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cedarAfairs last won the day on March 19 2023

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    Lexington, KY

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  1. They angled the camera up just a little bit ago. Hopefully they change it back. It was nice seeing the KI sign, entrance and flowers.
  2. Supposed to open this Spring but still no announcement of what's going in. We should know pretty soon. Hoping it's done by Coasterstock as we're staying there during the event. But wouldn't be surprised if it's not.
  3. I think they repaired/replaced a water main? Last time I was there, water was sleeping up from the pavers in that area.
  4. I feel sorry for the customer service team right now!
  5. I was at the park today and it was a busier then average day in my opinion. Good for the park. I caught myself staring at SOB a lot today, reminiscing the times I got to ride it - with and without the loop. Any day at the park is a good day - regardless of crowds in my opinion.
  6. As much as I would like an El Toro-like woodie, I'm not sure that would be the best thing for that location for one reason. Many patrons could confuse it for Son of Beast and the stigma that goes along with it. Sadly, most people assume too much these days. It could look completely different and I'm betting people would still say, "Is that Son of Beast"?
  7. Kings Island did reply to a post on their Facebook wall saying they're anticipating the ride to be up by the weekend.
  8. You always have terrific ideas when posting pictures. My favorite thread on this site was the offseason blues photos you posted during the last offseason. I just showed my father these transitions. He loved seeing the changes made as he once lived in Cincy and attended the park when he was around my age. Looking forward to more transition pictures!
  9. I welcome the expansion. It's so annoying how a lot of people complain when they are making everything better. There will always be people that are let down, regardless. It's sad. We should appreciate any expansion. Think outside your bubble and realize that most people will enjoy this. My family definitely will enjoy this next year.
  10. I'm going to go ahead and vote that this thread is thread of year. This has been the most interesting topic to read and look at all the pictures and learn about Kings Island's amazing history. Thank you for posting all of these, you're a valuable/knowledgeable member among these here forums!
  11. Haha, yes! That would be worth the $5 admission fee alone! My family and I, are looking forward to this, regardless of the fee.
  12. I'll be there Monday and Tuesday. Weather isn't looking that great, albeit hot with 60% chance of a thundstorm, so maybe that will keep the crowds down a bit. Need some Millie in my life regardless of the crowds.
  13. Its reports like these, that make me smile and look forward to taking my (future) family to Kings Island and create wonderful memories of our own. But, until then, Cedar Point this Monday and Tuesday haha! I'm glad you and your family had a great time.
  14. Nice report. We all need to tell guest services that we are pleased with the newly working effects on AE. So that they keep up the good work and maybe, just maybe they will continue to keep them up and working.
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