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Everything posted by MarkB.

  1. Call me a tightwad but the price of parking is always a part of my thoughts on where to go. I would like to have a season pass option that has parking included in the initial price. ( I have a platinum pass because $15 to park 10+ times a year at Ki and CP adds up.) (One reason I decided against going to SFGA in July was the $22 parking.---I went to KI for 1 day and CP for parts 3 instead)I looked up parking at the Kentucky State Fairgrounds website and at $8 a trip and $100 for a year parking pass kinda kills the value of a $59.95 season pass. I don't mind spending money when warranted but I don't like getting gouged for parking because a park can and knows 99% of the general public will pay it. Later, Mark
  2. "I also figured out why the trains are so close to the ground! Instead of a splashdown, the train will shoot dirt 50 ft into the air as it skims the surface." So we had better ride this early before all the dirt is gone from the skimdown or will it be replaced occasionally? later, Mark
  3. How about this name for the third crane---Claire--- She is there for the rise of Banshee and when she is no more---Banshee remains. Later, Mark
  4. Question---Has there ever been a suspended coaster (swinging cars) that has had "open" seats where your feet dangle freely like on Invertigo and Banshee? I am guessing that would be rough on some knee joints. Thanks, Mark
  5. Not sure really where to put this so here goes--- I am a little OCD so please bear with me---I am a 2013 platinum pass holder and am staying at a nearby hotel on Sat. night. Now being OCD I plan on leaving KI midday and checking into my hotel (and possibly taking a swim,I did this at CP in July without the hand stamp)With the haunt rule on no reentry after 7pm---does this apply to those with passes? Or will I have to definitely be back by 7pm. Or will I have to use my 1 free entry for renewing my pass to get in after 7pm ( I like the idea of starting part of my trip with a RAOK of giving my unneeded entry to someone so they can use that money elsewhere.) So I just need to know how to play this. Ahh the joys of an OCD mind. Thanks, Mark
  6. MarkB.


    I don't mean to be insensitive to the mobility challenge but---What difference does a 100 yard walk to and from you car from the front gate make on a day at the park where you walk 2 to 5 miles or more inside? (Like the people at the mall that drive around for 20 minutes looking for the closest possible spot when they will walk 20 times that distance inside.) Now if it is for nostalgia that is different---We all have things from our past that we "must do" for our trips to be complete. (I personally have to hit ET and the train in order for my trip to be complete) For some the tram was the official start and end of their day at KI. Later, Mark
  7. Hello guys and gals. This is my first post as I just registered earlier today. Although I have been "lurking' for a while now. I have enjoyed the many thoughts on this subject as well as many others. I am a former season pass holder (1996 or so) who likes the thrill of riding as well as the thrill of the build up in the line waiting as well as the speculation on a new ride. The destruction of SOB and thoughts of a new coaster brought me back to KI last September for the first time in 4-5 years. Here is my speculation/idea/hope of what is going into the former SOB area---A big steel coaster that hugs the terrain and goes through a valley or two as well as partially goes into a wooded area kinda like a 21st century version of a certain coaster on the other end of the park and it's name will be---Steel Beast. Now, I may be way off base with my idea due to various reasons---Banshee trademarked, KI's supposed distancing themselves from anything with a possibility of reminding someone of SOB's debacle etc... But that is all well and good and part of the fun of a new ride/attraction brings,so speculate on I wll pop in occasionally with my 2 cents but mostly will enjoy the speculation. Later, Mark
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