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Everything posted by OldieButGoodie

  1. Interesting how times change. I remember looking out the front window when I was in H.S. watching for the pavement to show through. If the blacktop was visible, we were going to school. Now, if there's any visible SNOW on the road they close...
  2. Looked like this https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151433420918368&set=a.226729858367.174830.155893938367&type=1&theater We got one - hangs on the wall proudly.
  3. It's been several days, moving on... Easy: Blood Drums show from 2013 season Medium: Ed Alonzo show from 2013 haunt Hard: Sliders Screamster in action
  4. Found this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_former_Kings_Island_attractions - which says the copters ran from 2000-2003. I've flown over in a Cessna 172D, and a PA28-161 Warrior II. :-D
  5. Yes, you'll pay the difference between what you actually paid for the gold pass and the then-current price of a platinum pass. So if you upgrade next year, your total cost will be equal to whatever the full price of platinum is next year. As others have said, it would be cheaper to buy platinum now while it's on sale if you think there is a strong chance that you will get to other Cedar Fair parks next year. Transmitted from Wild Space via my datapad's DROID brain Problem is, husband does not like to make plans much ahead of time. I'd hate to spend the extra money and then not actually go anywhere else. And we'd have to go what, at least 3 days to another park to make it worthwhile? And multiply the cost times 4 for each family member. Wasn't it a few years ago that there wasn't 'platinum' passes, but the gold pass was automatically good for all the different parks? 6 years ago, my husband was laid off and we had the pass to go to multiple parks, so while we didn't have so much money, we had a little more time, we packed up the camper and visited 2 or 3 of the parks. I'm with the others - CP is only 3 hours up the road - you can do it impromptu, crash one night, drive home the next evening and you'll more than have made your money back.
  6. Festhaus? As in... Oktoberfest? During, well, the actual Oktoberfest? I'd *love* some German sausage on fresh broetchen with a little sauerkraut and some good German mustard. Goes so nice with ein bier. I understand that we can't build a pagoda to house Panda, and don't mind it being in there... but some actual German fare would be awesome! The rest takes some time - Snoopy's Starlight seemed to die in one season, and taking all that stuff down can't be cheap, has to happen off-hours or off-season (it's way the heck up there....). It was pretty cool, but it's had many seasons so I agree with those who think it's time to just shut it off and ignore it until/unless it's fully restored or removed. All of this of course, meant to help make KI even more awesome than it already is, since it's still my fave. So compact, and yet so much to do.
  7. And that's 10% off the 'standard' rack rates - not the online deals. We did use some of the BOGOs there this year with platinum passes though, which saved us a fair amount of money (free brat with a brat combo for example, at the Johnsonville cart). I've never tried the 'call from the parking lot' thing, too much of a chicken. Need to know I have a place to crash when I get there! We'll still probably do Platinum though. CP is close enough for at least a weekend trip, and we've done Carowinds and Kings Dominion in years past. Had a BLAST, and the parking is free at those parks too, if you have it on your pass.
  8. I agree, but the park has to max their profit. An un-inflated basketball has a prize just seems unappealing to the youngsters, so inflated ones it is. But it could be inflated to less than enough for bouncing... still round and all, just not bounce-worthy!
  9. On The Beast and aging backs - I might have a year or two on you I never ride in the last seat of any car. The front or middle of all of them is just fine though. Ditto the night ride. Beast is truly unique due to the terrain-following nature of the ... er.... Beast, so you really gotta do a night ride. Parking is *nothing* like CP, since KI is so much more compact and 'circular'. You can change your mind a lot based on wait times, and never wear yourself out - at least not like CP! Welcome to KIC and KI! You'll recognize the KIC folks - most wear their Tshirts with the KIC logo often (they are so awesome!).
  10. ^^ to the left of the main entrance as you enter (toward the Festhaus). Kids can also wear costumes, but no masks when haunt begins (at least in years past) primarily intended towards adults. There are also some 'attractions' at haunt that are not appropriate for kids, the electric chair, maybe the jack in a box. And I was once cautioned because I had my little guy (8 or so at the time I think) when I went to watch Hot Blooded due to its suggestive dance moves. I told 'em he watches The Man Show with me, figured he was ok. The Scareactors DO try to scare everybody, so if they're there, they are fair game. Most times my kids are fine, but at least once my youngest was surprised and jumped right out of his skin. Took me a while to settle him down. Then also DO NOT allow re-entry after 7. KI now provides a receipt for parking so you can leave/re-enter the parking area, but you may not re-enter the park after 7pm so make sure you're ready to be there by then. And HAVE FUN!
  11. I may be cynical, but that just sounds alot like somebody getting lawyered-up. No doubt you're safe when the ride stops everything. There are a few rides where you'd be way up there, The Beast isn't one of them. Sheesh.... wait for it though, somebody will be out for dough. We could be biased, but we know KI is safe too.
  12. I have... so I know it happens - one of my sons wore heelies to CP a couple of years ago (and they were doing the same for some of those chunky 'flip flops' that were popular for a while). They didn't make us remove the wheels, they made him remove the shoes. The 'right at the mark' months are the toughest - getting on one day and off the next due to differing opinions (especially when it's a pencil or pen or other subjective device, rather than the gizmo with the bars on it). The wristbands are awesome - you get one or don't, and your child knows what it's gonna be that day. I'm in agreement that state laws and insurance companies dictate the requirement, and the park is trying to be objective to avoid the parents who think they can yell their way onto the ride for their kid. There has to be a safety margin built in, since torso lengths and such vary, so if 1/8" is the difference between safe and not it's an instant 'fail' that the park has to avoid. That said, shoes do make a difference. Chuck Taylors won't help... but most running shoes or hiking boots will.
  13. I will HAVE to try the ones at CP then, based on all the glowing reports! We'd always passed them up before, but I guess that was a mistake we need to correct!
  14. Ok - we stopped and took in the new restaurant last weekend. Gotta say, the wait time was reasonable, and having the pager deal worked great. The waitstaff were fine, not exceptional but most are new to this (sit-down) format. My critique - meant as constructively as possible: - food came very (too) fast and was tasty, but not 'fresh' as advertised in the menu. We had fried pickles, a burger, chicken wings, and the kid-meal chicken fingers what were really 'chicken chunks'. Nothing was bad, but nothing was hot either - ie it sat under a heat lamp. Fresh-made trumps fast in my book, but there's no reason it can't be *both*. - some of you know I like a frosty beverage, but the pickings are slim. Bud, Bud light and Stella (for a dollar more). The rest are bottles. Sheesh - Hanks and the waterpark have splendid selections and half the bar space. Why not the same at the Grill? - souvenir cups - you can't refill them in the restaurant? Really?? My kid had to leave the place and go over to Funnel Cakes to get his cup filled. That's just nonsense. - high tables for three - nope. I prefer high tables and I thought that would be fine, but the table we had was wobbly and just doesn't seat three unless you're just having beers. Three meals, three drinks and an appetizer does NOT fit. - decor - TOP NOTCH, love the stats, history, and drama of the Big Red Machine. Flat screens everyplace are positioned well, and having a Reds game while were were there, well it just completes the picture. - other - somebody positioned some kind of server 'station' right behind a bi-swing door into the kitchen. The door cannot swing back because it'll hit the person back there, and it creates a logjam right at the entry to the kitchen. That needs to be fixed so the waitstaff can move faster. Right now they just don't have a chance. Overall, we'll go back after they have some time to iron out the bugs, but it was not a $50 experience - yet. I have high hopes for this place though!
  15. The wristbands are a great deal. I'm on son #2 now, who is just cresting 54". He gets a 54" band some days, and they won't give him that other days - owing to the 1/16" of difference in posture alone. Upsets him, but he gets the taller band more often than not, it's just the discretion of the measurer and whether the 'bar' stops or not on his head. It helps if he knows that he needs to 'stop the bar', without lifting his feet/heels of course.
  16. Prob tomorrow - not looking good for today tho.
  17. Wow... I saw him last weekend and just asked how he was doing. He was friendly, professional as always, and returned to his day as I did mine. I'm so oldie-lame!
  18. We'll have to try to fill your shoes Terp - and others, not that we can do so - and some of us will have a frosty adult beverage for you when you can join us. -Oldie, who always looks for Terp's witty comments!
  19. I'd have to know how we defined 'alcohol related incident' - does that mean that one party or the other had consumed alchohol? That's anecdotal - not causal - and may have zero relevance to what actually caused the incident. With respect to all, I agree that demographics play a part. The no re-entry policy is likely due to curb underage drinking in the parking lot, which is controlled very well at KI inside the park. I'd love to be able to consume a beer in the line, but can accept that the rules don't currently permit it. KI has done a pretty good job of shading the waiting queues, so it's not unbearable. It might be in the interest of 'fairness' to the smokers, I dunno. Peace to all - KI is open for the season!
  20. That seems odd for a sticker applied to a season pass. I'd up for a season-long DA for my sons, but not a 'day pass'. Seems like a day pass would be done with a wristband since it's well proven with other deals but oh well. If it fizzles, it might end up being a season-long deal before it's over.
  21. Interesting discussion to be sure. The airport height restriction is likely not at issue - 7sm north would only be a problem if lebanon-warren co had an instrument approach/departure that made such an object a hazard, and that's generally considered to be within the first 500' above ground level at the approach/departure end of the airport. There's a tower nearby that reaches 1000' AGL and I have to tell you, that puppy is right up there with you... I've been looking at a Cincinnati sectional (I fly) and there are many such obstructions near KI, but none on approach/departure from the airports nearby. That doesn't mean that KI has no zoning restrictions, but they also have leverage to change zoning being one of the top income sources in Mason. As to the wishlist, I'm in the Strata camp, if it's going to be enough to draw from KD, Carowinds, Worlds of Fun, and relieve some of the congestion at CP, but it's easy enough to think they'd build a winged too. I guess we'll see what's cooking as it shapes up!
  22. I'm no Mayor Bloomberg on the size of the cup (that's just gotta be flamebait) but the larger ones did melt and get deluted, warm and disgusting. That got poured out or into (gag) the trashcans where it baked until it smelled awful and drew yellowjackets. The free refills on the day of purchase is just like Carowinds and works out pretty nicely, $.99 to get a refill isn't too harsh. Guess it's time to retire the Spongebob, Maverick, and Shoot the Rapids cups!
  23. And before that you could buy buckets of beer and carry them up to but not on the ride. Times change, no problem. At least it's better than KD where the Virginia laws force you to stay at the point of sale (the restaurant is the PoS, not the Park). Now, if we could get those Carowinds souvenir cups that are refilled at 5.99... THAT would be kinda nice. We didn't see many drunks there, $6 is still steep enough.
  24. You'd think they'd have this all set - but I wonder if it was due to their opening days being before the park where you bought/renewed? Just bad IT in the end... No reason that should happen when the up-front cash is so big.
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