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Everything posted by Bennett

  1. I would look for a major "Action Zone" revamp to coincide with whatever way SOB is resolved.
  2. Give The Racer the attention that it so desperately needs. It's turning 40, and looks older than that.
  3. Ride Warrior!!!!! But seriously, it would probably be a better idea to donate $10.00 to a reputable charity. Dad?
  4. I bought a pair of water shoes specifically for KI...went to BB once last year, and my feet hurt for a week afterwards. That concrete just carves your skin up.
  5. Noticed that...my daughter and I rode it yesterday, the two of us by ourselves. We remarked about the LED lava before it started, and, it wasn't there!!! Shock horror! Just some swirly lights.
  6. 2011 was a good year overall...took time yesterday to take everything in. My observation of what needs serious attention? The Racer. Coming up on the 40 year mark next year, the old girl is in serious need of some rehab and paint. Looking very rough. I would assume that it will get it. That, and finding a way to hide that large stack of kindling behind Adventure Express...
  7. Park was dead all day...great time. Everything was a walk on, save BLSC. Why anyone would wait in a line for that is, frankly, beyond my comprehension, but to each their own. Was able to see a couple of old trams, and the cars for SOB on Adventure Express...the benefits of the leaves falling.
  8. You can count me on the cheapskate end of the season pass holders...we ate at the buffet a couple of times over the summer, my daughter wanted a few t shirts, probably $15-20 on games during the year. Would be about it.
  9. I did snap a pic of that on Sunday. I will try to post it tomorrow. From a non-carpenter, does not look in tip-top condition...but, what do I know?
  10. Wouldn't have even dreamed of going on Saturday night...80 degrees and perfect weather? Knew it would be an epic disaster, but that's coming from me, who can't stand waiting in lines. Did go yesterday, essentially walked on to everything...intermittent 3-5 minute waits on Diamondback, seen bigger lines there for ERT. The only real line I saw was for BSC, which isn't worth a 3-5 minute wait.
  11. Awesome pics! Thanks for posting all this. Very cool, informative, as I was not aware of most of this.
  12. Yes, it looks like, when I saw it, that it said 2009, and the 09 was painted over, and, looked like a question mark was scribbled. I had no camera either.
  13. Only one we did last night was Wolf Pack, because my daughter wanted to see the Son of Beast up close. It was OK, nothing special. No line for the Urgent Scare, but she didn't want to do it, as "I don't need to see blood". Line for Club Blood was just silly. Did see quite a few of the Pass lanyards around necks. i do like the haunts, as it makes most rides walk ons.
  14. Cool to see the tombstone for "My Unloved Son" with the death date of 20?? in The Beast line, along with the coffin that had been broken out of.
  15. That would be a long and miserable walk...
  16. Why does it HAVE to be? There would be no point in investing money to rehab that area of the park with a big elephant towering over it. Mark my words...major work in that area will happen when SOB is either redone, or bulldozed/replaced.
  17. Any Action Zone refurb will have to be tied in with the fate of SOB, either way.
  18. Now with "more shade"...and volleyball.
  19. Whats with the bimbo behind Don?
  20. We started Aug 10th in Dearborn County, IN. Absolutely stupid.
  21. that would be great, but i just called up on what to do i.e. audiotions, interview things, and the guy told me i had to come in and audiotion and i was thinking "so what i have to go in and act like a monster in front of the employer :l. anyone who has previously worked there would be great and thanks for the help hopefully i get the job and we can team up and scare people Take a sheet from the bed...cut two eye holes and put it on your head. id rather have a professional costume, and im all about halloween, i bought a 40 mask once just because i thought it was scary
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