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Everything posted by LongLiveTheSmurfRide

  1. I've been working on getting into 5K shape. If I get to where I feel like I'll be able to run it by August, I'll definitely be doing it.
  2. Are you sure those aren't the footers for the new coaster for 2010? I think it's going to be an identical DB so that they can race each other. hehehe...
  3. The event: Kings Island The Venue: Uhhh....Kings Island Date: Sunday May 3rd The opponents: David (Smurfy) Laura (The Fiance) Scott (The Friend) VS. Diamondback The Beast The Crypt Round 1: Got to the park at 9:30, just in time to get some DB ERT. We waited around 10 minutes outside of the entrance because they said they had a late start to the morning so they were still getting early testing done. Once we got in line, it was about a 5 minute wait. Rode in row 10 and it was glorious. Noticed a slight vibration at the bottom of a lot of the hills, but it wasn't bad; but Laura also commented on it. Round 2: Ran around and got back in line. About another 5 minute wait. This time Laura and I waited a few extra trains for the front seats since we hadn't done them before. Love the front seat. You still get the air going up the hills, but then you get that jolt forward from the back cars pushing you. Sublime. Didn't notice any vibrations this time. Round 3: Ran back around and this time it was probably a 3 minute wait. Just as we were getting in line we noticed it was 10:00 and sure enough, a bunch of peeps come running up, so we just got in for 1 more ERT ride. We were put back in row 10. Must have been a different train or something because this time I felt some extreme vibration at the bottom of the hills. It was almost uncomfortable, but was still smoother than most rides in the park. That has me a little concerned since it's only a few weeks into the season and we're already noticing some shaking. Oh well, could have been a bad ride is all. And a bad ride on a B&M is better than most good rides on other coasters. We were all doing good at this point, but Laura said that last ride was making her a little nauseous and the shaking gave her a little head ache, so this would be her last ride on DB for now. Round 4: Since there was actually a line for DB (though a short one), we decided to go get our first ride on The Beast for the season. It was a total walk-on. Laura and I got in a middle-row seat and Scott got in the middle row on the car behind ours. There had to only be 7 people total on our train. Ugh, trims. Trims everywhere. On the hills, in the shed, going into the helix. Also, I noticed a familiar squeek in all of the turns that I've only really noticed before on CP's Mean Streak which was pretty annoying. The final helix was as smooth as I've ever remembered feeling. Very nice. Can't wait to ride at night. Laura felt a little better at this point. Round 5: I was ready to head toward Coney Mall, but Scott and Laura wanted to ride The Crypt since it was broken down when we tried to ride on Opening Day. We walked right onto the ride. It had a great and intense program going.....aaaaaand.... KNOCKOUT After it stopped Laura almost threw up in her seat. We made it outside and she stood by the trash in the exit path, waiting for a reversal that never came. But you could tell in her pale face that she was done. So we, ever so slowly, made our way out of the park; defeated by motion sickness. Overall though, it was a great time. The park was very empty and had we stayed a while longer, I'm sure we could have hit most of the coasters and big rides before noon. Oh well, until next time....have a smurfy day!
  4. Looking at the webcam, I noticed that the umbrellas at the tables by Diamondback match the color of the track. Just last week weren't they multicolored? For some reason I don't remember them being the color they are now.
  5. You guys know what's going on with that crane by the queue?
  6. I'd rather they eat themselves than eat other parents. For goodness sake, it's a buffet, they HAVE to be able to find something more to eat than other people!
  7. I think KI puts out info on when they're hiring for the Haunt.
  8. To the upper right of the dude in the blond hair, green shirt and sunglasses?
  9. Yeah! Smurfs! And yeah, Trevor, I remember the concession at The Beast line. That was always a nice touch. Right now, I miss Diamondback. I want to go back and ride it.
  10. When in line for DB on Saturday morning, we ran into someone's gum on the steps leading up to the station (someone had stuck it on the wood on down near the ground). My fiance kicked it off and to the ground. Really, the trash can is right at the top of the stairs. I mean, the ride was only open for about and hour and 40 minutes by that time and someone had already started with the gum. It was ironic because just a couple minutes before that when we were in the queue where you go under the lift; there are those wooden walls there and I jokingly made a comment that we should admire these walls now because in a few months they were going to be covered in gun and lord knows what else.
  11. It's never too early to think about anything.
  12. Yes, buy a season pass when I only need one day at the park... You need more than one day at the park or you'll get worms.
  13. I agree. The more events like this the better. I like that they're making KI more than just a park for rides, but a venue for events.
  14. How long do you guys think the temporary queue will stay up?
  15. Why are they called "action sports"? Are they supposed to have more action than football, or soccer or Nascar?
  16. Woohoo, the cam is back up. I was going through withdraws not being able to see anything. Got a new view of the exit and entrance close up, I guess so we can see people trying out the test seat. Edit: Seems like we're getting a longer cam cycle.
  17. Great report. I may need to put one of your panoramic pics on my PC background at work if you don't mind.
  18. lol, thanks, I thought they were pretty sweet. I may have to try and win one this season.
  19. lol, your friend sitting next to you looks freaked out.
  20. Thanks Ashers. Yeah, I guess we'll find out from those that go this Friday and Saturday if anything has changed. It was a real mess trying to figure out which crowd was the right crowd to be in for a while there. It was kind of funny while in that crowd by Scooby's; we were packed in like sardines, but then every once in a while there would be this big rush of people moving forward. I was like, "How did this space just open up? Did someone just collapse up there or something? Are we trampling people?!"
  21. 1. Kings Island (Since I go there the most) 2. Disney World (Since it's where I want to go the most) 3. Cedar Point 4. Holiday World 5. Disneyland
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