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Diamondback FOF

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Everything posted by Diamondback FOF

  1. Whoa! Just got proven wrong by Terpy. What a surprise... At least I learned something new (and interesting) today. I had always been taught every fourth year is a leap year. I didn't know there were exceptions.
  2. Or is could be 30* the day before KI opens and snow a foot, and then be in the mid-50s with half the snow melted on opening day (If the park would even open since the snow would be everywhere) *Me remember a couple years ago in March when this happened (minus the KI opening day part...)
  3. Because four weeks is technically less than a month (except for in the month of February, which has four weeks, with the exception being every fourth year)
  4. Well, people sometimes celebrate the start of the weekend at TGIFs, so maybe he wanted to celebrate the sale of CF there.
  5. Are you sure you're not just being a little biased to how well The Beast crew does their job? lol
  6. Those SEC implications being... Where could you have privacy in TGIFridays? Why would Apollo officials come to TGIF instead of, let's say, Mr. Kinzel's office or even just the headquarters building?
  7. Plain and simple: don't discuss global warming in this thread or this site because it is controversial and political, whith politics not being allowed on this board.
  8. I think that was meant to be what he said. In other words, global warming isn't happening.
  9. I knew there was a Paula at HW, but I did a quick search (like 15 seconds lol) and didn't see anything. Plus, it is the internet and anyone can say they're anyone.
  10. That is pretty cool he did that. I wonder if Mr. Kinzel would ever do something so smart? Also, from the comments sections: Does that person really work at Holiday World? I doubt it, but I don't know.
  11. ...if you create a countdown clock until Kings Island's opening day.
  12. I hope it returns...at a later time in the day (like 4-6)
  13. Correction: Me gusta las montanas rusas muchas. (or is it gustan?) Also there is a tilde over the second n in montanas.
  14. Oh. So if people are gonna go, then they will go to do what they would do no matter which place was cheaper/more expensive? And if people aren't going to go because they want to go to Disney but it's too expensive, then Universal's cheaper prices won't make the people decide to go?
  15. The following pictures were posted on Carowinds Connection. I think the pictures were first posted on Carowinds' Facebook since they weren't taken by someone outside of the park:
  16. If Disney raises prices, then why would the other parks follow? If they had lower prices, then would they theoretically get more business since they'd be cheaper.
  17. I read your entire "About You" section :)

  18. That is the 2009 park map! Discussed: (be right back in a second with links) Edit: Previously stated: here, here, and here.
  19. People try to argue about things about KI, like: -Vortex is sinking and they just heard on the news that it is being taken out -Halloween Haunt auditions start in June...
  20. I saw that. Seeing the orange and white together reminds me of Nickelodeon and definitely the Nick logo in particular.
  21. The maximum wait time I heard on opening day last year was about two hours and fifteen minutes...Anyone here have a different story? We waited about two hours and a half hours from the bathrooms by Back Lot Stunt Coaster (but this was from getting back there while first ride auction was still going on). Once the line opened to the public, we waited about 2 hours. I would think the line would've been nearly three hours starting at 10 am since it went so far back in Rivertown. But yeah, I waited about an hour for my later rides around 12:30 or 1.
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