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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. The KI cams do go Greyscale evernight. The KI Cam doesn't..watching closely..in case
  2. Figured I posted this elsewhere, probably fitting here, great video. Any of you folks here for this event?
  3. Out of the Huss Frisbees though, we were first..Maxair > Delirium...Skyhawk > Rest Or any other S&S Sansei Screaming Swing for that matter Adjustable trim as he explained, would be like Maggie or Gemini. Basically keep the ride at a consistent speed. Heavy train and running good, it'll slow down to prevent an overspeed. Too slow, it won't engage the trim to let it go through the course as well as it can. For instance, leaving trims on Maggie with wind coming straight off of the lake and post any precip..leave the trims on and it's going to valley, no question there...Practically almost been there. The timer in controls scared the hell out of me on the first train I dispatched after rain, switchhed off trims there and called Maint to change the setting on em, could have had a valley screw that
  4. All this talk of bathrooms made me think of this..and be honest How many of you have been on this site and at the throne?
  5. My knowledge Lets put it this way, never heard it the first few years it was open, but heard it opening year at Cedar Point..
  6. They inspect them but they put this like shrink wrap over everything during the winter. When I was there they usually got to it towards the end of the season. Like my year during refurb they were still working on it even passed opening day.
  7. Some of my spiels still stuck too, it was funny going back two years later and hearing people I know use them or first years. I did a thing guys! Some spiels even hit KI..Girlfriend stole a few, and now her crew used some..buggers
  8. Also sorry to double post, for those obsessed with hand hygene, try to see if you can find something like this. In the hospital we have bottles of this Antiseptic Handrub made by Steris. Very strong and great, it can actually be used as a surgical scrub for hands prior to surgery or patient care. So alot of times you'll use Steris, then scrub in and get gowned up.
  9. Wait they remove their seats from Delirium? I thought they always just shrink wrapped them like other places do. No access to a webcam atm.
  10. No the .1 because you can't remove everything, and yes some do stay and multiply. Everyone has whats called Common Flora. You don't want that removed from you it's actually a natural protector and also helps with everyday life. Without common flora, sorry to TMI and whatnot..but remove the common flora with an antibiotic/laxative/etc from your bowels. Have fun with gastroenteritis, you'll be sitting on the throne for awhile.
  11. Because Terp is like me, ride ops should be focused on nothing but checking restraints and getting the ride in and out safetly. That is always number one (which btw, safety is still #1 over capacity Rollernut..CP just works well at efficiency). I didn't even spiel at the start of the season, I was too busy helping guests, learning this and that, and watching the ride. I actually couldn't multitask it well, it's harder than you think like the first week of work with live guests. After awhile some movements become fine tuned muscle memory and your ride visuals adding just talking became easy. You were able to tell if a seatbelt was buckled and engaged, restraint down far enough, etc. people are very predictable and so is the ride after a few hundred cycles everyday. Like I said, if you can do it, do it, if you can't keep quiet.
  12. Neither fired...this happened off season it was already over..Sara. wasn't coming back so no issue there. Vinnie got to the interview and our area manager kept asking about this..
  13. The Yuengling they serve I agree..their original lager is..meh. They have a black & tan though, spot on for a dark lager. But honestly if I could choose..Great Lakes..support the local stuff guys! Besides could you imagine going through Haunt or the Oktoberfest-ish area with an Octoberfest drink..The seasonals could be fantastic
  14. Vinnie got into trouble, but he didn't partake in anything at all, someone took that image and ran with it. It wasn't even someone on our crew actually..He got hit for other people's work, not even himself.. They got upset because there were a few that were made, nothing crazy or anything, just demotivationals..then it went crazy when the bad eggs and other departments got ahold of it and decided to trash it..Was a shame really, there were some clever ones in there, and very true ones..The 17 hour shift deal..TRUTH Anyways I enjoy a good spiel if the ride op can do it, and I hate to toot my own horn but like how I would do it..If you can't spiel, that's fine, just don't do it. There were people on my crew who knew they weren't good or didn't enjoy it, and they didn't get the mic, all good. When you give it to those people it gets dull, people don't listen to the important bits, and then stupid stuff happens on platform and the good mood amongst employees gets sucked away. Take Beast for instance this year..I say the, you say Beast crap..just disappointing. There was only one good spiel during halloweekend of the guy doing 300, very impressive, it was different and people were paying attention to him. Best spiel this year had to be Zephyr, very engaging and interactive but still to the point, or Eiffel Tower, no bias honestly. They're job is talking, that aside from safety is practically in their job. They stand around on either platform or elevator and spiel/answer questions. But again, if you can do it and it's effective, use the mic and have fun while keeping the guests safe. If you can't, pass the mic to someone who can, or just leave it quiet. Don't try and just cause people to not listen or complain because you are talking. Last note, I agree with AZ. Controls should be watching the ride cycle, the panel, and the platform at all times, nothing else. While a train was moving through the track especially the lift hill or block transitions, my eyes were on it, before dispatches checking pedals and all clears, and an occasional glance at the panel to make sure nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
  15. I've been dying to have some sort of bar inside the parks.. Love to have a bit of gin and do some things in the park..Quite a happy relaxing day.. Can only enjoy Yuengling so many times in a plastic cup..
  16. Chest pain can be categorized into many many things..in no way is the following medical advice in any way, always seek help from your primary care first. If you care not to answer or to shoot a PM I'm more than happy to help explain as best I possibly can, but again I'm only an EMT through the military, seek primary care as they know your history and medical background better than I would Age/Gender Where and when does the pain start Any medical problems Anything to eat or drink before the pain starts Any events leading up to that could have caused pain Anything to cause the pain to be better or worse Scale of 1 to 10, one being next to nothing, 10 being run over twice and slapped, how bad is the pain Does it spread anywhere else or pinpoint, and if it does spread where Any other symptoms How long does this last
  17. Wow...Six Flags keeps digging a hole...bet they won't ever design a ride for them again
  18. I'm thinking speakers and lights similar to the new stuff CP put in two years ago maybe some shading..but def benches and foliage as the project has similarity to Gatekeepers queue
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