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Everything posted by KI FANATIC 37

  1. I have never heard of this. But that doesnt mean that it isnt true,
  2. I love these. I probably watch these once every two months. I think they are hilarious!
  3. Welcome to KIC! ^Thats an old map! Is that 06 or what? It has to be either 05 or 06 becasue SoB still has a loop, no Firehawk, and BLSC.... EDIT: Oops, sorry for the double post....
  4. Wait, when you say "regular season expires pass that weekend" does that exclude Gold and Platnuim?
  5. That has been asked several times but I never think their was a sound answer. But, I think what we all agree on is that that wood has a lot of toxic chemicals on it to keep it from eroding. I dont see them selling them due to safety procedures.
  6. I completely agree with you. I was there August 7th (Tuesday). The crowds weren't bad but I definitively thought it would be much less crowded. I never thought that The Beach being closed would have an effect on crowds. That makes a lot of since.
  7. For KI, they are just tearing down SoB for future expansion. They are not going directly into building a new ride. IF that were the case, Im sure they would put a webcam in, Why does that make a difference? Because, CP's Webcam is for Gatekeeper construction. As far as I know, we are not getting a new ride in SoBs spot...
  8. Yes, but that webcam is to watch the construction of Gatekeeper, not the deconstruction of DT. For KI, they are just tearing down SoB for future expansion. They are not going directly into building a new ride. IF that were the case, Im sure they would put a webcam in,
  9. Besides the fact that it says Boomerang Bay on it, I don't see anything.
  10. Yes it would. But no different than walking through OktoberFest and Coney Mall. But it wouldn't happen! That's just what I want.
  11. Of course! Rhunder Alley is a great name. Sorry, I was on my phone, and we all know how that goes...
  12. No. I do not want a Wooden coaster. I want an Intamin Giga. Besides, the average park guest would think that its SoB.
  13. My idea is very simple. Make a path from in between Thunder Alley and the restrooms in Action Zone, to XBase. Also, I want an Intamin Giga (I305) or a B and M Giga. That's. It. I know it sounds simple but that's really all I want.
  14. Soarin' by far my favorite ride! I also like Big Thunder Mt. Railroad and Tower of Terror. I really like the design of the station for BTMRR
  15. Just ignore mcarthysnerd, oh wait, Dill. There is several things wrong with this: 1. He's just interning, plain and simple. Their is no way they would tell an intern this information. 2. If he really cared about his internship, he wouldn't be sharing his findings here. Dill, I do not want to strike an argument with you. I strictly just want to state what I think is most likely. You may be right, but I don't know. Truthfully, I doubt any of us know the futures of that land!
  16. Hahaha. Really? I was not doubting, or being rude to you. But thats ok....
  17. The only thing I can see them completing by next season is concrete walkways....... And possibly the start of a coaster, flat, maybe some shops. How does KI typically begin new sections? Buildings first or attractions... That's after the paths of course(someone would have mentioned it!) Who ever said KI was putting a new section there? Just askin' Once again. Our hopes and dreames . It's pretty obvious we'll be getting a new area. Don said "future park expansion" not "future attraction". And they're very careful with how they word their announcements/clues. No, its not pretty obvious. A coaster is also "future park expansion", so is a bathroom or gift shop. All of that is "park expansion". I dont mean to treat you with disrespect but there is no way yo can say. "We will get a new area because Mr. Helbig said, "future park expansion"".
  18. The only thing I can see them completing by next season is concrete walkways....... And possibly the start of a coaster, flat, maybe some shops. How does KI typically begin new sections? Buildings first or attractions... That's after the paths of course(someone would have mentioned it!) Who ever said KI was putting a new section there? Just askin'
  19. To me, thats surprisingly low. Diamondback was $25 million. With all the reconstruction/deconstruction going on, Im surprised its not more.
  20. I hope that it could happen. It would be unlikely for me to go though just because of the time frame...
  21. Oh no, please, not a new Kids Area. Im very selfish when it come to this. I know it makes me look bad but I want something thrilling there. Anything, I don't care, just something to get "ma blood pumping!"
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