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Son of King Demon Bat

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Everything posted by Son of King Demon Bat

  1. Awe it's that time of year.......Let the speculation begin! My guess floorless conversion or a new entrance to the water park.
  2. What park will be next to purchase a B&M launch Wing Coaster? HMmmmm?
  3. I wish my father was still alive....He always wanted to stay at Breakers. It would have been great to have a family trip this summer.
  4. GURL Who ****ed in S&S's cornflakes! How embarrassing! Now S&S Sensei is the laughing stock of IAPPA, Just another example of Intamin under cutting their competitors. Ouch!
  5. I'm so excited to have purchased the Presidents' Day buy one get on free tickets, This April will be my first time to the park!
  6. Ed please purchase Geauga Lake and Six Flags New Orleans! Can Lighting strike three times?
  7. Just reopen the park already! The ill fated decision was a Kinzel decision! Enough said! Each CF would have to relocate just one coaster to GL! It could be done......
  8. I hope this conversion of Mantis to Rougarou is so popular. Cedar Point will tap B&M to change the trains on Magnum too. Like B&M did with Morgan's Steel Dragon 2000. http://vhcoasters.com/?attachment_id=1099
  9. I wish Matt and Co. would take a fresh new look at the property.The park closing was a Kinzel decision. I could see a modest sized family park along side or on the former Sea World side.
  10. If no one comes forward to purchase SkyRider.Cedar Fair should consider relocating it to another one of their properties.
  11. Spoiler Alert! Coaster.net reports the ride names for Six Flags 2015: Over Georgia - Jokers Chaos White Water - Dive Bomber Over Texas - Battle for Metropolis Great America - 40 Seasons Great Escape - Buccaneer Beach Magic Mountain - Twisted Colossus New England - Wicked Cyclone Great Adventure - Looping Dragon Fiesta Texas - Batman the Ride Discovery Kingdom - Dare Devil Chaos St. Louis - Battle for Metropolis America - Bourbon Street Fireball La Ronde - Maison Rouge Mexico - Sky Screamer
  12. I think Cedar Fair should really revisit the idea of Geauga.Lake. It was a series of bad corperate decisions Busch,Six Flags and Cedar Fair that put this park into decline.
  13. I rode Insane at Grona Lund in Sweden and it's amazing It's like riding the Zipper and an extreme wild mouse. The ride is very disorienting and never the same twice! It very re rideable. You really feel like your going to fall out of it! it's SCARY FUN!
  14. http://m.news.hjnews.com/allaccess/logan-company-s-spinning-roller-coaster-promises-unique-experience/article_252562fa-013f-11e4-85f2-0019bb2963f4.html?mode=jqm_gal#&ui-state=dialog See above!
  15. The. Numbers are in Cedar Fair is down 104,000 in attendance (water main break @ CP closed for a weekend in June and flood at ValleyFair) compared to Six Flags down around a million less visits compared to 2013!
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