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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. Cedar Point isn't closing Mantis. They're renaming it and giving it new trains. It's still the same coaster.- Honestar92, cross-threading.
  2. As a loyal fan of Vortex, I am glad you have finally seen the light
  3. Except that it forces me to listen to crappy remixes of songs that I already didn't like any time I want to take pictures of Vortex.
  4. Vortex 15 times? Are you now wheelchair bound? Not even remotely. I've never had any issue with Vortex whatsoever.And I didn't even ride the Toomer seat each time. Many of my rides were in 1-1.
  5. I would like to see general improvements to the SR&R/Vortex/Backlot area (the part of Coney Mall that was largely ignored in 2011 while the rest was refreshed) And by "general improvements", I mean, bring back SR&R fully refurbished and looking new, fresh paint on Vortex (she's starting to need it bad...), get rid of Three Point Challenge (I know, I know... it's a money maker, so it won't happen...) and replace it with something more aesthetically pleasing. Like Flying Scooters. Preferably a good set of Larsons like one would find at Cedar Point and Hartland. Those scooters are very nearly as good as the set at Carowinds (that we will never get back, so perhaps it's time to just let go...). Get a good gust of wind, and those Larsons are extremely snappable, just as an FYI for anyone who may not have ridden a set.
  6. My own personal recommendation if you are looking to spend as little money as possible AND do all of the rides and all of the Haunts would be to come on a Friday and buy just a Fright Lane. Ride waits have not been too bad thus far on the two Fridays since Haunt began, but lines for the haunted attractions have ranged from minimal to outrageous. If trends continue: your best bet would be come on a Friday and hit Diamondback and Beast early, as their lines get the longest. Possibly Invertigo, too. I'm not sure how its lines have been as I seldom ride it. Then, Fright Lane in tow, you can do the mazes at your leisure with little to no wait, and then knock out the rest of the rides with minimal waits as well. If you come on a Sunday, wait times for rides should be at the lowest, but there is no Haunt. If you come on a Saturday, expect crazy lines for absolutely everything, including the bathrooms. If you are fine with doing SOME of the Haunts and don't necessarily care if you hit all of them, then you might even skip the Fright Lane altogether. You should still have little trouble knocking out most of them. Indoor Haunts also typically open right at 6, while outdoor ones won't open until it's a bit darker, for whatever that's worth. Waits for the Haunts and the rides will be shorter the closer you are to opening and closing time, so start and end with the rides that tend to have long waits, and knock out the ones that usually don't in the middle of the day. If it is any indication to you, I was able to ride Vortex 15 times this past Friday in a span of just over 2 hours. Keep in mind also to budget for food in the park, as there is no re-entry after 7:00 PM, and outside food and drinks are not permitted. Prices for combo meals usually range from $10-$15, but it is possible to eat a little cheaper in some locations. Should you purchase the all-you-can-eat buffet, Fright Feast, which is $15 for non-passholders, you will also receive one free pass to skip the line for one of the Haunted attractions. You might choose to do this, and use your pass to skip the line for whichever Haunt has the longest line. Finally, (without spoiling the surprise) be aware also that should you make the unfortunate mistake of going through the Tombstone Terror-Tory Haunt, just be aware that you will have to wait in two separate lines, effectively doubling your wait. I do not know how they handle this if you have a Fright Lane or a skip-the line pass. You might get to skip one line, or you may get to skip both. I'm truly not sure. It's not good enough for me to care.
  7. I'm just waiting with bated breath for the announcement of the Carowinds operating schedule. I plan to book a hotel for that weekend the very minute I know WHICH weekend to book for. I think this addition might be enough to firmly solidify Carowinds's place as my favorite Cedar Fair park. Not that it wasn't already, it just might solidify it even more than it currently is. I mean, how could I NOT love a park with Afterburn AND a Giga that has everything I think a Giga should have <3 (Afterburn is my most favoritest Invert. Even above Banshee)
  8. If this season pass holder went three times and he lives two hours away, think how many times local customers must have gone...
  9. Unless it meets a similar sort of demise as Geauga Lake. I hope and pray that Kings Island wouldn't do that to us... But you never know. The Crypt went out in a similar fashion, so it's hard to say...
  10. I just hope that Ed Hart is able to Figure It Out. Sometimes it seems he is 1 vs 100 in the amusement industry. Perhaps the park is in better hands with him than with another possible owner that considered the park, as they have a bit of a Family Feud to worry about. If The Price is Right, then customers will be happy to purchase admission. As the park grows, perhaps the fair board will say, "Let's Make A Deal!" and offer the park a great price on their lease or a discounted parking pass for season passholders. Ed Hart may even be able to make the Sale of the Century and once again get the park into the hands of a major theme park chain. I think the think he needs most to remember, however, is not to Press Your Luck, or the future of his investment may be in Jeopardy! Ed Hart knows how to speak the business Lingo. Investing in a shuttered park is like giving the Wheel of Fortune a spin. If you think it's easy to raise an amusement park from the ashes, then frankly, You Don't Know Jack!
  11. I'm actually tempted to go to Kentucky Kingdom on Sunday for closing day. I just can't get enough of The Runs! (Which is one of those things that would be weird if anyone other than a coaster junkie said them...)
  12. I don't recall ever seeing any advertisements in Cincy. The farthest from the park that I've seen anything is in Florence, where I saw a Kroger store with a tiny sticker on their door to indicate that they sold Kentucky Kingdom tickets. I did, however, see a very large Kings Island ad at a Kroger in Louisville. I don't know if Kings Island has always advertised that far south. If not, then they apparently see the Kingdom as a threat. Interpret that as you will. I can think of scenarios that are both good and bad for Kentucky Kingdom in that situation. That said, Ed Hart did say (and I'm paraphrasing because I can't find the quote) that fans of amusement parks will visit more than one. And for me personally, I agree whole-heartedly. My business is not mutually exclusive to KI or KK, and I enjoy visiting (and have my 2015 season pass renewed for) both parks. In theory, they don't HAVE to compete. Only time will reveal what happens in that regard. Sometimes the future effects ride placement... Also, you have two pathways that lead to T2 and Raging Rapids. You have the long pathway that you enter from Thunder Run and you have the pathway where you could just cut through Hurricane Bay Very true. And admittedly, there is a large eyesore of a concrete pad between Professor John's Flying Machines and Lightning Run that will be a whole lot less awkward with a ride there (I'm assuming that is where Cyclos will go). Still, Skycatcher's placement seems very... bizarre. The layout is already odd due to the road that divides the park. But I can think of a lot of other places where that would fit great. I did not know about the other path to T2/T3. I was never at Kentucky Kingdom prior to 2014, so I know nothing of its past life.
  13. ^ I just looked at the map... Oh my... Why not put the new rides along the obnoxiously long, drawn-out path that currently leads literally to T3, Raging Rapids, and nothing else? I mean, Enterprise is physically already there. Moving it would be silly. The other two new flats though... The footprint is not huge on them. You could shove them nearly anywhere, Why wouldn't they? Cyclos is forgivable. I wouldn't say "ideal", but certainly it could be worse. Skycatcher's placement literally baffles me. The name "Skycatcher" also seems to bear an alarming resemblance to WindSeeker, but maybe I'm crazy. I also find it interesting that the Hurricane Bay Beach Club, 5-D Cinema, and several other attractions that were open in 2014 are still listed as being new, while Lightning Run no longer gets such designation... I Hartly understand anything that's going on with that map...
  14. The apostrophe is not an unheard of mistake. The park has certainly been guilty themselves in the past. Picture from Wikipedia
  15. What are they? For I must purchase them.Both are at Thrill Seekers on I-Street. One is a snow globe of the KI skyline, featuring the Crypt and Flight Deck's logos, and the likeness of SoB, plus Delirium with its pre-2014 color scheme.The other, at the same shop, is a T-Shirt for the little ones with the text "The Beast future rider" and an impeccable likeness of not The Beast, but his beloved son.
  16. "Alright, stunt team, listen up. As with any driving stunt, SAFETY FIRST, so stay seated with your head against the head rest and your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. Secure any loose articles or leave them with the crew before we roll."

  17. There are shirts with The Bat's logo, however, I have only ever seen it on shirts with the logos of all the rides. Of course, there is also merchandise with its former name, as well as at least one product with The Crypt's name and logo. There are two things I have seen in stores within the park this year that feature the likeness (but not the name or logo) of Son of Beast.
  18. I find the smaller Frisbees to be more fun than the larger ones. Of the ones that I've ridden: Rattler > Black Widow > maXair > Delirium > Psyclone.
  19. Did I miss something? When was a B&M promised for 2015?
  20. On days like that, I tend to live my life in the Fast Lane just to make sure there are no such concerns!
  21. And some private universities have no Wi-Fi because the administration is somehow convinced that their students don't want it... I speak from experience.
  22. I just hope my freshly renewed Kings Island Platinum Pass gets me into Carowinds on opening day... I have printed my receipt, and will have it in tow. I've heard stories about Carowinds in particular. Hopefully time and training have resolved the issue by now.
  23. And while you're visiting Idlewild, you will be conveniently located near my personal favorite amusement park... Phantom, Jack Rabbit, Thunderbolt, Bayern Kurve, the best Musik Express I've ever ridden, Kangaroo, Noah's Ark, Potato Patch.... I could go on and on and on. I even put a Kennywood license plate frame on Mr. Blue Sky. For me to adorn my most prized possession with their name... It says a lot about my love for that park! And for added bonus points, the ideal route back to Cincinnati from Kennywood passes right through New Concord, OH, the happiest place on Earth!
  24. Let's be (Cedar) Fair though... A certain major park in Sandusky (whose marketing department is most assuredly FAR better than they have in the Hartland) made their 2015 announcement on a weekday before noon. This, however, followed several announcements of the announcements. Perhaps that makes a difference.
  25. I'm not sure I want Wi-Fi at the park. There are certain... risks involved with Wi-Fi. Admit it, I took this post in a COMPLETELY different direction than you initially expected.
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