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Everything posted by DontWantToWait42mar0

  1. Breaking News: My car needs an oil change.
  2. I don't feel that crowds are nearly as bad as some people make them out to be on Fridays. Fridays have been better than the one Sunday I have gone this season.
  3. Right Now Drop Tower is operating at Kings Island.
  4. Kings Island already has 3 inverted coasters, your hypothetical addition would make 4
  5. Terpy in here ranking coasters. It's a cold day...
  6. When you use adventure in quotation marks, it makes me feel like you should capitalize it. Sorry, had to get that off my chest.
  7. When you say next to best, do you mean that it is the second best Arrow mine train? Or are you using that term loosely?
  8. Are people becoming B&M spoiled softies, and now every other coaster seems "rough"?
  9. Now don't get me wrong, I love Adventure Express, but if Kings Island were to decide to tear down a roller coaster not named Backlot Stunt Coaster, I would want it to be Adventure Express... And here's why: I don't think the General Public enjoys it much. Why do I say this? Well on my most recent rides there has been a common theme: Ow and Ouch. But remember I said I love this coaster! Knowing about AE and the snappy transitions, a thrill comes in knowing I must ride it somewhat defensively. ( Similar can be said about Vortex in my opinion. ) The riding technique in which I employ is holding onto the padded hand-rail, make approximately a 45 degree angle with my elbows and lean forward, thus having my upper body act as a shock absorber. Having the quick transitions memorized helps too Sometimes I wonder, am I morally obligated to tell others about how to properly ride AE? It really is a good coaster, I hope they can enjoy it so it stays at Kings Island. Other knocks on Adventure Express: - Tunnels not nearly what they used to be - Speakers are crackly - Lift hill to ride just stopping
  10. I rode this coaster today and I was thrilled. Racer still has it!
  11. Wait times can vary significantly depending on the time of day, let alone day of the week. If you plan to ride Flight of Fear, I suggest going for that first as people like to take a break from the heat in the AC after being in the park. The line for Banshee seems to be the longest when the park first opens. And of course, save The Beast for last at night !!
  12. It's like having the thing they put on you when you get X-rays at the dentist. Not sure if that helps, but I find them to be pretty kosher.
  13. My thing the last couple of rides I have been on Banshee is to point at the people in Adventure Express' station while going down the first drop. I like the direction Banshee's lift faces, it almost seems ligned up with Racer.
  14. After seeing #Blackfish for the first time, I must say that Orcas are magnificent animals.
  15. I DontWantToWait42mar0, I want Drop Tower to be open Right Now!
  16. The scrap? If melted down, I suppose that's possible. Anyone with expertise care to weigh in on this?
  17. My first ride ever was in 8-4. (Wanted 8-1 but my group was put in that row first. The back is slightly better than the middle, but the very front is on another level.
  18. After getting to ride Banshee for the first time in the front row last night, I don't want to ride in any other row. It's amazing; I thought my face was going to get smeared on one of the rails of the track during the 0 G roll !!
  19. 4 replies so far and no mention of the hue difference the restraints that are on FoF today made compared to the ones that originally were on FoF.
  20. I'm not sure if I like the restraints on Banshee, it's like it makes me feel too safe and comfortable. I like to live on the edge so to speak. Would a lap bar not be sufficient?
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