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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. ^^I know they do...but it literally makes no sense to me..which is why I asked..some differences between policies I'll never understand lol
  2. What if I'm a crazy cat lady, can I technically be their mother
  3. You basically repeated everything I said.. Why btw is it called a driver...you're not driving anything..you push buttons on a control panel..makes no sense
  4. The theory does work..it's used on every coaster. There is an order of clears. One can't out their clear up until s certain person does, etc. It's a redundant safety check.
  5. On prior B&M coasters I've worked, order of clears goes from top of load closest to drop to rear of load. Same on the other side. When rear load gave clear, that meant all load side was clear. Rear of unload makes sure all of unloads give clear. Once rear op of unload sees last unload clear and last rear load clear, he gives high clear. Controls gives all clear, op in rear gives dispatch enable, train leaves station. Don't need mirrors or anything, just need to follow order of clears properly
  6. Play the bowling game up there at CP, absolute blast, and seeing how the pins set is quite cool
  7. Oh yeah no...Lol lets send ride ops there when they haven't even finished building the station, electrical, etc. lol Hell no.. We don't even have all three trains to get it going and testing yet, just one car so far, whole train isn't even put together yet
  8. I even stated that..First five words..But apparently crews are arriving early APR for training, so I'm assuming right before then Maint & supervision will get it going.
  9. ^^Maint & stuff will go first, but ride ops getting to the ride early April for training & stuff. One guy I saw got Banshee's crew is going in I think it was 06APR. I'd have to check FB but I can't atm to get when he was inprocessing. Few people have gotten their ride placement emails for returners. One person on Eiffel Tower got her placement already Lindz said. Few other returners still waiting.
  10. Station isn't built, all trains aren't here, cold ass weather, no ride crews yet, etc. They haven't even placed all ride op positions yet, only a few people have gotten their emails so far
  11. ^^They already said they wouldnt...you missed an old memo mate . Btw some die hard enthusiasts are driving me insane.. They see one car on the train and immediately think OMG testing soon...le sigh..we got lot more to do first
  12. BB1...really ..none if us are bragging..all good stories
  13. One of my friends has an authentic one... Being honest, meh..I don't wear coaster shirts & stuff when I'm at the park, I wanna wear comfy, relaxed, whatever clothing.. When I see people with ACE shirts, watches, hats, etc..Scary stuff lol, those people are usually very creepy and try to tell everyone about coasters xD
  14. Met my current girlfriend of 2 1/2 years while working @ Cedar Point. Was working Witches Wheel, she was in my line and I saw her. I messed up my spiel and did my Corkscrew spiel, as it was my first day back on Monster/Witches Wheel after going back to my home ride. They laughed, we talked a bit while the ride was down slow waiting for brakes. Got the cars unlocked, came back, talked a few seconds, got her and her friends on the ride. After they rode, I always prepared a few of my cell phone numbers on slips of paper. Tossed her one and told her I got off at 1800, to message me to meet up to go do something cool and I could get her on the last ride of Dragster that night. We hung out after I got off work riding rides with her friends and my one enthusiast friend in the park. Went to Thirsty Pony that night and had dinner as a group. Then went back to the KOA where they were staying to watch a movie..All on August 31st 2011. Ended up spending the night there and then spending the morning riding rides with them and then working that afternoon. Spent the evening there again hanging out and whatnot, then asked her out. Next AM I went to work while they went to the park, I finished up work, saw them off to head back down to KI for the next week The rest is history, and here we are now
  15. Excellent video...actually got me to laugh out loud in a quiet office turning heads haha
  16. The hotel I'm referring to is literally 6-7 minutes tops in your driving up the road. I've stayed at the Knights Inn there, it's a bit more expensive during the season. When I can get a King Suite w/ Jacuzzi for 30 or so bucks, I can't do it during the normal season lol. But again, the parking lot next to Louies/Common dorms, easy spot to park and sleep, did it during the season last year. On point parking, yeah they're not going to look through cars. I only got woken up once when I slept on point by a maint. guy making sure I was ok, that was it. But ah well..just throwing it out there
  17. Lol employee lot by the dorms, HR. Etc...been there done that. Honestly though you can get a hotel for 40 bucks or a tad more down at the Motel 6 off of Rye Beach road and Rt 6
  18. If you can't afford a hotel, just sleep in the car. As an employee, many a night I stayed in the car..especially when pleasing you people during Coastermania..Stayed up late putting the ride to bed and transferring, wake up early to get her ready for y'all One night even got to the ride early and slept in controls lol
  19. I still hate that conjucation. Especially with the Vandertramp verbs or whatever they were, that's been awhile for me
  20. Plus here's another thing. The person angry up at CF was an individual very very high up in corporate management. So when he gets upset, as the saying goes, **** rolls down hill. We were run over and pushed down to the bottom of the mountain. Just respect it, and it all will go away and be easy
  21. Wow...haven't had French since 2010..picked that up quick... Now..can you turn sentences to futur proche with ease :-)
  22. What is the click from that we hear on Drop Tower. To me it always sounds like it's coming from above where the motors are but I'm not too certain I'm usually looking at stuff around me not up
  23. French is a big deal in Montreal..moreover the entirety of Quebec. I took two full years of French in High School. Not perfectly fluent in any means, but quite enough to get by and read/write. Learn PROPER phrases (vous, nous, etc.) not Il/Elle. Formality will be important honestly. Among friends, ok, but someone you don't know or in a public setting, use the propers. But biggest thing, learn how to ask questions. If you can put together the subject, tense, and conjugation of verbs correctly, you will look knowledgeable, but that knowledge will make it easy to get the answer, especially if spoken in a proper sense, not slang. Plus if you learn to write it, written questions can help too, as people who normally speak French do it VERY quickly. You may need to have them write it, or if you can't get it down correctly they may be able to piece it together. This really had me thinking..With all the advances in great technologies, society, human limits, etc. We still have to learn how to communicate..astonishing
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