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Everything posted by OldieButGoodie

  1. Good to hear that folks are having fun (including (!) the workers). When Paramount had the park it was almost a burden to the ride operators, to coordinate a launch. Nobody smiled, and certainly they didn't have anything like the enthusiasm of the days when Beast opened (the year I graduated from H.S.). I think they started being more selective or otherwise motivated the staff, when CF took over. It has been apparent since that time. Good job CF!
  2. I had the burrito last weekend. Still lots of rough edges on Hank's to get the process streamlined (it's not Chipotle fast, but they're working on it). It was tasty, and I was happy to get Guacamole at no extra charge, but by the time I made it out of the line and to a place to sit, it was cold. Gotta work on speed and smiles! Still, nice to get something fresh to order rather than sitting under heatlamps for who-knows-how-long. Next up, the Philly Cheesesteak.
  3. Interesting to read other folks' experiences. I have a Platinum pass along with my boys, we're fans of hitting the other parks if we can. Last year we did Carowinds and CP, this year it'll be KD and CP. During the transition I had the experience from H377. We renewed on the last opening day in October. They took our plastic cards (never did that before?) and when I inquired how we'd get into the park, they gave us a paper 'Temporary Pass'. We received no correspondence at all during the winter, but we rolled down during pass processing on opening day. They were able to find my sons and my (then) wife, but could not find me in the system, and we didn't have the paper 'Temporary Pass' nor did I carry my credit card receipt so I was SOL unless I wanted to pay $20 for a 'lost pass'. I explained that I would not pay for a pass I'd never received (and therefore could not have 'lost'), but got no where. When I trundled up to Guest Relations to find an adult to speak to, I was headed off at the pass by the kid who was 'in charge', and I could see KI security circling. I explained that if we resolved the matter without the 40 mi trip home, I'd spend at least $100 in the park. If I had to drive home to get my cc receipt I'd be sharing my experience and might very well not purchase one next year. The kid told me 'there will be someone right behind you to buy one'. I found my CC reciept but not the 'Temporary Pass', and they would not make my pass without charging me $20, so I did not go to KI until July. I put the CC receipt, my $20 and admitted defeat, I wanted my pass (half the season was over). They could not find me in the system but saw that I'd paid, so they gave me a ticket, asked me to go thru season pass processing, and returned my $20. Why couldn't we have done so in April?!?!?!!? Next time down, I was ready with my CC receipt, sure that there was no parking pass on my newly minted season pass. They scanned and let me in - wow - couldn't believe it. The very next week, you guess it, scanned, no parking, gotta pay $10 and go to pass processing where they can refund it. (grrrrrrrr). "Can I help you sir?" "I seriously doubt it, but I'll give it a shot." I explained the whole thing, and I'd like to have parking put on my pass, and that I did NOT have my CC receipt. They took care of me and sent me on my way, as well as refunded my $10. It only took till July that year. This year was utterly pain-free. I renewed our Platinum passes last year, and didn't have to do a THING to use them. We went down during early processing to be sure, and they took new pics for us, but we needn't have done so. Hurray Cedar Fair!
  4. For the longest time, best deal for my kids has been the weiner-bun at Skyline - 2 dogs with a mountain of cheese on one bun, for ~$2.89. They loved the Snoopy kid meal at CP too, but I don't think I've seen those offered at KI except (maybe) in the waterpark. They had a PB&J, apples, cookies, and drink for around $3.29. Everything else in the park is $8, which is just painful if it's not fresh, hot, made-to-order. On the cold, rubber burger post, that should never happen but neither should wrapped burgers sitting under heat lamps forever. No matter how good the patty, it's garbage after that. At one place I worked, we kept the patties hot in a pan of hot water (kept at proper holding temp). Maybe that's not allowed by food service rules any longer, but it made for fresh, hot and made to order in very little time. ;-) I didn't get a cheesesteak on Saturday, though I wanted one. The grill at the snakepit was not even on as far as I could see, but I can't wait to try one. I'll have a burrito too! ;-D
  5. Excellent tip - ICE water, even. Can't beat the price and it's easy to carry iced tea mix!
  6. I'd *love* a Maverick at KI, so long as it was built near people/walkways. Non-ride wish? Oktoberfest at the Festhaus. C'mon KI! You have the venue, do the event!
  7. Gordon B - you're the model and I applaud you and those like you. Your rights end where mine begin, and we can peacefully co-exist if we both respect that. It's not about the 2nd-hand effect for me, it just stinks and I like the smells of the park and outdoors. There are always those who can't follow the rules just because they exist ie do the right thing even though nobody's looking, I guess I do wish there were a penalty enforced. My vice is beer and it wasn't all that long ago that we had to stay on the patio if we wanted to have a beer. I didn't like it, but I complied because I figured they could always do away with beer (again). I was thrilled when we were able to walk around the park with a beer. (so were my sons) Just a few more days... :-)
  8. 3 quick questions...(1) Almost hard to see at first, but could anybody please tell me what the name of the sky ride that's going over the building and (in your opinion) why another one hasn't replaced it yet? (2) What were those red poles (3 in the picture) that are identical in the childrens area? (3) I don't see any fencing anywhere...where people polite enough to stay on the sidewalks and didn't need corralled back then? I remember some of KI, but being under 5 back in those days...I get KI and Americana memories mixed up. Coca-Cola had their employee days there at Americana and coming to KI was a bonus. All I can remember at KI at that age was the Log Flume, something with the Flintstones and seeing people walking their invisible dogs on leashes...oh the live water show. Thanks. 1) that's the old skyride brought from Coney Island to Kings Island. It stopped running late 70's or early 80's (can't remember) 2) the red poles held a sort of shade mechanism that came from the lone pole in the center 3) we used to be a much more intuitive society... I didn't recall the year either, but it was 1977 (http://cincinnati.com/blogs/ourhistory/2012/01/23/kings-island-skyride-failure-stranded-27/) when the ride had a failure. I remember the news coverage and the folks being stuck until they could get a cherry-picker up there. It would not have been fun climbing into that, but it sure woudl have beaten staying up there!
  9. This is an awesome thread. I remember all of this as the park opened when I was in High School (beast opened the year I graduated!). Too bad society became so PC that we can't have beavers felling trees or cavalry and indians fighting (history). Agree with previous post, we could at least have some animated skeletons firing at each other!
  10. I'd like them to test the 'adult souvenir cup'! ala Carowinds. 20oz pils 'glass' that's 9.99 to buy (filled), and 5.99 to refill. ;-) I love the 1.99 refills on the kids' cups, but Dad needs one too.
  11. I just registered my son, who's 12, you won't be the youngest there - but from the looks of things, all you have to really be is a) tall enough to ride and a coaster nut!
  12. We went yesterday to have our passes processed. They took new pictures for our platinum passes, but did not change the card (and we didn't really have to go get pics). I'm curious about the season pass parking tho - all the stiles are gone. I don't know if they're planning to pave or if there won't be pass parking? Somebody knows of course, but not I. The crew in pass processing was in very high spirits, but things were a little chaotic. Invertigo looks good in the teal/blue paint. We're ready for opening day!
  13. Won't they make us fill out the demographic page and take a new picture? I renewed platinum passes, was wonderin' whether we'd have to do the processing line (we've had to every other time we renewed).
  14. This is *awesome* news! Can't wait. I wish I knew for sure whether I had to do any processing on my renewed CF Platinum pass, or if it's ready to rock. I'm guessing they'll do the usual demographic collection and picture, but I'd heard they were changing the platinum pass to make it more distinctive.
  15. But there *is* a weight requirement. I cannot recall what it is, probably 100#, but my 11-year-old son had to wait many cycles for somebody to ride with (not I, certainly!), because he was too light.
  16. ^ I cannot believe they added a charge for $5 to print out the receipt on my printer with my ink and paper this year (a Gold Pass purchase). PP renewals didn't do that at all - all they did was take my money. Hopefully we won't have to stand in line at all, but I thought I read/heard that the PP design was changing for some reason so who knows. We still have our passes from last year though... learned THAT lesson the hard way.
  17. A sports bar like the one at CP in the Wings building would be awesome, I think that's a *great* idea. Especially if the food pricing were a little more reasonable. I'm thinking a kids menu like they have at CP where kids can eat for uder $4. I also loved the souvenir glass for us 'adult beverage' drinkers at Carowinds. It knocked a couple of bucks off the price of a draft if you refilled. They charge the high prices to control consumption as much as make money, but refills at $5.99 are a happy medium (the plastic 'glass' was 9.99 if memory serves).
  18. I'd be happy with a beef, chicken and pork hotdog, at a more reasonable price (like, um, $1). Currently my boys eat the weiner-bun at Skyline. Best deal in the park - $2.59 for two dogs on a bun loaded with cheese - heck, that's almost a fair price! We do recycle our souvenir cups too, and so far nobody has ever said that ours is old or last-years and refused to serve us. It would be *great* if a pass perk was to honor any of the CF parks' souvenir cups. I think they might do it if we ask, but it doesn't say it in writing anywhere!
  19. Lots of folks are saying better quality food - I agree that it's often old/stale. I'd like it 'efficiently cooked to order'. Some of the fast food chains do it in 3 minutes or less. I hate waiting for long lines only to get old/stale/cold food and pay $8 for a burger. I like what they have when it's fresh, but hate waiting so long and it's dramatically overpriced (at least for pizza and burgers). I'd also like to see the souvenir cup (like they had at Carowinds) for the adult beverage crowd. It only saved a buck or so on refills, but when markup is 500%, seems like there could be a bargain without risking drunks all over the park. I suppose that comes from the Sky Commander incident, but that was some time ago.
  20. Snowman - my son says the same thing. He had a frozen banana at Cedar Point in the water park, but apparently that's the only place to get them. How hard would it be to put those into one of the myriad carts around the park.
  21. SOB cost something in the neighborhood of 30M to create. No decisions have been publicized. Anybody think that perhaps they're waiting for the collective memory of the support failure to fade from the copycat-ers minds? KI really does need SOB to reopen - there are plenty who will line up to ride (just like it was new all over again).
  22. Terp - that's the most important angle on this. It's free money, and I don't begrudge those who pay for the privilege, until I have to wait two or three trains for the FP queue. If they put only one or two on per cycle, no problem. Likewise, the day I buy a FP pass, I don't want to wait for 30-60 minutes either. The number has to be finite and very limited. If folks want to pay to go to the head of the line though, that's easy money and I can't blame them for doing this, in the current market.
  23. I think they're still allowed to smoke if it's in a backstage area. I wouldn't know, because I don't smoke! Outer Hanks fun fact: Part of the building still has the stucco exterior like in that pic, it's just hidden from view. They also sold beer in buckets (I still have two of them) ... but I digress!
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