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Everything posted by GamesAndRides

  1. Thhats not the 2013 map. It Still has Mysteria and Massacre Manor on it and No Bored to death, Delta Delta Die Or Backwards Bayou. Those are on the map. The 2 new houses are in the same spots as Mysteria and Massacre Manor. Ah sorry bout that. But where will Bored to death and Delta Delta die be? Which maze? Ive heard Borad the death is oing into where MM was and Delta Delta die is oing where Mysteria? Mysteria--> Board To Death Massacre Manor--> Delta Delta Die Thanks! I Feel stupid now
  2. Thhats not the 2013 map. It Still has Mysteria and Massacre Manor on it and No Bored to death, Delta Delta Die Or Backwards Bayou. Those are on the map. The 2 new houses are in the same spots as Mysteria and Massacre Manor. Ah sorry bout that. But where will Bored to death and Delta Delta die be? Which maze? Ive heard Borad the death is oing into where MM was and Delta Delta die is oing where Mysteria?
  3. Thhats not the 2013 map. It Still has Mysteria and Massacre Manor on it and No Bored to death, Delta Delta Die Or Backwards Bayou.
  4. You need to have an admins approval to post links on KIC I think.
  5. I dont think he is. On his profile, It says nothing about being an admin. :/
  6. Banshee First Track in Place ^-^. But It does look like Its part of the transfer track though.
  7. I really cant Belive that there bringing Surf Dog Style ride To Cedar Point. Im looking forward to riding the Lake Erie Eagles Because Kings Island Flying Eagles Was one of my fav rides. I do think this Midway Did need Improvments. The Light strands look Cool And i bet they got the idea from the Broadwalk at KBF. I Think frog hopper will clear up the midway and maybe in later years and a new attraction there. And Hotel Breakers, This im looking forward to. It will "spice" Up the Beach area. Looking Forward To 2014!
  8. I love the Name "The Beast`s Mother in law
  9. I will be trying to go. Just hope I have time too :/
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