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Diamondback FOF

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Everything posted by Diamondback FOF

  1. I think it is a path lit up with different light displays that you walk through.
  2. I wonder if the kids' area will really get something new in 2010 and what it will be?
  3. I don't think those names are too bad if they turn out true. The two in particular that I don't like are "Lucy's Kidz Coaster" and "Summer Blast With Charlie".
  4. I think people will be screwed on doing extra activities if gas goes that high. People won't be able to afford to drive places, and they won't be able to afford to fly. It is going to make it especially difficult for people like my mom. She owns a cleaning company and drives to two, three, even four houses a day to clean. Granted, she tries to book houses close together on days, but that is still a lot of driving.
  5. I thought the wooden coaster was allowed to operate most of last season, it just didn't operate?
  6. Has anyone been by KI recently to see it SOB is even still standing completely?
  7. I finally tried the new forum skin on my iPod Touch and my iPod doesn't like the new view.
  8. If you buy a Platinum Pass, then you also get all of the benefits ytou recieve with a gold pass...
  9. So, why did you bump this thread?
  10. I would SOOOOOO ride in this weather. I rode during Halloween Haunt when the temperature was in the upper thirties/low forties and it was awesome!
  11. The first picture reminds me of the Blue Horizons show at Sea World (which was fantastic, by the way!!) For the second picture, are those the same green houses than are way out behind SOB that I believe you can see while riding Flight Deck?
  12. I enjoy seeing what Terpy can find, and why he decides to find it.
  13. Terpy, where is your response to that reply? Edit: Nevermind. It is there now.
  14. A couple quick questions. When people say the unitholders have to vote, is that just anyone who owns stock in the company? Also, (I know I already asked this but I forget what the answer was and I don't feel like going back and looking) what are fiduciary duties?
  15. Sorry for the double post. It has been discussed on Carowinds Connection if the chain has been installed yet. Does someone on here know when the chain is normally installed? Also, how do they put the chain on?
  16. A couple people posted that they followed the person to the front gate. But, I was wondering the same thing you just asked.
  17. Yeah, I figured everybody just got busy with the holidays and stuff. I thought I'd just check.
  18. I also posted in the other thread about this, but are you planning on doing this anythime soon, or did this project just fizzle out? Waiting on a 'Yes.' The other topic with reminders about this can be found here.
  19. So, uh...what ever happened to this? Also, the 'big' topic on this can be found here.
  20. Today at school, there were a couple times when the fast reply box was in the last post of a topic, and then the hearder bar was in its normal place. After I clicked in the reply box, everything went back to normal.
  21. I totally realize that. I know that definitely helped them build Intimidator faster.
  22. Unless the compnay doesn't have money to add new rides...or remove rides...
  23. So, Carowinds opens three weeks before Kings Island, and their coaster was finished one month and five days earlier before ours. Also, you have to remember, they didn't start any earlier, so they did build it a LOT faster.
  24. Picture of last piece of track According to Carowinds' Twitter, the last piece of track was put on earlier today. Pictures on the park's Facebook: http://www.facebook....98&l=c48fe722a2 Wow! That coaster was installed VERY quickly.
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