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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. I don't think that it did. It isn't on my 1972 Park Map, so if it did come from Coney, it was left in storage for a while and put up later.
  2. homestar92

    2015 Idea

    Canada's Wonderland has Boo Blasters On Boo Hill as well as a new interactive dark ride. Not to mention, they have a version of Boo Blasters with guns that consistently function and they still got another shoot-em-up ride. That just means that we're even more overdue!
  3. And that visit proved that the park apparently doesn't want to make money on food after 9:00 PM, and that they lost at least one potential food sale because of it.
  4. Just make sure you do Cedar Point first so that it doesn't completely disappoint you. If that's the standard, figure out a way to detour through Jackson, New Jersey on the way home. Terp...trying to be good. That's a lot of miles! I bet a trip like that would be one great adventure!
  5. Just make sure you do Cedar Point first so that it doesn't completely disappoint you.
  6. Which I presume is not the same type of ride as Firehawk?Not even remotely. Seemingly counter-intuitively, their Flying Coaster is a flat ride.EDIT: Terp beat me to it.
  7. I'm not so sure the effect will be dreadful. Keep in mind, you now have one more signature attraction to eat up the crowds, plus the fact that with Voyage in particular (when running two trains), the line begins to spill into the midway when it is about 45 minutes long, and as Vortex will prove, lines spilling into the midway DO scare away people who don't know what the actual length is.
  8. The only thing about Banshee's sound that I've found disappointing is that is isn't as loud as its would-have-been namesake up north.
  9. See also Kennywood, if sources on the internet are to be believed. At least they have done a good job maintaining the last Flying Coaster.
  10. To put into perspective how many rides Racer has given: Don's 12,000 rides will account for just over one percent of one percent of the total rides that Racer has given when it hits 100,000,000.
  11. Technically, HW has The Howler. And several years back they had a real Firecracker of a steel coaster.
  12. Have you been up to Cedar Point since they installed Gatekeeper? It's a huge ride that stands out against the rest of the coasters. Keep in mind that Thunderbird will only have 2 trains, which saved the Koch's a pretty penny as well... Not to mention, the trains looked shorter than the ones on Gatekeeper. I recall seeing only 5 or 6 rows in the animation. Either way, Thunderbird will be Fun, Fun, Fun... at least until daddy takes it away.
  13. Gatekeeper is much longer and had two massive steel towers that had to be produced as well. I'd bet each of those towers was a million or two.
  14. The hardware might not be that expensive, but as this is a first for B&M, I'm sure that a lot of money went into R&D, and if a park wants a "first of its kind" attraction, they're going to have to fork over a large portion of that R&D expense.
  15. So does Banshee if you're judging by cycle time. It's over 3,000 feet long. Sure, it isn't the longest, but it is definitely not short.
  16. Call it Turkeybird if it makes you feel better. Now that's a name I can get behind!
  17. I fail to see where the Thanksgiving theme fits in here...
  18. My 6-core gaming PC with 8 gigs of RAM won't work... But the iPhone works great... I won't question it.
  19. I can't get it to work... Nor can I find a quality switcher...
  20. If your math is correct, then that just means we'll easily be at 1 billion by the year 2525... ...If man is still alive.
  21. Everything is Chrome in the future! Those who get the reference will likely find this humorous. TheDevariousEffect will probably find my referencing this particular episode of Spongebob to be even funnier, for totally different reasons.
  22. Sorry, Ryan, but in regards to your first post: Kings Island is a registered trademark, and as such, is always capitalized here
  23. Nothing good has ever come out of Michigan? You must enjoy walking everywhere you go.
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