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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Thanks, did the best I could sans media And glad I'm not the only one..It does seem Kinzel like the more I think about it..hopefully this won't continue..Also they want all traffic to go to them. Ok..but look here..80 times this page has been viewed by someone. 80! One hour later on a late Saturday night on a drinking holiday weekend and 80 hits to this.. They want everything on their twitter, but people here want this stuff too..Like I said, 45 just from today..Free marketing Cedar Fair..free marketing.
  2. For now hopefully..still waiting, hopefully I hear back soon, or this post gains traction to get my point across. Also to include just saw it. KI Fansite posted park related pics, did not link to park social media..tisk tisk
  3. Give it time, you'll be doing what I did today in the future, I see it already enough. You log more time on these boards than I do probably haha
  4. Just kidding..at least for now..Early April Fools-ish So Banshee was testing today, I figured I'd try to head down and catch a bit of it, I had nothing better to do Saturday mid afternoon. Partying doesn't start till late in the evening on Saint Patty's Day weekend right? So got down to GWL after receiving various warnings/texts from people for no apparent reason. Kings Island can only control Kings Island. Any other public place, you're free to go people. If that stopped you, I'm sorry that you missed out. So getting to the good bit here: I did a few passes on the road to see if other enthusiasts had joined in, sadly noone really showed up. The whole time I was there I only saw one car park in the drop off area, but they had their hazards on and sat there with the car doors open. I didn't care to stop and ask and next time I headed up the street they were already gone. After a bit I sat around at Great Wolf Lodge watching to see if testing would start up again, I missed the first round mid afternoon. Ryan (one of the admins here FYI if you didn't know) decided to head up and do lunch and talk about some things. We even invited you Don, you should have come. Anyways after feeling totally bloated from a huge plate of Viva Tequilla (which btw lot of ok food for the price), we got wind that testing had restarted. We headed across the street to Great Wolf Lodge again and watched it run. Man it's so cool to see the park start waking up again. Plus on top of it, it's weird seeing something you've never actually watched before, do something for the first time. It's almost like how when a dog moves their head to the side because they're inquisitive, it reminds me of that. Anyways, the thing shoots up the lift hill. One train op, this thing climbs the lift hill in about 15-17 seconds. I'm curious about how long the actual lift hill is. I'm sure there's some math kids out there will put in the Pythagorean Theorem..I am not a math kid, I'll let you do the work . Also from GWL, the whole ride is surprisingly quiet. It's not Gatekeeper/B&M sand filled track quiet, however, it's not..Loud. I will say I was a bit distant being on a hill near Great Wolf Lodge, and some bare trees in the way. However, it does have a roar. I honestly assimilate the roar/sounds of the coaster to Gatekeeper. Think of the roar-ish and some sounds it makes going through the track such as the zero g roll, and just amplify that. My biggest thing is I look at it like this. When I was at Cedar Point I could hear Mantis/Raptor anywhere in the park early in the morning for tests. I could have been at a ride in any of the three areas or just there early and you could hear either one or both a great deal away. Like when I was at Monster/Witches wheel, you always could tell when it was going. With Banshee..I really had to listen to hear it on the lift, and it was somewhat subtle except at the bottom of the first drop and all the way through the zero g. The beginning of the ride is quite fast, it flies through it. Honestly we keep referring to everything after the zero g roll as the secold half of the ride. We're kind of mislabeling it. The ride flies through this part, but because everything in the valley is huge, it actually seems like it takes a bit to get through everything down there and back to the brake run.It's odd seeing these trains on it as well by the way. Because they look to have a more agressive slant to the seats when you see them on the lift hill loop of dive loop, it's quite a different sight than what you're used to seeing a B&M invert. Right now I have quite alot of pictures that I took of the ride, most of them being burst images of what I could see of the beginning of the ride. Ryan and his friend took a few others as well. If given the go ahead to upload my media here I will come back and update this or a new post and upload all the pictures and video I have of it going through the dive loop, lift hill loop, and zero g roll. The park has requested (keyword there) that we not upload our own images. However again KI can only control KI, this is not one of those places. Secondly a request is exactly that, a request. I'm wanting to let KIC run itself as it has for years no issues and how several other enthusiast forums choose to work. I don't see any other park PR departments dictating what any enthusiast websites say, do, or regulate what the members post, far from it actually. Another point is that all of this regulation comes down on KIC, noone else was warned or asked to do what we do. For instance take a look at GOCC's page..They didn't link to the parks social media when they posted the picture of Banshee testing today, or the front of the park map, or Banshee station from a few weeks ago. It's pathetic to see KI/CF try and control us like this, it makes no sense to me. Especially considering every enthusiast would go watch and take pictures of a great new ride, including KI's enthusiast PR manager, can't lie there mate. They also need to look at this all as free marketing for the park, and one way honestly to keep everyone informed and to spread the excitement of this great new addition to the park. Lastly the park has shared two pictures of testing, then has a few webcam shots of it test, and right now I have 45 items to share with everyone. So as I wait for an answer this will be a trip report, however I will wait and see... Hope y'all enjoyed the descriptions thus far, and hopefully my gripes make a point and are relatable, give it time and we'll see what happens here on this thread. Hopefully I get to share the pictures and video with all of you here soon, I'd love for you to all see the views we got. The testing was fantastic to watch.
  5. Like I said in my other post, he's trying to mimic Terp, and he fails miserably... My medals are shiny, are you sure? It's only provocative if you rub them counterclockwise.
  6. Yes the one above the station, they knocked ALOT of that out today, they were only halfway up it when I saw it first thing, end of the day, completed. I have pics will post later
  7. Y'all missed out, expect trip report later, still working things out and just got in the door.
  8. Too bad it's not a vibrant paint..you can't tell from afar in bright sunlight. Up close though it'll be nice to not see rust though for sure.
  9. The turnaround is almost done being painted people up there now on it..looks great with the Sun hitting it too
  10. Again Malem..if they wanted it to be secretive they should ha e turned the cams off not taken pics and tweeted about it.. This isn't a deployed flightline with planes on it..it's a rollercoaster running.. This control issue is getting out of hand
  11. Actually no one is here but me right now.. But those that do get pictures if some are on their way post them..then no media day for themselves or KIC
  12. Just drove by a few times and just parked...nothing major no testing.. And whoever beat me to it you're correct this isn't Area 51...what if me and a buddy fly out of the airport by 35..you gamma control the airspace too KI? Last I checked webcams are still up too, want to be secretive, take the cams down and don't talk about testing lol This is ridiculous..people took pics of Gatekeeper testing from the lake pier, no issues.. Again this harp on KIC crap is annoying and need to end. Last I checked this is Kings Island Central..not Cedar Fair Central
  13. No..of people are going to take personal pictures themselves around the park, don't post them here..
  14. Get a room at GWL or ask management to go into the building like I did.. WHo all is headed down I may join up with you folks
  15. Edited, no reason to keep the original message here
  16. I wasn't drunk...only two beers in trying to relax after a very stressful week..way to many admissions and big cases for me and my doc
  17. Yes unfortunately for a few reasons 1. People don't follow the rules at times 2. The whip has been cracked on this forum as of late 3. Admins aren't always around to get in, respond, and correct, so it's easy to whip out the TOS for most. Usually I just ask the person to make the correction and be done.
  18. Banshee Cam updates for stuff happening today: Skyflyer arch being painted (right side as viewed) Drop Tower testing, looked to be e-stop drills judging by speed being raised/lowered while still attached to lift mechanism. Still alot of movement mid afternoon Work continues on the circle shade/plant/relax area in the middle of Action Zone Stuff may have happened between about 1640-1720..webcam wasn't capturing on DavidW's website. Not too much progress today but it was quite windy, biggest thing was Drop Tower, that was cool to see it get up and move
  19. You should drive by Cedar Point..it's so cooky.nothing but a bunch of strobe lights in complete darkness
  20. Works just fine on mobile with tapatalk..dunno why its an issue Also BB1...it may be that I'm exhausted, or worn out, or that the cable on base is knocked out, or that I'm working my ass off, or that I've had a few beers to relax tonight, or that I really just don't care right now.. But there needs to be a time when you learn to just shut up Could have said that a lot worse, trust me..but seriously..you have no clue what a pun is, you contradict yourself, and you seem to mimic Terp..just stop Sorry to sound really forceful trust me it could be a lot worse.. But just.. Stop..
  21. That sucks..try again, be careful it may be provocative to you, he has a lot of skin exposed on his face and isnt covered up
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