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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Is there someone mixed in Jr For Birdy's posts...I'm confused
  2. Hmm...how fast is shipping on this merch..
  3. That would be a webcam shot of Delerium with Drop Zone, a bit of Skyflyer, and Banshee's dive loop You're welcome
  4. The potential meetups threads are non existent... And trip reports are scarce
  5. I also don't know if this paint has a clear coat after it as well too.. Again curious to know all of this and what's going on...give us Point...er...KI Casts? Watch & learns? Bring a friend to work day? I don't know...
  6. See this is the stuff that I would love to see on videos and stuff like CP has their blog/pointcasts. I'm surprised we don't really have stuff like that for KI yet, it seems to work well w/ CP
  7. That's the only thing that slightly irks me...Brand new coasters, nice smooth paint looks great. Look @ millie's paint..just didn't turn out perfectly
  8. You only type in the letter "K" in the address bar and the new content link pops up first..
  9. Someone may have The world is a big place And full of mischief
  10. See Raptor for instance, compressors/ect. were housed under the station.
  11. Under the station most of the time will contain the air compressors, PLC, maint, ect. Assuming the similarity with recent B&M's I don't think a full usage under the station will be used, some will be off limits. Some could be used like Gatekeeper for instance, having a queue and gift shop. But right now I assume it'll all be walled off to allow for hidden neccesary items.
  12. Look at that zero g roll behind it..that's pretty awesome
  13. Also I hope you were able to grab some shots of the USAF memorial Glad it looks like you had fun though, and hopefully learned alot during your time there
  14. I'd say probably some dirt from the downpour followed the water and ended there kind of like silt in a river. On another topic thanks for the Banshee capture website I'll have to use it at home, it is still blocked on AFNET But looking at the pics from my phone I'm with the weather/sun deal. Also I will say heading into winter sucks...all of those big trees that bloomed perfectly in the winter, almost all empty.. Boo
  15. Pictures, I do not have access to the KI webcam on AFNET
  16. Lol the cruise thing, I did that my 8th grade year too...Lots of...sucking face on the very top deck xD Also it was awesome to go up and see all the planes coming in down the Potomac
  17. No there are other fabulous names for said activities And that requires more room than burrito sheets More like Chipotle Bowl
  18. Lol he just got put down by Don, and then he changes the subject to Slingshot... Classic...just classic
  19. When I burrito myself in the sheets I consider it to be a bat cave...does that count The night is mine
  20. Why do people say "oh it's ganna be boring" or "forceless" ect.. Just sit down, secure your harness, and have fun... It's not always about forces, inversions, speed, ect. Just ENJOY IT...Make memories Thrills connect
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