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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. My problem with the current means of metal detection at Kings Island is twofold: 1) The wands are very slow. 2) There are better and faster ways to do the same job. The metal detectors that we had at Kings Island up until 2011, and still have at nearly every other park, seem much more effective and efficient to me. Have the walk-through metal detectors (and throw us all a bone and have a "bagless only" line like SFGAm and SFStL please) or have nothing at all, but the wands are very frustrating. The only real upside to the wand is that I have a pretty large, metal belt buckle, and by using the wands, I don't have to remove my belt because they can clearly see that it is the belt setting it off.
  2. I recall a band that was playing a past SpiritSong waiting for Drop Tower (at the time, Zone as well) to drop before moving on with a song. However, I forget if it was Newsboys, Tobymac or another artist (maybe Delirious?).Last year at SpiritSong during Skillet's set, John Cooper stopped for a second between songs to admire the 10PM fireworks.
  3. Found the exact post! http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/25507-kid-on-beast-1985/?p=461728
  4. I believe that it was posted on this forum somewhere, by Don if I remember correctly, that Beast's lake was removed with the addition of Vortex.
  5. As a software developer, I've come to learn that the minute you think you've created a completely idiot-proof user interface, a better idiot will show up to prove you wrong.
  6. Sounds like both of you had an awesome time! You are truly blessed to have a father who can still enjoy a great day at the park with you at 78 years young. And he is quite fortunate to have such a talented tutor on the White Water Canyon blasters!
  7. Honestly, maybe I'm boring, but what I want is non-themed, canned autospiels that welcome you to the ride and give you pertinent safety information and that's it. The autospiels that I've heard that have been "themed" to the ride have consistently been incredibly annoying. Every time I heard imitation Mr. T yell out, "Attention! X Flight recruits. Welcome to your top secret mission: X Flight!" at SFGAm, it made me want to punch puppies and kittens. Verbolten's auto-spiel ranks just a hair below that one on the annoyance factor.
  8. I would consider it an indoor, dark wild mouse coaster. Like an early precursor to The Dark Knight Coaster or Laff Track. As you've said, it's an endless debate that will never go anywhere. However, to make my case, I compare it to Leap the Dips. Its track design is fundamentally the same idea, just without the guide rail, and I've never seen a single person claim it to not be a coaster. Ultimately, everyone will count their coasters however they want (or not at all) but I am solidly in the camp that these Pretzel dark rides are also coasters.
  9. Flight of Fear is also a gravity-propelled dark ride after the launch. But that doesn't exclude it from also being a roller coaster. See, this is one of those things where I honestly don't see how there's debate. Like, the debate on whether rides like Racer (or especially Kennywood's Racer) are one coaster or two? Understandable. The debate on whether RMC topper track coasters are wood or steel? Totally get it. But when a ride has multiple vehicles which run on a wooden track, are powered up an initial hill by a chain lift, and then are brought back to the station on the power of gravity alone, what else could it reasonably be called? Worth noting is that coaster-count.com, who use RCDB as a de facto standard for what counts and what doesn't, have added "Hawnted" House per RCDB, but have also gone ahead and added Devil's Den.
  10. Many, many times. I adore that park. And yes, their coasters do have comfy trains as well. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
  11. My game play has gone UP, actually. I basically never carry cash. At all. By doing these kiosks and allowing me to buy gameplay with a credit/debit card, I actually CAN play games from time to time. Do I play a lot? No, not at all. But I have actually played some midway games this year, which is alone an increase from years past.
  12. Millennium Flyers are like riding on a rolling couch. The only wooden coaster trains I've ridden that are more comfortable are the PTCs on the Carowinds Hurler. The padding on those is incredibly plush.
  13. Because I know you obviously like amusement parks since you post here... If AT ALL possible, do yourself a HUGE favor and see if there's ANY way you can add a trip to Branson to your itinerary. I know it's a 3-4 hour detour, which is lots of extra time and gas, but Silver Dollar City is far and away one of the finest amusement parks that I have ever visited. They don't have many big thrill rides, but the ones they have are awesome and it's just a fantastic place to walk around and enjoy the ambiance. And what they lack in rides, they make up in themeing, food, live entertainment, friendly staff, and atmosphere. Nothing I could possibly put into words can convey how great I think that park is. Seriously. You will be so glad you made the detour. Silver Dollar City is so immersive and well-themed that it makes Dollywood, another one of the finest parks I've ever been to, look bland by comparison. As for the other places, my personal recommendation when it comes to the amusement parks you already plan on visiting would be to visit Worlds of Fun before Six Flags. Most of the major rides at WoF have a parallel at Six Flags St. Louis, but SFStL has many things that aren't comparable to anything at WoF. Both are very good parks, don't get me wrong, but if you're anything like me, you may find yourself underwhelmed if you visit Worlds of Fun immediately after Six Flags St. Louis.
  14. I'm curious what an indoor wooden coaster would be like. It's definitely an intriguing idea. I'd look it up to see if any have ever been made, but I'm kinda lazy... EDIT: Actually, nevermind. I've ridden two of them. The Devil's Den at Conneaut Lake Park and Haunted House at Camden. Yes, I consider them coasters by every definition of the word.
  15. ^^^ here isnt the place for that conversation, and I honestly don't know every detail of it anyway. Regardless, all I'm getting at is that we should take care to avoid throwing accusations of TOS violations at people if we have no proof. If we do have proof, we should use the report button to alert a moderator and provide our evidence to them and allow them to be the judge.
  16. I just need to put something out there. As someone who knows TheDevariousEffect in real life better than most here do, I find it highly unlikely that he is Beast Gal. Beast Gal's account was created long before his original ban. Like, nearly a year before. Those assertions are not fair to Beast Gal. Some of us may find her annoying, but I don't personally think she's done anything really ban-worthy and given that he did, until we have some real evidence, I don't think it's fair to make assumptions about her. I am also pretty confident that GavPenn isn't him, because a reverse images search on Google shows the same avatar on other websites associated with accounts of the same user name. So unless this is all an incredibly elaborate ruse, I think you're all being a little unfair to both of them. I will also say that I honestly do not know whether he has an account on here again or not. And while we are friends in real life, I would not risk the good standing of my account here to help him hide if I did know anything. Let's stop with this "guilty until proven innocent" nonsense. I don't really care for their posts here either. But we can at least be fair about things until we have some concrete evidence that they've broken the rules. Also, even if they have broken rules, that is on Dane, Ryan, and the rest of the moderating team to decide, not everyone else. If you suspect rules have been broken, use the report button and let mods investigate. No need to make public accusations. Now, back to decoding.
  17. The Beatles say that "Money can't buy me love".Money can, however, buy me copious amounts of pizza, and that's a pretty darn good consolation prize.
  18. Also, keep in mind, a leak here would not affect most of the public. If a bunch of enthusiasts get the plans, so what? Enthusiasts are A: a small minority of the customer base and B: likely to buy a season pass next year regardless of what they announce anyway. I would imagine that in the name of keeping a good working relationship with the park, local news outlets aren't going to report anything until an announcement is made by the park. And the local news media and releases from the park itself are how the vast, vast majority of people are going to find out about new attractions.
  19. Probably no trademark issues, but I think another Southern Ohio amusement park might be... less than amused... if Kings Island opened a ride named Tornado. Also... on the subject of the realness/fakeness of this, would filing false blueprints even be legal?
  20. ^^^ Because someone's attire indicate who they are as a person. I happen to like shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear.
  21. ^ I find it unlikely that the Green Bay Packers' Free Safety has any photos at all of Kings Island. Perhaps Bay Beach, but even that seems unlikely to me
  22. Yes, I know. And I was stating that I disagree on its classification as a woodie.
  23. No matter what their marketing department tells you, SFGAm has three woodies. American Eagle, Viper, and Little Dipper. Unless, of course we're counting American Eagle as two. But in that case, the KI Racer is also two, meaning that an additional woodie would give them five.
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