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Everything posted by KI FANATIC 37

  1. I agree. They were a lot cooler looking. I love the color scheme...
  2. When you say new trains do you mean the ones that were put on in 07? If so,yes, that was one of the problems with the original ride. The trains were to heavy for the track and it was slowly destroying the tracks. But they needed those heavier train for the loop. So inorder to get lighter (smaller) trains, they needed to take out the loop.
  3. I haven't been to HH since 08. I really want to go this year but its just hard to plan it with a 3 hr. drive when leaving at 1 A.M. I absolutely love riding coasters at night, and I never get to do it. It makes me upset!
  4. Son of Beast's first drop. No doubt about it, it was phenomenal.
  5. I would recommend Sunday. I always take a trip down on a Sunday in October HH because their is (normally) no one there.
  6. Anytime! It really is a great seat, 7-1 is also very good. In my opinion, its better.
  7. 5 stands for the 5th car on the train. 1 stands for the first seat in that car. If you look, the brackets stand for each car on the train, the dots are the break in the cars. Seat 5-1 is the stared one. (I just thought this would be a cool way to try and explane it. I know its probably overdone, but, oh well.) [____] [____] ......... [____] [____] ......... [____] [____] ......... [____] [____] ......... [**___] [____] ......... [____] [____] ......... [____] [____] .........
  8. My prayers go to the family. As a son who looks up to his dad(like every other child), I can not image the feeling they are going through. Something no child should ever have to see. Praying for you all.
  9. Sorry for double posting. They're a lot of teens in CF parks. I don't think its a bad thing, Whats bad is how the majority of them act. I know when I go with my friends we do not bother a soul and do not randomly shout profanities and giggle like a bunch of tools. Thats the one word I would use to describe some of the teens (and 12 year olds) in the park, "tools". They walk around thinking they are the King of the World and making the average guests day less enjoyable.
  10. I buy a Platnuim Pass every year. I think $179 is pretty cheap for infinite visits all year. I think $200 would be fair.
  11. That's not that outrageous though. That could be a common misconception. Unlike some other things people say....
  12. Good old Lance! Look at all the rumors about SoB on there. He did finally hit the spot but look at all the other bull that is posted about the ride. Besides, as far as I know, their are absolutely NO signs of a new ride.
  13. I can ride all day err day. (Don't really talk like that, but I found it necessary in this situation!) As stated before, this is probably due to my young age.
  14. I read that and I'm like what?! No way! I looked it up and I couldn't find it. Hahah
  15. ^Thats good.. We could knock out two birds with one stone and take out Thunder Alley too.
  16. I love how its bent! Talk about thrilling. Not poking fun of the picture. Goodness know what I can make, its not pretty!
  17. I also like 7-1. I think Vortex's drop is one of the best in the park, but its 10x better in that seat!
  18. I really don't see how it can be over. 20 years ago, we could never see a coaster like Diamondback being built. Coasters are never finished being innovated.
  19. I really doubt its a coaster. For one, they just got I305 in 2010, and two we would probably already see work being started if it was something big. My guess is a water ride like already stated.
  20. Everytime I say this to my friends they laugh and mock me! Hahah. Their loss.
  21. I meant "start" by work we can actually see. Not prep work. Sorry for the confusion.
  22. I much prefer B & M to Intamin. Don't get me wrong, I think they are both fantastic manufactures, but B&M does have a slight lead over Intamin for me. I feel like on Intamin rides, it almost twists and yanks me too much, to the point of a headache. I also prefer B&M trains too. I love how B&m's are thrilling, but also relaxing at the same time. Intamins are much more intense in my opinion. Which isn't a bad thing, I just prefer the feel (and look) of a B&M. The reason I decided Intmamin is because, just like stated above, variety.
  23. Definitively a Giga of some sort. I would have to go with An Intamin Giga due to variety at the park.
  24. ^My guess is that they will wait until after Labor Day Weekend.
  25. I just use pki.com..... It redirects to visitkingsisland.com anyway and its a lot faster.
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