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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. No, no, no. They're saying that you can't try to claim that you are an ACE official or representative. You can say that you're a member, but don't try to claim "I'm the president of the American Coaster Enthusiasts!" or anything like that.
  2. My parents have made that exact comment when I talk about Intamin coasters.
  3. If playing Pokemon as a child taught me anything, it's that shorts are comfy and easy to wear.
  4. Bah. Next Friday is looking clear and sunny with decent temperatures... The worst possible result... Hope the forecast changes. I want showers and unseasonably cold temperatures all morning, mysteriously ending just before noon and making for a great day at Kings Island (but only AFTER the GP have been scared away).
  5. For what it's worth, Delirium's color scheme is the same one we've known and loved for over a decade on the 2014 Park Map.
  6. The legs are definitely changing, but the orange in the disk could just be the way light is reflecting. If you look at this photo: You can see a hint of orange, too (at least on my monitor) (Photo from David Morton, taken from Wikipedia at this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Delirium_KI.jpg and licensed under Creative Commons)
  7. Anyone attending Media Day has the added perk of enjoying the short lines on everything else on the 18th. Ain't nobody keeping me from my Adventure Express on opening day. If anyone tries, then NOW THEY WILL PAY!
  8. This isn't what Guest Services told me when I inquired about it previously. I was told that they do allow renewals (at the renewal price) at a different pass tier, though it cannot be done online. Policies change, though, so I could very well be wrong. Cedar Fair parks' season pass policies & procedures can be more than a little confusing. I think Terpy will back you up on that.
  9. Based on the varied answers, I think I'll just email the park.
  10. For anyone who has experience with this, if you upgrade from a gold pass to a platinum, does it go by the renewal price or the new pass price?
  11. You know it's the offseason when your brother informs you that the KI food truck was at Cincinnati Financial handing out free blue ice cream, and texts you a picture of himself eating it. Needless to say, I'm jealous of him.
  12. Yes sir. You'll see his name at around the 55 second mark. Coincidentally, he was also involved in The Lion King and The Jungle Book video game adaptations (The Lion King being another of my all-time favorites). And Tomorrow Never Dies for the PS1, which was also a great game, and at least one member of KICentral has recorded a Let's Play of it on his YouTube Channel. It's a very good Let's Play, and I highly recommend you check it out *wink wink, nudge nudge*.
  13. Remember, Media Day is the park's day to promote their ride. I mean, if your best friend were hosting a Star Wars costume party, they have a right to be upset and not let you join in if you show up dressed like Mr. Spock. The park has a vision of how they want their product to be presented and if you aren't going to help them present it in that way, they do not want or need your "help". They could have said that you absolutely MUST wear a Banshee shirt, but they didn't. As it stands, the park has granted us some degree of freedom in how we choose to dress, which is more than they HAD to do.
  14. A lot of hate for Mr. Alvey in this thread... I just have to respect the man to some degree, I mean he brought us this: Without which, my childhood would have been missing at least 100 extremely fond memories. I would like to meet him at least briefly, if for no other reason than the "meeting a celebrity" factor. (For those who don't know, Robb Alvey is/was a video game producer in addition to founder of TPR) All that said, I really want to make a Robb Alvey soundboard just for the lols. Obviously, it would hit number one on the App Store
  15. Honestly, the dress code isn't a big deal. Hobby Lobby sells plain single color T-shirts (in pretty much every color under the sun) for less than $5. If you're worried that it might be a bit colder, you can get plain colored hoodies on Amazon for less than $20. Or heck, just make like an ogre and wear layers. And as I've said before in this thread, check Goodwill. You will almost certainly find SOMETHING suitable, and it will be inexpensive. In the Cincinnati area, you'd probably even find a Kings Island shirt or two. I know I've seen lots of Diamondback and Firehawk shirts there as of late. And all this assumes that someone who posts on a Kings Island fan site has never once bought a shirt at the park, and I can almost guarantee that nearly everyone here has... (So much for not commenting further on the subject...)
  16. I believe that Don said in an interview that it may. But as CoastersRZ said, Banshee is the biggest investment in park history, and media day is designed to showcase it. You will have lots of time to ride The Bat on Friday the 18th.
  17. I will add a quick note for those who have a small logo somewhere unintrusive, like the bottom of a sleeve (Pardon the blur on these). Before: After: A simple safety pin can do so much. Before the hoodie was certainly a no-go. Now it is free of any logos, and nobody would ever notice that anything has been done if it isn't pointed out to them. I assume that doing this is fine, since there are no longer any visible logos on this hoodie. I could be wrong, but there is no longer a logo on this hoodie. Alternatively, it's just stitched on. I may just remove it outright. I hope it doesn't come off that I'm trying to skate around rules. It's actually quite the contrary, I'm trying to make sure that I am fully compliant with them. And with that, I am not posting any more on the subject since I kinda feel like this falls into the category of things we weren't supposed to be discussing here.
  18. NO! It's free for invited members of the media and members of paid coaster clubs who sent in their RSVP prior to the deadline. EDIT: Beaten...
  19. Don't most of their sweatshirts/other apparel have their 'C' logo on the front? Most do. Many do not. You have to look before you buy in this case. Though I just discovered that technically, the one I own has a very small logo at the bottom of the sleeve. Just in case that's an issue, my plan is to simply roll up the sleeve enough to cover it (not a problem, I'd only have to roll it a half inch or so), and hold it in place with a safety pin. No visible logos whatsoever. Alternatively, I've been doing some searching online, and I've found that Hanes sells hoodies that as far as I can tell have no logos anywhere. And you can get them for below $20. If you plan on buying appropriate clothing online, I'd advise doing so sooner rather than later. I'd also recommend Goodwill and thrift shops. You will almost certainly find SOMETHING, and probably for very cheap. Here's a link to some affordable hoodies of various colors on Amazon that meet the requirements in case anyone wants to purchase something. http://amazon.com/Hanes-Comfortblend-Pullover-Sweatshirt-L-Black/dp/B0009G5VBI/ref=sr_1_52?ie=UTF8&qid=1397007554&sr=8-52&keywords=champion+hoodie Also, for what it's worth, if you wear Kings Island apparel, it should be officially licensed. So if you have something like a High School Kings Island senior trip T-Shirt or a shirt you've made yourself, that is not going to be considered appropriate.
  20. Well, thank you Terpy for getting that information for us. I do have one hoodie that is just a plain shade of gray that I can wear if it's chilly, or my Banshee T-Shirt that I can wear if it isn't. If it's cold enough to need a jacket... then I may be in a tight spot. But I can't imagine it being too cold for a hoodie. For anyone interested, Champion makes some hoodies that do not bear any logos, and they are quite comfortable.
  21. In terms of logos and whatnot, would something with a small logo like this be acceptable? Ignore the fact that the shirt is multiple colors, I only care about the logo on the pocket (or others of its size). And this is just a generic example, not a specific shirt that I'm asking about.
  22. I have already sent Don a PM on here because I had a question about apparel myself. If in doubt, ask. Or at very least, bring a solid-colored, plain T-shirt with you and be prepared to change if what you wear is deemed unacceptable.
  23. Sling Shot is not a ride I'm willing to do. Then again, Drop Tower gives me the jibblies. I've done Drop Tower once just to say I did, and that was quite enough for me. Not a fan of any drop ride beyond 150 feet tall or so. Even the Carowinds Drop Tower filled me with regret halfway up the ride. Though I thoroughly enjoy Liberty Launch, oddly enough. I was not nearly man enough to even consider Power Tower.
  24. I know that Fairfield (my alma mater) is off the 18th. Go Indians! Just not to opening day because I want light crowds. XD
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