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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Not that I'm riding Banshee next year... But Action Zone is only about a two to three minute walk from the entrance, most parking maybe 4-5 minutes or so from the entrance, maybe 10 tops. I could tolerate spending 15 minutes both ways to put stuff in my car. Or just split up and have a non rider hold onto stuff.. I like bins for the luxury of emptying all my pockets prior to riding, but if they restrict them, just place don't bring it in.
  2. If you really need pockets...go to a military surplus store and get a pair of pants and cut them to shorts or wear the pants. Problem solved.. Or just don't carry everything with you lol
  3. With no articles at all...man she's ganna fly...that's literally get in, get on, get out..That's practically an operational dream lols
  4. For the stated theoretical I don't think they adjusted it however with the station delays & stuff...Remember the seats were originally supposed to rise as it parked in the station, not after full stop. I forget why it never happened at Geauga Lake, ah well.. But regardless it's slow as hell haha
  5. Well lets put it this way...if it was known, would there be a fine.. Or are y'all allowed to do track walks w/o any fall protection?
  6. Well something like that wouldn't happen anymore I bet... Fall protection, ect... Go OSHA
  7. B&M flyers are nice in terms of overall satisfaction. I don't understand the general discomfort people feel from Vekoma Dutchmans, I actually think they're cozy. The rides themselves aren't smooth yes, but restraint wise I have no problems. Be happy we don't have a Zamperla...Look at TR:TR @ CW, or now it's know as Time Zone or something...That ride just, it's bad..
  8. Not my picture but probably the hottest pic anyone will post
  9. Ideas for stuff to do for y'all in 2014 if I could choose: Go back to the ride graveyard if it's still there Go inside of Backlot, I don't think anyone has ever been on a tour inside of the ride area, you could get some great pictures Daylight tour of the Crypt building that allows pictures (Boo Madame and your no pictures daylight tour ) Go on the 50 foot platform...I know it's a snowballs chance in Hell, but I know y'all would love to go up there again, I would Tour the maint. buildings Maybe do a behind the scenes in Soak City, never has been really focused on tbh
  10. I think it's just imagination...My night runs always seem to fly but when clocked honestly no difference. The only times I've really ever ridden a coaster and noticed a huge difference is riding in the beginning of the year vs the end. Take Mean Streak for instance. First few weeks of operation, it's a bit enjoyable. End of season, screw riding it. That or anytime during the season and you don't hear a squeal because they laid fresh graphite down (should use lube but ah well I won't bring up that argument) and the train really moves well.
  11. Yes at CP...KI though is very much the same, everything seems to have exact everything Millie was notorious for them, they weren't too bad in '11. '13 seemed very good, the trains looked to have received some good TLC. Dragster, I always ride same seat so I couldn't tell you but I'm sure it's still problematic
  12. 1. Objectively, no, but for some reason some people subjectively think they are 2. Eh, it's a so so. Cold air and and winds slow everything down mainly, or will shut it down. However a nice warm day and it pours while on the track, yeah it can give ya a bit extra, some have reported being a wild ride on a few coasters. 3. No, never. Some again subjectively claim it,
  13. 1. CP trip with one of my old HS/job friends who's now in the Navy 2. Numerous CP trips with the gf, ect. 3. KIC Holiday Party 4. KIC Mid Season Day 5. PB Halloweekends/Gatekeeper party 6. KIC B-Day
  14. Watches Terp exit via MQ-9 circling overhead It's what we do everyday
  15. Now is this on the ride permanently or is this the preview for the ride...the way they announced it with the countdown and stuff sounded like an announcement..
  16. You don't have to like everything here, that's a great thing in discussions. Just everybody love everybody
  17. Everybody love everybody... Clothes or not
  18. Your bulldog girl is very beautiful. Reminds me of my boxers...I miss them so much
  19. ^^I agree and understand your point.The only reason I can say they don't consider it a coaster is because of it's elevator, however Intamin's have cable lift systems.. I just ride the things now, the debates got old quick for me I just go to connect thrills and people at the same place
  20. ^Still one of my favorite free fall rides, just perfectly simple. From what I heard from a few guys who worked with it that I know, apparently it was a nightmare to operate. It's setup like a coaster, blocks and all. Plus being older, less computer oversight, means getting an operational was much easier.
  21. That's such a disaster waiting to happen.
  22. ^with stuff above...I was a victim to this stuff...BIG time... Lost practically everything one day..they even stole my freaking tank top and boxers (even though that was an old pair ) still, the main point is it does happen alot.
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