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Everything posted by DBInternational

  1. Cool facebook page to check out is Dayton History Books Online. Here's an aerial of Frankie's they posted earlier today:
  2. ^^Looks like Michael Snyder Photography. From the websites I'm finding him on through google images, it seems like he does media for the enquirer and maybe dayton daily. Google Images Michael Snyder
  3. Oh boy. I broke the big bottle in Outer hanks... :/

  4. New Story! I'll share mine from monday. I went to the park with my church youth group. I had just finished lunch from LaRosa's in the Festhaus when one of my friends walked in and asked if anyone else wanted to go eat at Hank's Burrito Shack. (he had been out trying to find someone to retrieve his phone from the ground below Firehawk, but one embarrassing story at a time) My other friend and I had already finished but we agreed to go with him so he wouldn't be bored while in line. To divide the entrance of the queue line there was a low table with some random decorations on it. One of those decorations was a large (and I mean really large) glass bottle filled decoratively with peppers, lemons, tomatoes and some other vibrantly colored fruits and veggies. My feet were tired so at this point I got the bright idea to sit on that low table next to the large glass bottle. Well I wasn't really paying attention and thought I could lean back a little bit. But what I didn't take into account was how close to the bottle I was. I leaned back onto it, bumped it, stood up from the table, and could do absolutely nothing about the giant falling bottle. The bottle seemed to fall in slow motion as I sat back a mumbled the words, "Oh balls..." Next thing I knew the bottle was shattered on the floor with the many fruits and veggies scrambled all over the place. There was about 20 seconds of awkward silence as I noticed everyone, including the workers, had stopped what they were doing and looked at me and the huge mess I had created. I had no idea what to say and all I could think of was a family guy quote my band director had used a lot in the past: Next thing I knew a worker (who seemed pretty P.O.'d) came out from behind the counter with gloves and a trash bag and I had fled from the shack in embarrassment. So, if you go there now you will probably notice that there is still a giant bottle on the table but on monday, I can assure you, there were two...
  5. Wow, with the entire KIC world focusing on B&M gigas, inverts, and Intamin gigas I completely forgot about stratas.... B&M's never made one have they? Even so a strata that did more than just straight up and down would be pretty cool. Especially if it was like this: That looks awesome!
  6. I was there monday too! Best Part of the day: Getting stuck at the front of Flight Deck's line for 3 hours while waiting on the rain to stop and the ride to start back up again. All 3 hours my church youth group and I hung out and talked with some of the ride ops. We had a lot of fun getting to hear from some of them about all kinds of stuff! Anything from learning the Diamondback ride ops are arranged into Harry Potter Houses to the strangest people they've seen at the park. Great stuff! So, if you ever get the chance, talk to the people that work the rides. It's a lot of fun hearing from a different point of view and I'm sure it brightens their day too!
  7. Went to the park today. Saw the construction site and not too much has changed since I was last there. Guy standing by the construction fence was so certain that they were still demolishing something and his girlfriend was convinced it was for "Fearfest". Ahh people do make me laugh... Got some pictures from ET and down on the ground. (I apologize for the lack of quality, my mom had the nice camera all day) Some things I picked out: ^Giant Orange markings in the shapes of large squares surrounding these footers. ^More scarecrows... (A total of 5 from what I could see) ^This area is beginning to receive a lot of attention. ^I spotted these big yellow steel structures behind WindSeeker (not sure what they are or if they're even relevant to the construction) And also on WS I noticed a large shipping crate and some track sized packages in that area behind DA. Not sure if it's track or not but you cant see it from ET. That's pretty much it from today. The best part of the trip was hanging with the flight deck attendees for 3 hours while waiting for the storm to die down.
  8. Heading to the park tomorrow with my church youth group. So if you see a large group of obnoxious teenage boys, feel free to say hey!

  9. ^Enchanted Voyage music? (and hey look! we hit 5000 posts! )
  10. Also, I talked to my dad and he said he went to a place called "Americana" as a young child. I did some research and found out he was talking about LeSourdesville. It's kinda sad to see so many defunct amusement parks.
  11. Definitely way better than the anticipation for WindSeeker. It seemed everyone had already known about it way before they announced it.
  12. Believe it or not, it did. http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/business/landmark-shopping-center-coming-down/nXHrB/ http://www.daytonhistorybooks.com/board/board_topic/1550893/442229.htm guess you learn something new every day...
  13. Anyone got any pictures of that maintenance area behind DA mentioned earlier or the site from the tower today? DBI, who just dropped his bowl of cantaloupe from seeing that scarecrow thing. (and the only one who prefers fruit to unbaked cookie dough as a thread viewing snack)
  14. ^Is that the concept art for Excelerator @Knotts?
  15. Snickers bar backwards is: "rabsrekcins" which divided is: "ra bs re kc ins" meaning: Ra: God of solar diety - Egyptian Themed /Bs: Slang for Male cow fecees - A very sucky ride /Re: Again - They already built this once in the park /Kc: King Cobra - Will resemble the ride /Ins: Short for Insert - Ride is being inserted behind Delirium Now that's decoding ;)

  16. Email? What's that? Is it like Facebook?
  17. seems quite unlikely as those footers havent been used for 10+ years and have been subject to some wear and tear courtesy of the weather. probably not a very safe thing for the park to do.
  18. Just got back from the park and am now really excited for what ever this is. Footers have been poured down that hill into the old SOB site and another triangle frame has appeared. Also, what the heck are these things outside Flight of Fear? Exciting day!
  19. Hitting up the park tomorrow. Trip Report to come soon. (oh, and some more construction pictures)

  20. Here's a few i found on old park maps. (whether or not they were used as slogans, i dont know) "We've Got it All" - 1989 "Come experience the Best Thrills the World Has to Offer" - 1983 "We've Got a Happy Place" - 1975-76 "America's Family Entertainment Center" - 1972-74
  21. so youre saying that anything with suspence and a release is a let down? man your life must be pretty boring... (this was in response to young stud) stupid mobile
  22. Diggin the new profile pic. That was a great finale lol

  23. License!!!! Time for a trip to KI :D

  24. ^It seems like something would have to happen to the spectators. If they lose the trust of their customers, then they probably would not find it financially sound to remain open. Thankfully that did not happen today. Still, very sad to hear about this. I have a friend who saw it happen as he sold Programs there today. Seems like he was pretty shaken up by it.
  25. Ahh... That would make sense. But why doesn't he just say 'buy a season pass'?
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