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Everything posted by LongLiveTheSmurfRide

  1. Doesn't the MCBR on Vortex slow it down because it would be too uncomfortable flying through the corkscrews? I thought that's what they do with Corkscrew at CP as well.
  2. Wow, that is an awesome word. While in high school, my friends and I had fun trying to sneak by the photo people without them seeing us. We'd hum the James Bond theme while doing so. I'm sure we looked so freakin' cool. Now, I usually just get the picture taken with my fiance and we go on our way.
  3. Nope, I could not do that. Waaaaaay too claustrophobic to be crawling around there and up through holes and whatnot.
  4. Wow, that carousel looked pretty awesome. They don't actually have the rings you grab on that one, do they?
  5. What are those rail-looking structures right behind the I-Street buildings and in front of the Music Hall?
  6. Edit: I'll take down my burning bush picture then. Don't mean to offend.
  7. There are like 5 people in line for DB. Man, I wish I wasn't working.
  8. Dodgem isn't a flat either. It's a "crash simulator". It's like an educational ride for defensive driving.
  9. I don't see how you can't feel the free fall sensation. You're freefalling. That's about how it feels. Demon Drop does the same thing, just shorter and with a more uncomfortable ending. But alas, I vote Delirium.
  10. ^ It's hard to give a straight answer about a policy decision and what a company is doing to fix it when you're just a guest. Everyone on here could give their guesses at how many line jumpers there are, but that's like asking a cop how many drug deals they think go on at any given time on any given day in a city. You can't know. I believe line jumping is most likely happening constantly throughout the park in some shape or form and the fact that so many people of us few on this site have witnessed multiple occurrences of it help strengthen my belief. I personally haven't noticed it on my 2 visits this year, but I'm just 1 person who was in a certain place where there either wasn't a line jumper, or I didn't see it. If any action is to happen on this issue, it will be for everyone who witnesses line jumping that goes unchallenged by park workers to contact upper management at KI or CF in whatever way is most affective. *Edit* I notice that this same argument is going on in another thread as well with many of the same participants.
  11. Hmm, a gap. Sir, we must not allow a Diamondback gap!!!
  12. It amazes me how short the line gets throughout the day. You don't see that drastic change with other awesome signature coasters like MF.
  13. The people who made those shirts probably line jump. So they'll jump in front of you AND have your $20. But you'll still have a t-shirt.
  14. Wow, they were really on the line jumpers up north. From what I'm hearing from KI trips (haven't seen it myself yet) line jumpers are running wild like mad dogs. Glad you had a good time.
  15. Brilliant idea. Remember, people who live in glass houses..... ...should change in the basement.
  16. ^ After you posted that; in came the bulls.
  17. Hey hey hey....he's married! I haven't been there since the 90's myself. All they had was Blazing Fury, the railroad coaster with the drop and tunnel at the end which was neat (I believe it is gone) and the cool Sidewinder water slide.
  18. I never liked the Cobra (Delirium is much more fun IMO) so I voted recaR. Never rode the others except for Scooby's and that wasn't a good experience.
  19. I'm a huge pinball lover. I remember when Cedar Point had an arcade (not the main one) with lots of vintage pinball machines. And though they still have some at the main arcade, there aren't nearly as many as there used to be there. I'm also happy with a good air hockey table.
  20. He is right...but one location may have one game and another place another game. It would be cool to have a whole retro type arcade with many games so you don't have to drive to other ends of they city to find the certain game you want. There is such a place, but you have to go to New Hampshire to get to it. Check out this place: http://www.funspotnh.com/ It was featured in the hit documentary King of Kong.
  21. Terpy's absolutely right. When at Holiday World you're paying major league prices to get into a minor league park. Parking, lower food prices, "free" drinks, etc are all things you pay for right off The Bat. Maybe I'm crazy, but seriously? It's $36 to get into Holiday World. That's $6 more than getting into Soak City at Cedar Point. Soak City! That's $14 more than going to The Beach (with their online price). Holiday World's water park alone is almost worth the $36 because it's on par if not better than both of those. Throw in 3 of the best wooden roller coasters in the world, a slew of flat and water rides, free soda (and other drinks), free parking, free sunscreen, and all the charm in the world. I would say it's a blessing that it's ONLY $36. At that price I don't feel like I'm paying for the "free" stuff more than for a good time. If you're going there just for the dry rides and not the water park as well, sure, $36 might seem steep. But then you shouldn't be thinking "Oh, I'm getting ripped by paying for everyone's soda and parking" you should feel like you're ripping yourself off because half the park is a water park.
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