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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. I added my two cents in..I don't expect that topic to last long, and I do think this is a troll being honest, we've had issues over there for a few weeks..
  2. Three were used in the making of that post...more than enough
  3. I did it respectfully. Notice the sir at the end...you haven't seen me snarky trust me lol Must I put a winkie after everything I type
  4. Why are we arguing about these stupid things...I turn to this video for all of you people without a snickers in your life to watch
  5. Yes... Remember the twins that sat in there because they got a text from Gus Fail on your part sir
  6. Peer pressure Doooo it I'll trade awesome CP pics, just check out my KIC Photo Contest
  7. ^I like it Maybe they will have a set of creepy twins there
  8. We don't have to take Ohiocolts through haunts.. Just force him in the front of the coldest day of the season on Race for Your Life Never forget "Are you cold?" "yeah" "Good" Hahaha
  9. Speaking of lights, a shop is open down there across from AE it looks like? Hmm
  10. One cannot simply be me..Many have tried, but always ends in failure
  11. Hehe...I know the shortcuts from some of those rides...can get from Iron Dragon to Maggie in about two minutes
  12. It's ganna be Action Zone.. How many ride renames area changes, etc. and people still call them the same thing.. Hell some people thing SOB is still in the park, etc.
  13. Fathers Day @ CP is Gay Day @ CP.. Loads of fun, can't wait for this year
  14. Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaseee Pretty pretty pretty pleeeeeaaasssee
  15. My only question is will The Bat sign be next to the queue keeping the ride in that corner. Or something towards the center of the midway drawing people back there as well.. Hmm...
  16. Three groups of people..Putting it at a minimum without the exact figure raised...Take $13k/$40=325 participants at least.. It was pretty cray cray..but totally fun..got to see a few employees I used to work with
  17. Nothing was stated, but again nothing was asked...so it's still within the realm of possibility.
  18. I have been known to read the Sandusky article in the morning after ERT over at Donut Time
  19. All I'm saying is opening day...just take over full rides on a few rides.. I'm still waiting to take over a full Drop Tower...silent on the way up and down, get off, no words...grab articles and walk away
  20. You're at a CP interview w/ the CP GM and the CP media comm. why ask about GL..especially in the manner she did, it was downright rude. We were going well with questions, then with hers, silence, then only one more question 1300's is back, impressive..if it gets bad enough it has to be condemned..there's a problem
  21. CP was good..only thing is waiting on the calls to go through..lots of changes to park op this year
  22. Be careful with all that in caps..people may think you're yelling
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