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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Why do people want winterfest so much...If I can't ride coasters & stuff, there's not much a point in going for lights & stuff. I'll sit back and enjoy my own cup of hot chocolate watching lights in the snow
  2. He is not a Mr...in no way is he a gentleman deserving of that title
  3. Son is dead Daughter went through several personality changes They keep beating him up and replacing stuff on him every year People throw hair ties on his back Life is hard man
  4. Thanks again for the help if I did this all in my own it would have been stressful as all hell Toast to you...wait...I need a drink for that...brb my drink before bed awaits... Anyways good trip report. I miss it already, it's only been a week. I'd go back in a heartbeat if I could
  5. What I find funny...a kid and a guy who doesnt drink win shot glasses
  6. Harlem shake is kind of like twerking It is a dance that when a female comes of mating age, she performs this ritual dance in order to entice a mate to provide food and shelter
  7. ^Yup.. Also those sensors in the later portion of the ride can be used to measure speed, ect. as well, theres alot of important variables a few sensors can monitor at various points of the ride. I will say what ride will the train drop off the lift into the circuit with another train not cleared of the first safety brake (main brake in KI speak). Thats two trains in the same block. I could see it passing and possibly trimmed first brakk, then stopped in the second brake to clear the block to let the next train advance on the lift and drop off into the circuit. Like I said, this is very odd to see a B&M invert of this size with no MCBR, I'll be anxious to see how operations work on this ride and how crews handle everything that's new about this at KI.
  8. I have alot simpler of a way to do this Pull the video up in full screen, open a bag of powdered sugar and shake it slowly above the screen as you ride Happy Holidays
  9. Park open tomorrow...just for me please :-) I'd like to get some pictures in haha
  10. Eh...beast is nice until you know what it's from and what scene the during the show haha
  11. Because he's the pr person and that's what they do...say things :-P Let me win once lol
  12. Twitter does those short videos like vine I'd be more inclined to believe that. There's always a chance but I'm thinking the first is the issue
  13. I wish instead of a tiny little 11 second video we would have a nice full length video to enjoy. One more reason to not use Twitter
  14. Read stuff, sometimes the best details are in the text
  15. Look @ KI twitter, Don answered Lindz personally
  16. I prefer no audio personally during the course of a ride, I enjoy the sounds of wind, anti rollbacks, people, and the park. The only coaster I've enjoyed was the lift hill for X2 was a somewhat nice addition. The music post ride was, eh, but acceptable.
  17. Crews are really ganna have to be top notch to keep trains spaced right to hit interval and not stack...
  18. There's only a few other small updates park wide I'd enjoy but I know will never happen, or at least in the next five years
  19. Wow... Nothing similar between either manufacturer, ride layout, style of ride, ect... Sometimes enthusiasts give me giant facepalms..
  20. Maverick had music I believe made for it... That is Millie's theme song, it's the only song played in station, same as TTD, Twister, ect. To me if theres a dedicated song they put the ride with, that's it's theme song. Written for the ride or not. Same thing as True Blood's "Bad Things" song. It wasn't written for the show, but it is it's theme song. Just enjoy the free pretty music.
  21. Can't edit my post for some reason on here but I guess that works with who posted above me She got the answer actually directly from KI's twitter apparently, nifty.. Still don't use the twitter thing to tweet and stuff, I don't get it, nor do I like the hashtag, link, @ stuff. It's all odd
  22. According to Lindz and I guess whoever she asked or where she looked 2005 was the last year the organ was used
  23. Yeah Lindz says it's been a CD player hooked up to the soundsystem. Also apparently it's rerigged to play the cornstalkers soundtrack every year Also this was her responses and I quote.. I just squealed. Now they just need to replace the mirrors and the light bulbs, repaint the inside of the ride, paint the horses, replace the gems...
  24. For what I know the carousel music the past few years isn't from the carousel...I showed it to Lindz via message may have more info later...
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