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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. In that picture you really see how much the terrain changes. Just to think some was slightly tamed for construction.
  2. No kids...nope nope Just look at the wording IF it were about just the thrills. Meaning it isn't..it was thrilling to ride with other members here that was what made it truly special.
  3. I think it's moreover a revamp or extending out of park services. Give it time and we will see
  4. I didn't want to be the first one to bring it up but yes it does have some boring spots to it.Lift hill & drop, great, first turn and ravine drop, great. After that it's boring until the helix. It's designed and achieved a great number of feats, but is it in my top 10, no. I ride it mainly for the beginning and end, for the nostalgia, and the memories. Not all rides are about thrills, and many of you know that's true. If it was always about thrills, none of you would have set foot on Flying Ace during our meetup day.
  5. I also may have two new airman going through and one of my SSgts who was interested in a tour..not too sure yet, but they could be following us. If not ah well, but if so sweet. It'll be fun. I can do just the museum with you guys but if you want theres an IMAX theater that has a couple movies. I like Fighter Pilot & Tornado Alley, a few others are...meh Fighter Pilot is pretty cool though, some of the shots you see and things you follow are neat. The simulators are cool, there is a just sit down and watch simulator, that moves up down, left right. The other two simulators you actually control and dogfight, but you move in all four directions and rotate as well, you can do barrel rolls. There are two cafes and one gift shop as well. It's ganna be fun
  6. It is not the WPAFM...it is the NMUSAF Leave the acronyms to the military :-P
  7. I think it's a man crush, who doesn't love a man in uniform
  8. I'm free, sounds good to me Wow I rhymed..I'm awesome
  9. At the time I only went to Terps post on the previous page.. At that point it fit..perfectly might I add
  10. Let me know, any weekend will work, week days I need like a week or so in advance to plan leave, I recommend Saturday even though it's a bit busier because they sometimes have events going on, for a bit more laid back empty tour, Sunday is always a good day.
  11. Lora any weekend is good for me, time is somewhat running out so whenever you come by and want to do the museum, let me know. Like I said anyone can come through, it's sure to be a treat. I wouldn't mind the cyclones game, the close second for me is the go karting...I'm going this weekend just because, it looks like a ton of fun
  12. When she said that I would have said "Hail Satan" and laughed until launch.. People wanna be jerks, have fun in return..
  13. I agree with the plus, it'd make more sense to me. Enough people already will get the regular FL, then everyone with a FL gets to go on it easily, however put it on FL+...well now people have to pay to upgrade to skip the line on the new attraction. Look at Gatekeeper, it got FL+, made sense. Firehawk is a good keeper for +, that line is long at anytime with a good bit of people, that's worth it. Beast, yeah it makes sense too that's a part staple. DB I think should be + too, but that's just my opinion
  14. BB Guns.. I remember my first beer All jokes aside yeah now looking at prices, GWL won't draw as much as the holiday party this time around, that idea is out. I'd love to do NMUSAF but that's an hour away from the park, that offer still stands to anyone who does want to go through with me though
  15. Again I'm up for anything just let me know so I can plan and budget if I can get this moving. Maybe even Don would be interested in a game? Hmm?
  16. I love Howard Shore..but his score wasn't that impressing being honest. Fellowship was the best and most original score, after everything is a variation honestly, no originality in them Khazad Dum is still the best track he composed for the movies
  17. It is more geared towards children as I understand, I did not do it, nor did it seem interesting to me. You'd have to ask others.
  18. I have no problem with any manufacturer, the rides they develop all have pros and cons. One manufacturer I want to see develop as I've only ever ridden wild mouse coasters from them is Mack Rides
  19. That could be arranged, plus it's cheap for everyone's budget, especially if you don't eat and run around a waterpark the day before.. I ate POUNDS of food, it was glorious
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