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Everything posted by TTD-120-420

  1. Just because it may not be "anyone's favorite ride" doesn't mean people don't like it. I would say the Eiffel Tower isn't anyone's favorite, but I do not think it was a waste or that they should take it down. I know the bumper cars aren't my favorite, but if the park said they were getting rid of them there would be plenty of people upset.
  2. So sad. Another year is gone. It is cliche', but it seems just like yesterday when Coasterfanatic2012 and I got lucky and was able to go to opening day. We had great times at the park this summer. It hurts to know that the off season won't go by as fast as this summer did.
  3. Do you not realize people can handle temperatures that you might not be able to? I wear shorts in the snow sometimes. It doesn't mean I don't have common sense.
  4. ^That was my first thought. I could see it on merchandise.
  5. I'm sure it is frowned upon, but most of my teachers did. Especially when you get to college they don't care at all.
  6. SOB has way more footings than all of those rides combined.
  7. I wish they would bring in Arizona so I could buy Arnold Palmers.
  8. I can't really think what this would be good for. Any ideas?
  9. Honestly, the detectors weren't doing anything whether they were on or not. The only thing detectors do is make worried people feel safer. Many schools have many different entrances. Even if there was one entrance that entered through an office do you really think that is going to stop a crazed student with a gun? My high school was one of the ones that said to sit in the corner with the lights off until help arrives. Little did they know that if a real emergency did happen I was getting my girlfriend and I the hell out of the building.
  10. Have you looked at the weather report? High of 52 Sat and Sun partly cloudy That is colder than usual for the last weekend. It will be dead. Yes, I looked at the weather before I posted. 52 degrees is great weather, at least to me.
  11. It is supposed to be great weather, so I would assume Saturday will be busy.
  12. The joke is on you, because I Googled it! I haven't even heard of Rat Race.
  13. You know what land is also not path friendly? All of Holiday World!
  14. My girlfriend is the same way. She hates the songs I play in the car, but when they come out on the radio 4 months later she asks if I have ever heard this awesome song before.
  15. Because the mainstream radio wants it to be.
  16. I hope the misters they talk about are likes the ones at Dollywood. Those are so helpful in 100 degree temps.
  17. So the song is about dancing is it? That's why he sings: First off, I wouldn't call anything LMFAO does "singing." Sorry...didn't know you were joking He put a winky face. How much more clear could it get?
  18. Speedway comes right out and tells their customers that every seventh drink or food item is free, along with other deals. I don't know if that stops people from buying things, but we are talking about a much higher price point at the parks.
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