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Everything posted by IslandAddict

  1. I have never ridden a stand-up. The one time I was going to ride Mantis it stalled on the lift so I just got out of line (It was a school trip...). I'll probably ride it the next time I get up there.
  2. What would inverting elements even mean? Airtime hills turn into airtime dips? (???) Loops turn into... front... flip type things. What about a cobra roll?
  3. Rivertown, definately. I love the atmosphere there. I spend most of my time there, even if it isn't riding anything. It also has three of my favorite places to eat. For the three rides, it would be, ummm, Diamondback, The Beast, and The Racer. EDIT: Woah, I picked the same things Pillsberry123 did.
  4. Nerd. Addict, who, yes, just HAD to. EDIT: Just to make sure, I don't really mean it. I respect him for all those rides. I wouldn't and couldn't ever do that.
  5. You said what I would say. My mom only rode the antique cars when we went as a family so many years ago. So many I don't remember a thing, really. I also think BLSC could have been placed somewhere towards the back-ish of the park.
  6. That's great! My mom doesn't even take me to Kings Island because she can't walk that much. Even then, she wouldn't ride anything. My dad rides anything, though.
  7. ^ That makes me feel so much better. (I'm talking sarcastically to those of you who don't understand sarcasm)
  8. I agree. The turn before the first lift always causes me pain, usually involving my knee slamming into something. It just needs to slow a little. There are some other parts in the ride that are somewhat uncomfortable, too. I just don't enjoy the ride as much as I did my first ride. But, then again, my first ride on AE was my first ride on anything.
  9. I've never ridden Snowy River Rampage. Looks like I'll have to in a few weeks.
  10. Coolangatta Racer. It was my first waterslide ever, and I still love it.
  11. Personally, I wouldn't go. On really hot days I'll usually spend most of my time at Boomerang Bay. But after awhile my feet start to burn really bad and I'll end up spending my entire day in the wave pool.
  12. I wouldn't want to do it. I don't like riding one ride after the other really quickly. I'm more of a ride something, walk around or get something to eat, and repeat kind of person. I like to enjoy my time at parks.
  13. Thanks, Kings Island, for getting my hopes up.
  14. I have no idea what any landmarks are around KI. The only things I know about in that area are Kings Island, The Beach, and Great American Ballpark in Cincy.
  15. That story was pretty much spammed on every video about SoB on Youtube. Well, one comment per video but still... Also, the person also said it was definate, which it obviously isn't. When I asked him where he heard it he said Wiki and I just sighed and facepalmed.
  16. ^ Yes, I hear the rumor patrol are cracking down on those who believe its sinking.
  17. I demand a pretzel.

  18. It's OBVIOUSLY going to be a new inverted coaster! I saw teh model, which means they have too!
  19. I'm glad you had a good time! I MAY be going this summer. But, my dad just got a job so we'll have to squeeze it into a weekend.
  20. I just hate it. For no particular reason. But I hate it. Just don't ask why.
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