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Everything posted by GamesAndRides

  1. My guess is right now, All there doing is working on the station.
  2. Did anyone hear Don say that they will be Removing those Bathrooms near The Bat?
  3. I ment for this topic to be a "If you owned Kings Island and MUST had to take a ride out, What would you do" Not "What ride would you like to see gone?" Topic
  4. Id love for a Mack Water ride... Only can dream about it
  5. With Diamondback, They worked in the snow.
  6. I remember back in like 2010ish That they did a Thing called "Beach On Ice" With like ice skating, Sled Riding in a old Water slide And Back when it first started they had Paddle Boats in the Lazy River. Are they planing to do anything like this with the New Owners? What do you guys think.
  7. The water park just got re-done in 2012...
  8. I think he did Half And Clifford Jr did half of the Zero-g Roll
  9. A safe bet is that they don't need a crane that big to finish, and the one they brought in recently has a cheaper rental rate than clifford. So really Clifford was just for the lift?
  10. Getting back on topic... Are they removing Cliford Becuase he cant go into the Valley?
  11. Little off topic but were on the 100th page!!! Woot
  12. I know this may sound stupid, But Where the Ride Sign is going to be, Is it going to be a Fountain or just a normal sign?
  13. I think some people have mentioned this is the past, But id love to see some projection screens with like a Banshee Following the track? Just a thought.
  14. Id have to say The Beast, I Thnik The Beast was one of the 1st Record Breakers At KI. (I think Vortex was first, Not sure though)
  15. Guys, We could also just see some new trees of flowers...
  16. Just saw this image On a Winterfest FB Page (Credit to the person who posted this!)
  17. May i ask where this is? I kinda want to drive past it EDIT: 50th Post
  18. The "Freefall" Ride is called Drop Tower
  19. Seymour....work in Columbus. Lol, it's a small world on the interwebz. I live on the other side of Columbus in Brown County. Way small world indeed You call that a small world. I saw one of my friends from school here in cincy, In Walt Disney World. GamesAndRide, No "Its a small world" pun intended.
  20. KI still has the fire scene before the tunnel. Perhaps you're confusing it with KD? As far as what I would remove... NOTHING! I believe that there are only two acceptable reasons to remove an attraction: 1. If it is unsafe. 2. If the cost to maintain and operate it outweighs the benefits of keeping it open. Sorry, I meant in the opening Season (Add a few More) The "Gunshots" Would triggger Water Effects that spary waterto the train. I also miss the doors GamesAndRides, Missing The Old Itailian Job Stunt Coaster.
  21. This is "Off topic" But Since Were Talking About the Cedar Fair Parks FB Page They Said That at KBF, They think a Skycoaster Will Replace WindSeeker. I dont even think theres that much room for a Skycoaster!
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