times, and next year will most likely be similar. However, I've only been to Holiday World once, so I'm leaning towards HoliWood Nights. Plus the Voyage is just amazing.
  24. I also caught a glimpse during Channel One at school, but not the whole thing.
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