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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. That isn't the only Mountain you could visit in that game either! I'm trying to remember what the other one was, but trying to remember is hurting my Skull.
  2. ^Chris Sawyer has said that many of the stages in the first RollerCoaster Tycoon game were inspired by real parks. This one just happens to be one of the more obvious correlations. Ironically, the second game had real Six Flags parks in it and was released during their ownership of KK. And yet, it did not make an appearance. Though you could go on a Great Adventure to a particular Mountain.
  3. Sometimes I feel like working at the Kentucky Kingdom marketing department would be a bit like this: Come to think of it, I think this screenshot represents the Kingdom rather well. From the advertising, to the finances, to the guest count... And even the setting! - Homestar92, who carefully chose the correct level from which to take his screenshot.
  4. And yet, per the paper that I received (AFTER I had paid the cost of renewing my pass, mind you - not before) thanking me for "my continued support and enthusiasm" they have already "announced" most of the new things for next year: T3 (née T2) Raging Rapids River Ride The Enterprise (I feel like the latter two were SUPPOSED to open this year and it never happened, seeing as they are both labeled on the park map) Two new "family thrill rides" This is complete conjecture, but I would expect a couple new shops and such to open as well, as opening Raging Rapids and T3 will require the opening of a whole new section of the park.
  5. RCDB is counting them as one and the same, which cements my decision to count them as one. With the exception of my not counting powered coasters, my counting ideology is basically the same as theirs. Of course, RCDB claims it has four inversions. I contend that it has three. Inclined loops are not inversions.
  6. Most people I know can't really even distinguish a wood coaster from a steel coaster. Nor, as I recently learned, can my uncle in Chicago, who recently texted me to inform me that Goliath was the best wooden coaster he had ever ridden. But that's another story entirely...
  7. No way Vortex is the roughest ride in the park. That honor goes to the parking lot. Seriously, there are potholes that could swallow my car! But that's a different conversation for a different place and time.
  8. As I discovered last season, there's actually a seat even better than the Toomer seat. - homestar92, recent 7-1 convert (seriously, on the first drop, you get a pop of airtime that may just be the best in Ohio!)
  9. Has anyone here used an on-screen barcode from their phone to enter a Cedar Fair park? I'm curious because these sorts of things intrigue me. I'm not sure if Kings Island allows admissions through such a means, but I'd certainly use the technology if they do. Before you say "call the park", don't worry, I'll probably ask in person next time I'm there. I'm just curious if anyone has any anecdotal experience with this. Oddly enough, at least one park in the chain has iOS Passbook integration, though I never tried because on that trip, my phone didn't get turned on unless there was Wi-Fi because international data roaming charges are not fun. Truth be told, they may all do that. Canada's Wonderland is the only Cedar Fair park I've ever purchased a day ticket for within the last 4 seasons, and the ticket wasn't even for me. I had a Platinum Pass. Though the scanners at the turnstiles at Kings Island are of the flatbed variety, and those do not play very nicely with barcodes on cell phone screens. (Barcode not blurred out because the ticket has already been used and I'm lazy ) Now, if the park supported NFC payments, that would be sweet. I could leave my wallet in the car! (And yes, Terp, we know that not everyone brings a cell phone in parks. But some of us DO, and for us, this would still be cool) I know that my other amusement park season pass cannot be used in this way, however, as Kentucky Kingdom passes feature the passholder's picture on the card itself, and it does not appear on a monitor at the gate. I'm sure they wouldn't be too keen on that unless they had their own app for such a purpose.
  10. Then in theory, you could only count FoF one time, no matter where you rode it, or any other cloned rides anywhere else right? I mean its the same track layout just in different place..... For me, same track LAYOUT =/= same ride (IE, clones). Same track (as in, literally the EXACT same structure) == the same ride, even after relocation or a change in trains (IE, X-Flight and Firehawk are one credit no matter where it was ridden). Racing coasters are one credit. Dueling coasters... I'll have to think about. Never ridden one, so it doesn't matter to me right now. IF the Hartland makes it to 2016, Stella and Lola will likely be my first dueling coaster(s). Would any of you two-credit people consider the Kennywood Racer as two coasters? Would Voyage be a new credit if the Timberliners had worked out? Heck, let's say T3 opens next year with Vekoma's new trains with the vest restraints a la Fly - The Great Nor'easter. Would you count T2 and T3 separately? I wouldn't. At the end of the day, there's no right or wrong. How YOU count it (or don't) is up to YOU. Just remember that if you and a friend were to compare your coaster counts, an agreement should probably be made as to how you will count them.
  11. I've seen that photo before. Every time I see the sign that says "Re-modeled: Not as rough as last season!" I just about lose it with laughter. What a way to market your offseason maintenance!
  12. ^ But strangely enough, the Gold/Platinum pass discount on in-park purchases works even if your pass is not scanned at the gate. I used this during Coasting for Kids and also on P&G day.
  13. I hear you can purchase a suitable vehicle for such a lifestyle at McCluskey Chevrolet...
  14. That sounds like it would be fun and all, but I'll see the USA in A Different Kind of Car.
  15. Yes. There are fake meats hanging from the ceiling in a few places that need to be pushed out of the way, as well as one of those plastic curtains like you might find in a walk-in freezer. There aren't many mazes where you don't. Outdoor haunts would be the only ones that come to mind, because there is no ceiling from which to hang things.
  16. My completely jaded assumption is that they don't allow for reentry because people gotta eat, and if people gotta eat and can't reenter the park, then suddenly people gotta eat IN the park (and at the park's prices!) I would love to find out that I'm wrong. But I find it hard to imagine that this reasoning isn't at least a small factor.
  17. Not in writing, but the rendering showed the old ones, and in every coaster thus far to use the new ones, they've been in the 3D render.
  18. I do track my credits (because any excuse to make a spreadsheet is A-OK in my book!) but I tend to be very conservative in my counting. Racer is 1. Gemini is 1. Kennywood Racer is 1 (though in this case, it truly is ONE roller coaster no matter how you try to slice it). Surf Dog/Pipe Scream do not count. Heck, I don't even count Thunder Run (of the Canadian variety. The one in the Hartland does count, of course). As such, you can imagine why I would say that no, it is not a new credit. If you rode The Beast in 1979, the trains had four rows per car and the helix wasn't enclosed. Does that count as an additional credit, too?
  19. Don't have to imagine. I've ridden it with bearable restraints. Many, many times.
  20. I doubt you would. Worst I would imagine is that they will request that you come to process for a Gold Pass on your next visit. But as always, I am not affiliated with Kings Island and can not guarantee anything.
  21. Call the park for that one. It shouldn't have allowed an automated renewal going from one tier to another. Those typically require a physical visit to the processing center.
  22. If I answer that question this early in the season, I believe that would be a spoiler. [emoji6]
  23. Not quite as good as Cirque Imagine. Not yet, anyway. I won't cast judgment for a few weeks. I can forgive a lot in the first performance. There is one act that seemed to eat up a lot more time than expected (as evidenced by the music actually ending while it was still being set up). I could see that portion of the show changing or disappearing, opening the door for something new as well. As it is right now, I'd rather have Ed Alonzo or Cirque Imagine. But it is a vast improvement over Hot Blooded.
  24. Slaughterhouse was great as always. Is it REALLY a completely new experience? No. Not in the same way that a truly new Haunt would be. Yes, the layout changed, but you have the same themes and characters, and even many of the same props. It seemed longer though. That said, I preferred last year's version, perhaps due to the sheer disbelief that the park could fit that much stuff into what was then Stunt Crew Grill. Besides the "new" Slaughterhouse, I didn't do any Haunts that I hadn't done before. Wolf Pack was better than last year. Club Blood was... Club Blood. Anyone who's gone through it will know that's all I need to say. I am curious to go through Madame Fatale's again. In 2012, it was superb, but when I went through it in 2013, it was understaffed and many of the surprises were ruined as a result. Oddly enough, Haunt 2012 seems like only yesterday, while Haunt 2013 seems eons ago. Perhaps it's because my visit for Haunt in 2013 was rainy and miserable, and is the second worst day I've ever had at Kings Island.
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