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Everything posted by CoasterGeek101

  1. Well, like I said, I will still be 13 by the time of the event, but I guess most people are in the teens?
  2. Well, ok, but will I be the youngest one there? I meet the height requirement for every ride there, Hahah.
  3. Hey Guys, I have been wanting to attend Coasting for Kids since I saw the videos from last years event. There are a few things I am un-sure of, so any answers would be much appreciated. First, is there an age limit to attend? The event is 2 weeks before I turn 14. Can I attend by myself or must an adult attend as well? Second, is marathon riding Racer the whole event, or are other rides available?
  4. I notice they opened around April 17, why they open so late this year? I don't know.
  5. What I have never understood, was why the charge. I mean, it cost around 1 million, right? Yeah, that is a lot of money, but not nearly as much to Diamondback with cost 23 mil. Why an up charge on something that cost very little and not for something that cost over 20 million?
  6. Really, it is a good decision. I think not even Gold should include Haunt. I think that if they had a "Haunt season pass that only cost maybe 20 bucks, then they could put a LOT more money and time into making the event awesome.
  7. Thanks I enjoy making a few every year. I have 20 minutes from WindSeeker opening day that I might release soon.
  8. They both have pros and cons. Kings Island is more of a thrill park, with some attractions designed for the family, and not as crowded and not as expensive. Only open Spring through Fall. Disney World(which I have been to many times) is 100% family designed and the money they spend on rides like Tower of Terror could almost buy half of Kings Island.
  9. I shared my 2010 music video of Kings Island and got some great feedback, so now I have the year of 2011 ready for wiweing. Some people asked for a song that was NOT a techno song, so you might like this one. Comments and constructive criticism are appreciated. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/38388345?portrait=0" width="580" height="326" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p>After a HUGE wait, we finally have our official brand NEW music video of Kings Island for the 2011 season. I think it turned out great and I am very happy with it. Enjoy shots of lots of great Kings Island rides and attractions. <br /><br />Featured Artist: Newsboys <br />Featured Song: Something Beautiful (Describes Kings Island)</p>
  10. I tried looking for a page on how this works, but I couldn't fine one. How exactly does this program work? What exactly do you have to pay for the event? I would be willing to donate to the worthy cause, but could someone tell me how you register?
  11. I am not really sure why they are painting Invertigo, of all of the coasters. Many of the coasters need new paint jobs, so why don't they do those roller coasters? Adventure Express could use new paint (not changing the color) and the landscape of Adventure Express is terrible. Firehawk could use it, Vortex could use it. And now, Stinger, Leviathan, and now Invertigo are the same colors. Why Cedar Fair? While Kings Island might need a new refreshing entrance, these colors are not the ones to do it.
  12. Thanks for the comments guys, next time I might get a little closer, but however, I do not want to be "trespassing."
  13. I stopped at KI last Sunday on my way to my grandparents house. I got some pictures of the Soak City construction and pics of the skyline. Enjoy and comment! <a href=" title="DSCN1568 by CoasterGeek101, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7175/6832679633_c33eacb863_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="DSCN1568"></a> <a href=" title="DSCN1558 by CoasterGeek101, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7006/6832568467_ee41f5b428_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="DSCN1558"></a> <a href=" title="DSCN1545 by CoasterGeek101, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7024/6831837469_6589512249_z.jpg" width="640" height="480" alt="DSCN1545"></a> The Rest can be found at http://www.coasterge...y-kings-island/
  14. I will almost definitely be there! Can't wait to meet all you guys! Looks like a long day with lots of ERT! Anyone hear of CoasterQuest at KI?
  15. I mean, come on. There really is not much to see. If KI was building a huge 300+ tall roller coaster, then sure, and also, this is the PR Manager's decision, not ours.
  16. Nice music video! Fun to watch. Ha, Windows movie maker is the most basic you can get.
  17. I think is should be the 1st week of April.
  18. It is here! You guys seemed to like my KI video from last year, so lets see if you like this one! There is one or two shaky shot, that I couldn't help, but I put a lot of time into this video, so comments are welcome! <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/34418547?portrait=0" width="580" height="328" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
  19. Unfortunately, it looks like it is now in 4th place, so we need everyone to vote!
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