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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. When DB came out...I was still being chauffeured by parents most places unless it was local
  2. I can't wait to maybe see a mega sized water ride. Could you imagine 200+ foot slide...that's intense
  3. I like the trees for shade.what I don't like is the fences, etc..
  4. I still don't know why they call it a drive box...you're not driving anything One little difference between the parks haha Any pics looking towards the Gondola. I only ever experienced TR:TR once, then three times during the Crypt years...But the ride always intrigued me. I like seeing details you normally don't see. Take DT at CP for instance, the ride is boring, pain in the ass to run, smells, and annoying. However, going inside and doing a trough walk with lights on, man lots of fun
  5. https://www.cedarpoint.com/images/uploads/file/CP12-240%20Guest%20Assistance%20Guide.pdf Even if this GAG is a little dated, the park does expect it spelled this way
  6. Wow the panel is...bland, unless did you have function with the Allen Bradley Panelview?
  7. That's how the ride's SOP spells it, I'd go with that
  8. Ooooooo that was like a stone cold knife hand to the face....ouch haha
  9. Just follow the rules, CF high ups have asked for it, Admins have asked for it, and people here personally have asked for it. Follow the ideas and heed the warnings, we're not asking much. Upsetting the park should be the last thing anyone here should want to do. CF does alot for us, when they ask something little, just return the favor, it's not hard. When it's not followed it makes us look bad. Last I will say is consequences could be possible for what I've been told. Heed that as a last warning, that should give you a clue of how high up and how serious corporate takes this
  10. Sorry but I'm really only able to skim at times waiting to admit patients & whatnot. This week is crazy left and right.. Then why were we only allowed to do links for awhile? That was the impression earlier this week, but if we can embed now, please embed. The discussion happens here and things are visible here, it makes sense and works. Plus I don't have an instagram to tweet pics on and stuff, I don't mess with it, plus it doesn't work on base. This forum is impressive to me that it isn't blocked, other websites are like coastercrew, some random parts of pointbuzz, coasterbuzz entirely, etc.
  11. I don't mean to sound slightly rude here so please don't view as such Don, but if this is the case ALOT of other forums are posting just the pics on their facebook/forums, I understand why you're doing it but either please enforce it fairly or provide a method everyone can view these. Your page is blocked currently on the networks, the only avenue I can see this is via phone, anywhere else your pages are blocked, or content itself. When pictures were posted here, etc it somewhat circumvented the .mil clearance and I could see it. Plus seeing the pictures in the feed, it's somewhat like a PTR and we can use them and look through them while still in the discussion. For now we here will abide by the rules as set by CF, again I understand why it's being done. However some of us will not use or can't use/access several platforms your content is posted on. Again as well, other sites are violating this rule as well and this rule doesn't seem to be noticed at all for KI related material, or any CF parks for instance (see CP Rundown, Pointbuzz, etc. I could go on)
  12. Man had 7 patients in one hour, missed watching it. Hopefully by 1130 when I go on lunch they have something new and exciting to post. This is awesome, one milestone down, just a few more to go!
  13. Thing is once steel is done though, we still have alot left to go.. Wiring, electric, chain, trains, station, queue, gift shop, testing, ect. One milestone down soon, many to go
  14. I would be the water dummy after one round of testing
  15. Pics when you get it! Only thing from TR:TR I want is pics from controls and I'd love to stand on the ground where the A Frame was and just look around. I miss hearing that resistor bank scream..
  16. Yeah those are the easy tracks. Surprised you don't have Dream is Collapsing from the Inception Soundtrack
  17. That's the thing, the park and CF do care, heed the warnings... When you see someone step up and basically say cut it out, just cut it out.. I've made a few mistakes that Terp has grabbed me for, however I corrected them and moved on, it's a two second edit. You all will be fine.
  18. Dual* Last correction before sleeping tonight... Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk
  19. Or 2000 UTC Half of the time I don't even take a lunch, too busy. Take today, patients until 1130, admitted one at 1145, got paperwork done by 1230, just enough time to relax, drink some tea, and get my 1300 patient.. Ready for the next vacation
  20. For the behind the scenes tours btw, just as suggestion: Crypt building lights on and above the maze (kinda like where the ride actually sat, ect) Inside BLSC infield..could get some nifty shots, plus I don't think it's ever been done before I've done this with Thunder at CP..But I think enthusiasts would like a dry trough run of WWC..I enjoyed walking the trough in the morning except the pump area in the pit, had a nasty lake smell. Other than that it was a blast All in all, some cool stuff would be enjoyable for even me, I'd love to see this stuff but I cant, so if it does happen, please take pics
  21. I can just see you dancing like him..If I do get to see you before I go, I have got to see this. I may have to bring the car to DC to ship it over to Andersen AFB, we shall see..
  22. Can we put this as your Avatar pretty pretty please heheheh I'm having way too much fun tonight. You know though I always just kid
  23. Heheh you can tell he doesn't use it clearly by that post Speaking of FB...went on Myspace today and scrolled through pictures & whatnot...HOOOOLY CRAP! I was a young kid back then, had pics & stuff all the way from 2006/2007
  24. Can't go to webcams...construction update folks?
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